If I'm not mistaken the ban includes parts also. Which is the key to this. The spot lite is being focused on the M1 Garands. But, we forget its been 50 years since the M16 was first introduced overseas. While the riffle itself is not importable, that doesn't mean parts weren't. I don't think we'll see to many more of the A1 part kits being offered and probable a lot of the 1911 kits. I think they're doing whatever they can to dry the market of part kits and even individual parts. I am waiting for a change to what's been termed the 80% Receiver rule. That is been proposed (and in fact, part kits as well) in bill H.R. 2910. pdf link to the bill: http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/BILLS-1...13hr2910ih.pdf This bill if passed is devastating.