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Thread: CMP Sold out of SA Field and Service Grades

  1. #1
    Patriot Brinks352's Avatar
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    CMP Sold out of SA Field and Service Grades

    CMP forums are starting to light up with the news that the SA service and field grades are now showing sold out. Let the speculation and craziness begin or continue.

  2. #2
    Founding Member jak's Avatar
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    SOP, Cmp is so overloaded with orders right now. Showing that they are sold out will stop new orders from coming in so they can catch up with existing mail orders. Once they get caught up, cmp will get the stores stocked again and open up mail orders. They did the same thing about 4 years ago.

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  3. #3
    Founding Member seaninmich's Avatar
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    They do it every few years. Its a great way to get people to buy and accept the bottom of the barrel busted up junkers that no one wants when times are good

  4. #4
    Moderator Orlando's Avatar
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    Remember a few years back they did the same thing. Only thing available was Rack Grades, they sold like hotcakes
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  5. #5
    Founding Member canes7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by seaninmich View Post
    They do it every few years. Its a great way to get people to buy and accept the bottom of the barrel busted up junkers that no one wants when times are good
    Very true. I bought a racker at that time, then a couple months later the Greek AFPG's (I think) came out. Whatever it was there was some nice rifles in tht batch.

    I'm holding out for the IHC's, but growing apethetic about those.

  6. #6
    Founding Member LEAD POISON's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by canes7 View Post
    Very true. I bought a racker at that time, then a couple months later the Greek AFPG's (I think) came out. Whatever it was there was some nice rifles in tht batch.

    I'm holding out for the IHC's, but growing apethetic about those.
    Yeah me also.I put money away for the IHC's then he pushes the date back,& of course I spend the money.
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  7. #7
    Patriot Brinks352's Avatar
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    I figured that was what the CMP was doing, its just fun reading all the OMG they are running out of rifles and what not.

  8. #8
    Founding Member seaninmich's Avatar
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    I've been buying from CMP for, I think, 9 years (maybe 10). In just that short amount of time, I've heard Orest say (with respect to garands) "we're out. no reason to expect to ever get more" at least 3 times. This may be #4.

    This ploy does a number of things:

    - slows down orders for short supply items. this eliminates a huge backlog, phone calls, emails, and all the BS that comes form people that think their rifle should be in hand within 2 weeks.

    - creates panic, which will get people to buy other grades that may not be moving as well at the time i.e. special grades or HRAs

    - creates panic, which will get people to buy the ugly ducklings from the stores just so they can get "something"

    - in line with above, now when they mail order a piece of crap out and the guy goes on the forum complaining about it, instead of everyone saying "that sucks. Call CS and tell them you want a new one. They will make it right", they will all say "be happy you got one. I didn't make the cut. I'll give you what you paid plus $50 for it right now"

    - If history is any indicator, HRAs will be "sold out" very soon. 1) they will call all the unfilled SA orders and ask them if they want an HRA. 99% will say "hell yes". 2) everyone that WAS going to order an SA, will now order an HRA 3) people will panic buy HRAs (see above)

    - all of this will help sell IHCs faster and for more money. 1) if there are no rifles to buy, some people will be able to build up a little reserve $$ 2) when they put FG IHCs up for $900, it looks better if it's not next to a FG SA tagged for $425. 3) if that's all there is to buy, they'll buy it.

    - my guess is it will be some time before you see the SAs back available again. They will wait until they have A LOT before opening sales back up. I saw 6 months minimum.

    - you will see the IHCs before more SAs

  9. #9
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    I would say you are right on Sean, I have watched the same thing. I had an order in for three rack grades , nice rifles in the day, anyway i got 3 rifles from the north store . i am sure they were passed over by everyone for some time. Like you said its a good way to get rid of inventory. With a little work they were ok, i received more than my share of really nice ones so I had no intentions of complaining.
    The other trick that always worked is put an order in after they are sold out and still get in . LOL everyone would b crying how they just sent their order or have it on the desk but have now missed out , as I am filling mine out.

  10. #10
    Patriot Roadkingtrax's Avatar
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    Good time to sell spare service grades....actually in about a month it will be.

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