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Thread: Marines peeing thread closed

  1. #1
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    Marines peeing thread closed

    I was pm'd this morning about the Marines peeing on the insurgents thread being removed. There was nothing but support and no fighting. Funny how the CMP forums is becoming the Disappearing act of the century. Rick B

    "edited as I found it but its locked"

    Does this not belong in that section??
    Last edited by Rick B; 01-29-2012 at 11:03 AM.

  2. #2
    Administrator timshufflin's Avatar
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    So long as p40 would allow those who would criticize the Marines, I see no reason to delete it. He may not have been prepared to allow criticism.

    When you train a person to completely dehumanize someone so that they can murder the opposition, how can one expect for the "trainee" to turn off those conditionings once the murder is complete? I would think that we would think our jobs are done when we can have our youth urinate on the dead corpses of murdered opposition. To be able to repeat murder after murder after murder, you wouldn't care anything about the corpse of your enemy.

    This crap about respecting the dead is a women's notion. These kids are being trained to kill, I don't think they give two sh!ts in hell about what happens after the killing is done. This is simple psych 101.

  3. #3
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    The only thing I see wrong with what they did was to be dumb enough to video tape it... MUCH worse happened before we tried to make war "civilized".

  4. #4
    Founding Member canes7's Avatar
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    Screw 'em! I say piss all over 'em and put the video on Al Jazerra. The idea behind all this is that if the video/picture gets out, as it did here and with Abu Grahib, is that you'll incense the enemy. I say do it, this is war! Piss 'em off and get 'em to show themselves. Once they do put a bacon fat covered bullet in their heads.

  5. #5
    Patriot paid4c4's Avatar
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    I agree with Tim completely on this issue. We train our military to kill and since this is war I don't think of it as murder. War brings along a special set of circumstances and outcomes. While civilized people don't normally urinate on corpses we must remember war isn't civilized it's hell, it's barbaric and if urinating on a killed enemy corps builds morale so be it. We as a country need to learn we can't win a war by prosecuting our own soldiers. I would have buried Osama with a ham sandwich after I pissed on him. Does this mean we're lowering ourselves to the enemies level, no it means we're out to win and win completely. Let's support our troops and pray they find Godspeed while they're in Harms Way that's this old guy's opinion.

    Pappy's Rule #1-The truth is the truth and sometimes it hurts, but you never have to apologize for it.
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  6. #6
    Senior Member BIG TWIN's Avatar
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    The enemy can drag our dead servicemen through the street and mutilate their bodies to the point of being unrecognizable but panties get in a bunch for peeing on dead taliban? I missed the memo where it said fighting is fair. If you killed some of my boys I'd been with for years you better hope someone else gets to you first.
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  7. #7
    Patriot Schriv's Avatar
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    The whole pissing on dead taliban goes way past just showing well earned comtempt for an enemy that deserved no quarter. I fully understand that part.
    BUT, in Islam, urine is right up there with pork for being religiously 'unclean'. It's ok to bugger each other, bugger little boys and goats, rape and mutilate women but being unclean at the time of death or before burial means no trip to meet Allah. Go straight to hell, do not pass go.
    While I personally have no issue with that myself, even the most moderate of muslims took that as a deliberate act to keep this guy from enjoying the afterlife. Again, I have no problem with that. Burn in hell mufugger, and have a nice day.
    BUT, to the entire Islamic population around the world, it looks like the U.S. not only hates them in life, we'll condemn them to hell after we kill them. The more illiterate of them have no idea of the context of what occured or the why of it. They just see a group of infidels dooming a homie to eternity in the hot zone. Out of ignorance of local culture, those young Marines did more recruiting for the other side with that one act than OBL could do with all his money. The better educated muslims knew exactly what the deal was, but they couldn't reign in the radicals before this happened. Now, no way. Especially if they think that infidels will get between them and 72 virgins and all the alcohol they can drink when they get to heaven.
    I hate the fact that these men are going to be run up the yard arm for an act that is as old as warfare itself. But once this went political, it went well past them just getting a reprimand.
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  8. #8
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    Yah their scared of urine but were not supposed to be afraid of beheading. F*&^ THEM. U.S needs to grow its balls back. Rick B

  9. #9
    Patriot Schriv's Avatar
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    As long as we continue to allow public sentiment to interfere with military policy, we as a nation will never show any balls.

    Personally, I'd like the enemy to be scared to death of being doomed to hell if we end their miserable lives. Many of them long for a glorious death while killing inidels to allow them to enjoy 'life' in heaven. If they knew that coming up short on the combat equation would get you doomed in the afterlife as well, they may think twice about wanting to take us on. Piss on them all and bury them in the pig pen.
    Some people are like slinkies.
    They aren't good for much, but they do bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs.

  10. #10
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    I was watching a ww11 segement today and saw a ,what they called Propagana film, aimed at the GI's after the war ended, what struck me was , the narrator stating ''we came as conquerors not liberators''' that is how to fight and win a war, in 2001 when the American officer was briefing troops he said the opposite''we are liberators not conquerors'' and that change in logic is why that since ww11 we have not WON A WAR
    I erased my signature and don't know why.

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