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Thread: Watching Gold Rush, yah, you guessed it, my government is a bunch of losers.

  1. #41
    Administrator timshufflin's Avatar
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    We have how many gun laws on the books folks? Anyone have a guess how many gun laws are on the books? I'll guess at least two hundred, just a guess. How many gun laws do we need? My answer is 0.

    You aren't allowed to kill anyone unless it's self defense right? That means there's already a law covering all of gun control issues. Please, just don't kill anyone, I'm a genius.

    On the Schnabels, how many mining regulations are on the books? I'll guess a thousand or so. How many do we need? I say 0. Don't kill your workers is already on the books isn't it? I'm a flipping genius aren't I?

    Regulations are there to anticipate the possible injury of someone. You know, kind of like drunk driving laws but the difference is that driving on the road is a public area and not private propertly. Regulations are a tool of the WEAK, the COWARDLY, and the PATHETIC.

    If you kill your workers, you will be sued and you could go to jail. There is no regulation needed to enforce the law of "thou shalt not kill". The law is already on the books. Until a freedom is infringed upon, there is nobody infringed upon. Regulations seek to anticipate and create jobs for the dumbest among us.

  2. #42
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    The assumptions of the Left are that everyone needs to be protected from themselves and the actions of others. They assume that they can do this by writing a law or a regulation and that will immediately stop unsafe behavior. Their assumptions are ridiculous, at best. The only reasons for unelected, appointed agencies to write regulations is to exert their power on others, justify their existance and collect more money in the form of illegal fines to grow their agency.

  3. #43
    Founding Member seaninmich's Avatar
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    we have absolutely no shortage of people. who gives a shit is a few hundred, hell - a few hundred THOUSAND - of the stupidest ones die?? Why do I give shit? stupid squirrels get run over crossing the road. stupid people get killed working around shitty mining equipment. These deaths are absolutely essential to maintaining a strong and healthy population.

  4. #44
    Administrator timshufflin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by seaninmich View Post
    we have absolutely no shortage of people. who gives a shit is a few hundred, hell - a few hundred THOUSAND - of the stupidest ones die?? Why do I give shit? stupid squirrels get run over crossing the road. stupid people get killed working around shitty mining equipment. These deaths are absolutely essential to maintaining a strong and healthy population.

    ...and it IS a free man's right to die because of his own stupidity. Some think being free means just the freedom to succeed, it does not. Being free also means being free to lose or die.

    Just a few people who should have been allowed to be free but instead were "helped" and the monies to "help" them were stolen from the public trust. I list my opinion of these people's grasp of the situation and my reply;

    - Mississippi River flood "victims"- We have had our family's home on this here flood plane for over a hundred years and survived 7 floods, we'll survive this one.
    *Reply No kidding, I mean really? Your family is so stupid that you were flooded out 7 times and you kept rebuilding your home in the same stupid spot? I don't know who is more stupid, you or the government dumb @ss who keeps stealing my money to rebuild your imbred home. This all being said, I am all for this moron being free to build his home back in the same spot but WITHOUT the use of MY money.

    - california earthquake "victims"- This is the first big quake since the last big quake 12 years ago and, God willing, we'll survive the next big quake too.
    *Reply I'm no genius, well compared to a FEMA employee or the last 20 presidents I may be, but I'll guess there will be another earthquake in california. I'll guarantee it! If people want to bet on living in california they are free to do so but quit forcing ME to double down on their bets! These people get to live in some of the best weather in the world and God knows they brag about how awesome it is to live there because of it. Well news flash, I live in a winter wonderland and have to heat the heck out of my place in the winter and cool the heck out of it in the summer, perhaps I should send my heating bill to california. I however, live here because I don't like worrying about earthquakes and hurricanes and I also like to ice fish and snowmobile. Still though, the president will take away the only thing I have going for me, not having earthquakes, so that I can pay for the people of california to HAVE IT ALL!

    - louisiana katrina "victims"- They told us it was coming but we didn't believe them and we lost it all. They also would not provide us with a free ride to get out, how dare "they".
    *Reply This is, their own words, "the sportsman's paradise"! They love the weather and they love the ocean. I don't have that weather and I don't have the ocean. Guess what though? I get to pay for hurricane bills, yippeeeeee! If you can't stand the heat, get the heck out of the kitchen! If you live in FL, LA, or any of the surrounding states, you WILL have a hurricane and it will be coming soon. If you can't handle this FACT, please move to Michigan. We have an abundance of housing because all our people moved to your states for jobs.

    -general motors and chrysler "victims"- We couldn't make a profit and we're about to belly up. The UAW is sucking the teat hard and there's just nothing left. Even though we can't afford to pay the UAW, what they force us to pay them, we keep paying them because that's what we do. Please help.
    *Reply A Full size diesel pickup now costs as much as an entry level home in my area. Ford, and the other auto companies, has worked hard to CAPTURE market share and that means BEATING gm and chrysler. As a reward for a job well done we bail out the pathetic companies of gm and chrysler and hope that they catch Ford and the others so that we can bail them out too? The uaw union donates over 98% of it's campaign funds to the democratic party to keep perpetuating these bail outs. What the uaw could not get in the 1980's, a lifetime job guarantee from the big three, they have now accomplished politically through the dumbest among us, the US house and the executive branch, HOORAAH!

    I don't even know what point I'm trying to make here, except to say my country is a FAR cry from the one envisioned by the founders. They wanted free men and instead they got a nation of sissy's.

    Here's a book to better convey a philosophy that many of us hold dearly, we are free men not by our government but by our inalienable rights endowed by the creator.

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