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  1. #1
    Administrator timshufflin's Avatar
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    ssgtdt and fogtripper

    Hey guys/guy since you're one in the same. I'm glad that you frequent here and find the site useful for your needs. fogtripper I don't review folks to get in the war room, have 5 posts and request to get in and you do. Come on over, again, and you'll be given access... again.

    To all those that find the topic of CMP cronyism distasteful, well you're right, it is.

    None of you would tolerate cronyism if your company were affected by a government entity. None of you would think much of it in your workplace either. MANY will tolerate it when someone else is affected, human nature I guess, I will not.

    Battle Tested is not affiliated with the M1CC but Charlie Baker is a friend of mine. I will not sit idly by and see a friend done wrong by some common government bureaucrats ( the dumbest among us). Heck I won't see anyone done wrong by government but I'm sure not going to sit on my hands when a friend is affected.

    I said this once before, to my own demise, what sort of person would put guns and money before friendship" That is the exact quote that got my screen name banned from the CMP.

  2. #2
    Administrator timshufflin's Avatar
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    fogtripper states that this forum should do something "productive for the hobby". This forum raised, I may be off by a rifle either way, 7 Complete garands and donated them to M1 for Vets. We wanted to send a representative to the presentation for a photo op so you could all see this but M1 for vets said no, not allowed. Oddly, it wasn't a month later and we saw the GCA photo op presenting the M1 for vets with a check, and if my memory is wrong someone please correct me, for $10,000. Oh well, I guess that's whey you didn't know about it tripper. If you need verification try finding a wounded veteran who was there that day or call jj O'shea.

    Making sure you get the message fogtripper, I couldn't possibly care less that Battle Tested couldn't be recognized. I do care very much though that all these folks cannot be recognized and the gca must be recognized.

    So foggy, what have you done lately? It would be hard to verify because you've hid behind that yellow belly screen name for years. You've called out folks for not being above board, you've asserted some as not holding to their convictions, you make all manner of judgment behind a screen names that insinuates you've been in a fog your entire life tripping out on methamphetamines. I'm guessing that you are employed in some large government bureaucracy somewhere, only explanation for you voting for oboombya twice. I do wish you luck with the HIV, that has to be a terrible burden. Phillipe still drops in from time to time looking for you.

  3. #3
    Administrator timshufflin's Avatar
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    ssgtdt/fogtripper, you want to meet me on a firing line? Heck, you have my address so come and meet me. Seems like a tall order from a chap who doesn't even use or ever give anyone their name though.

  4. #4
    Administrator timshufflin's Avatar
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    This following screen shot from the CMP is exactly why folks tolerate the CMP. The man is honest and says "we are lucky enough to have an agency that is willing to sell really cool genuine military firearms to us for ridiculously cheap prices, fix them if we are dissatisfied, and provide us with whatever we need to compete with these rifles."
    Screen Shot 2018-05-15 at 6.09.12 AM.jpg

    I would dare say many feel this way and that "feeling" is called being on the teat. There are many businesses, entrepreneurs, folks out there that would also like to give you your warm fuzzy feeling but they would do it at a profit and actually bid on the firearms thus paying the US taxpayer.

    Congress didn't go that route, they went the socialist route, like all socialist programs you all are hooked on it. That's cool, you're only human. What's not cool is a socialist organization not allowing equal access to all tax payers.

  5. #5
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    "Congress didn't go that route, they went the socialist route, like all socialist programs you all are hooked on it. That's cool, you're only human. What's not cool is a socialist organization not allowing equal access to all tax payers."

    Most would argue that if it was not for the CMP then a whole lot of rifles would have been destroyed. I guess that is most probably true.

    Back when the outcry went up about M1 Rifles being destroyed someone-someplace decided it was all a zero-gain political hot potato so decided to give the M1 unique status as far as disposal went. Other weapons are included but the list is a short one. So, the DCM went away and the franchise was awarded to what we now know as the CMP

    As with everything involving the Gov't the Uncle Sugar side of things saw great opportunity. So, like most quasi governmental agencies*** the CMP provides great wages and benefits and a business model that really has no application in the real business world. Run into a bump in the road generally, periodically the rules can be changed to smooth things out.

    When the organization started out one could say there was a whole bunch of oversight problems. Occasionally the scab gets ripped off that old wound and the shit hits the fan again. If a person was smart, years ago, and did not even have to be a CMP employee, you could exploit the CMP system well within the spirit of rules. It's possible a bit of a blind eye along with plausible denial was exercised at the CMP in order to keep the rabble quiet with occasional really good deals. No denying it...many, including me were riveted to the CMP website in the early hours of the morning waiting for new listings. Them days are long gone.

    It also paid off to befriend a CMP insider, but for the most part nowadays that has become a normal way of life in business no matter what the enterprise. Hard to avoid.

    So..........yeah, and in my opinion only, the CMP as of the last few years is pretty much in direct competition with many. Makes it tough on many. There is also a perception that if you bad mouth the CMP you will bring the wrath of one or more of the attached service groups mainly the GCA down on your ass.

    So, if anyone cares, ---- my opinion is the CMP should take a bit of a look at some areas that they enter into as far as firearm services. Their purchasing power in regards to aftermarket parts truly rules the roost---good for them with the ability of massive buying power---bad for the small operations who are trying to compete and stay in business.

    So, the above is all my opinion. Nothing new---it's all been said many times over the last 10 years or so---just wish the CMP would back off a bit from the empire building and long for the days before the M1 Garand rifle became a simple commodity product.

    StandardParts LLC

    *** "
    Last edited by ordmm; 05-15-2018 at 12:06 PM.

  6. #6
    Administrator timshufflin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ordmm View Post
    "Congress didn't go that route, they went the socialist route, like all socialist programs you all are hooked on it. That's cool, you're only human. What's not cool is a socialist organization not allowing equal access to all tax payers."

    Most would argue that if it was not for the CMP then a whole lot of rifles would have been destroyed. I guess that is most probably true.

    Back when the outcry went up about M1 Rifles being destroyed someone-someplace decided it was all a zero-gain political hot potato so decided to give the M1 unique status as far as disposal went. Other weapons are included but the list is a short one. So, the DCM went away and the franchise was awarded to what we now know as the CMP

    As with everything involving the Gov't the Uncle Sugar side of things saw great opportunity. So, like most quasi governmental agencies*** the CMP provides great wages and benefits and a business model that really has no application in the real business world. Run into a bump in the road generally, periodically the rules can be changed to smooth things out.

    When the organization started out one could say there was a whole bunch of oversight problems. Occasionally the scab gets ripped off that old wound and the shit hits the fan again. If a person was smart, years ago, and did not even have to be a CMP employee, you could exploit the CMP system well within the spirit of rules. It's possible a bit of a blind eye along with plausible denial was exercised at the CMP in order to keep the rabble quiet with occasional really good deals. No denying it...many, including me were riveted to the CMP website in the early hours of the morning waiting for new listings. Them days are long gone.

    It also paid off to befriend a CMP insider, but for the most part nowadays that has become a normal way of life in business no matter what the enterprise. Hard to avoid.

    So..........yeah, and in my opinion only, the CMP as of the last few years is pretty much in direct competition with many. Makes it tough on many. There is also a perception that if you bad mouth the CMP you will bring the wrath of one or more of the attached service groups mainly the GCA down on your ass.

    So, if anyone cares, ---- my opinion is the CMP should take a bit of a look at some areas that they enter into as far as firearm services. Their purchasing power in regards to aftermarket parts truly rules the roost---good for them with the ability of massive buying power---bad for the small operations who are trying to compete and stay in business.

    So, the above is all my opinion. Nothing new---it's all been said many times over the last 10 years or so---just wish the CMP would back off a bit from the empire building and long for the days before the M1 Garand rifle became a simple commodity product.

    StandardParts LLC

    *** "
    Sage observations from someone I consider to be a very wise man!

    Now, can't the CMP just let the M1CC compete on equal footing with the gca? It really shouldn't be so much a request but something every tax payer should insist upon from any tax payer funded (in that the CMP gets its RIFLES at no cost. Yes I know they pay for shipping, fumigation, and storage and so does every single other company in this nation) quasi government organization.

    Some day we should talk about the CMP and their not allowing or contributing to any 2nd Amendment speech on their forum. You can hardly support marksmanship if marksmanship is illegal.

  7. #7
    Administrator timshufflin's Avatar
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    What a great link Greg, nailed it on the head!

    Quasi-Public Corporation


    What is 'Quasi-Public Corporation'

    A quasi-public corporation is a type of corporation in the private sector that is backed by a branch of government that has a public mandate to provide a given service. Most quasi-public corporations began as government agencies, but have since become separate entities. It is not uncommon to see the shares of this type of corporation trade on major stock exchanges, which allows individual investors to gain exposure to the company's profit.
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    BREAKING DOWN 'Quasi-Public Corporation'

    A quasi-public corporation is actually a variation on the public-purpose corporation. Like the public-purpose corporation, the quasi-public corporation is created to benefit the public; however, a quasi-public purpose corporation is always operated privately, but the private owners usually have partial government funding or government-chartered mission.
    While shares of this type of corporation are sold publicly, creating value and profit for shareholders is a secondary purpose to carrying out its public purpose. The operations of a quasi-public corporation must usually, in some way, contribute to the comfort, convenience or welfare of the general public. A few examples of quasi-public companies include telegraph and telephone companies, oil and gas, water, and electric light companies, and irrigation companies. Quasi-public corporations are often referred to as public service corporations.
    Quasi-public corporations may comprise public companies of an industrial and commercial character, nationalized companies, and companies with majority public shareholding. Many consider quasi-public institutions to be political policy tools because they can, in certain cases, operate with fewer restrictions and greater cost effectiveness than normal public institutions.
    For those public-private corporations that receive some type of government funding, such subsidies consist of regular fund transfers intended to compensate for persistent losses, i.e. negative operating surpluses, which they incur on their productive activities as a result of charging prices which are lower than their average costs of production as a matter of deliberate government economic and social policy; by convention, these subsidies are treated as subsidies on products.
    Example of a Quasi-Public Corporation

    One example of a quasi-public purpose corporation is Sallie Mae, which was founded to advance student loan development. Another example is the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae), which is regarded as a quasi-public corporation because it operates as an independent corporation. This company operates under a congressional charter that aims to increase the availability and affordability of homeownership, but it is not treated as any part of the government. Contrary to popular opinion, employees of quasi-public corporations do not work for the government.

    Read more: Quasi-Public Corporation
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  8. #8
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    Tim,,,,"your observation----Now, can't the CMP just let the M1CC compete on equal footing with the gca?"

    Seems to be addressed by post on the CMP website really catches says it (in my opinion). A combination of exceptional political mindset, moderation and wisdom.

    Read this post: "benefit to everyone" --- or....."compete on equal footing"

    Post #54

    Then on #57 it appears what I presume is someone speaking for the GCA takes a chainsaw to the peace offering.......

    Ain't no dealing with these people it seems.
    Last edited by ordmm; 05-15-2018 at 02:45 PM.

  9. #9
    Patriot Roadkingtrax's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ordmm View Post
    A post on the CMP website really catches says it (in my opinion). A combination of exceptional political mindset, moderation and wisdom.

    Read this post: "benefit to everyone"

    Post #54
    As were your thoughts above Sir. I just wish what you had written above could have been shared there.

    Unfortunately the CMP thread you linked has been shutdown, but not before the threat of physical violence from the OP. No doubt, he's here in spirit.

    I found it odd how you could post in response to one party, and the other would respond instead. Very odd indeed. Perhaps Fog forgot what log-in he was on when responding?
    Last edited by Roadkingtrax; 05-15-2018 at 02:49 PM.

  10. #10
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    Yeah, post 57 was quite the surprise and never saw that coming after your stellar post of common sense.

    I don't do facebook or any other social media so I'm sure I missed most of the fight.

    Same players tied to the CMP protecting their turf I guess.

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