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Thread: I think they call it DRAMA...

  1. #1
    Patriot Roadkingtrax's Avatar
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    I think they call it DRAMA...

    Originally Posted by hammonje View Post
    Nope. I don't have to do anything. All I did was send you some pics on a stock offer. I thought about it and my stock was too nice to trade. Something about your stock looks messed with to me. Several folks advised me not to trade. Sorry. I can do what I want with my gear. I am very sorry about it, but I had second thoughts. I know your upset, but not as upset as I would be had I traded it. Someone offered me $1800 for that particular rifle.

    If you were not so vile about it in the open I would've just dug to the next row in my safe and found another equally as nice. Had you been cool and understanding. What would you have done in reverse???? Of course you would've traded.....right

    I am fair and cool with folks, but not unreasonable. Had someone been in a similar situation and asked what they should do I would've said grab the $$$$ fool.
    You sent this message yesterday,
    "If you don't like which I can't imagine why, then no biggie. I don't really care if my rifles are totally correct, just trying to help you out. I am just as picky as you are. The 100% no questions asked retun policy is in effect. If there is something you don't like then it's back to you.

    Here is a link to a photobucket album from several angles:

    Pretty nice huh????

    jason.haXXX @ XXXXXXXXX "

    I responded last night that I would accept your trade. I received no other response for other than what you posted here this morning.

    You also stated one of your multiple messages to me, "I will do you right. You've seen some of my rifles. You will not receicve pics of something I have laying a box b/c it is a POS. I know how that works. Folks try to dump something on you."

    These same folks who are trying to "dump something" on me are the same ones who advised you that something was wrong with my stock?

    Look, I'm not upset with the fact that the deal fell through. It is a disconcerting that you made promises, while crapping on the community, then turn around and suggest that my actions and product are questionable. In my line of work, I deal with people who lie and twist the truth on a daily basis. People like yourself do not upset me.

    There are plenty of honorable folks here, and I am content that I will find the stock i need, and that my stock will make someone else very happy. Enjoy your $1800, if you are indeed telling the truth... taking into consideration your actions regarding our correspondence, anyone with half a brain would doubt your integrity.

    In regard your question, " Of course you would've traded.....right " I would have honored my word, and followed through with the stock trade. I would have notified the other interested party that I had a beautiful stock that was CORRECT to the rifle incoming, and that we could revisit the offer when it arrived. If that makes me a fool, I am content with that.

    There is no reason to drag this BS along any further. Again, there are honorable members of this forum whom I can trade with.

    Have a nice day.

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    Jason, you just sent me a message stating,

    "I sold the rifle for $2000. do you expect me to pass that up. Plus some thought yours looked messed with.

    Sorry...but you should understand.


    Did you sell the rifle for "$1800," or "$2000," or "3.5X what you paid for it."
    Which is the truth?

    Nevermind... no point in wrestling with pigs. Have a nice day.

  2. #2
    Founding Member canes7's Avatar
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    That guy is, and always has been, 100% about himself. He's the guy that when he walked into the CMP south expected Orest to recognize him over some score he shot at a club match. He's also the guy who kept on dropping "ol' Hook's" name all the time. He's also the guy who scooped an auction that someone posted a question about, then bragged about it. Then there was some story about him hoggin up some NOS Keystone O3A3 "C" stocks from CMP and selling them at 100x what he paid.

    Douche nozzle.

  3. #3
    Founding Member Prince Humperdink's Avatar
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    I've had many occasions where I was PM'd offers of more than I'd agreed to in a deal,but I'd given My word and that is more important to Me.
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  4. #4
    Patriot Roadkingtrax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prince Humperdink View Post
    I've had many occasions where I was PM'd offers of more than I'd agreed to in a deal,but I'd given My word and that is more important to Me.
    I've even had that backfire on me, when I agreed to still go through with a trade...the other party was still upset. I was, and am still embarrassed of that botched transaction.

  5. #5
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    Don't be so hard on the guy...

    After all he's got so much going on:

    "Men just push on", really? You have to type that because....??? Sorry, but I can't help feel sorry for the guy's wife. She must be a saint.

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    Founding Member canes7's Avatar
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  7. #7
    War Room Ready
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    Obfuscatory gasbag.

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