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Thread: "Elections Have Consequences" Proposed ban on receiver 'castings' and kits

  1. #11
    Moderator Punch The Clown's Avatar
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    Greg, spelling correction on your post. "dem-libs" should be spelled "filthy dem-libs". Just trying to help.
    When dealing with liberals, always attribute to malice what would ordinarily be attributed to incompetence.

    "Of course it won't be easy; nothing worthwhile ever is. That is why I have always failed where others have succeeded."-Clouseau

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Punch The Clown View Post
    Is actual construction really taking place or are there just tons of sign saying "Men Working"? Over here we have massive traffic jams because of construction projects. Tons of signs but I'm still looking for the "Men Working".
    Drive around most of the site a couple of times a week. Have to admit the progress is truly amazing. Now, that being said keep in mind I worked for a State agency for ten years and it's quite amazing how wasteful and inefficient things are. Lucky they had a shit ton of casual-sick-stress-holiday-vacation days so I could chase gun parts.

  3. #13
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    Colorado fell to Bloomberg. It's a complex tale but if you'll pardon the oversimplification Bloomberg effectively bought out the governor's mansion & state house back in '13. Universal registration ("background checks" they called them) & mag capacity restrictions got 2 state senators recalled & a 3rd resigned to keep from being recalled & handing over the senate to the republicans. A special election in '14 saw that state senate seat go repub & the senate with it. But the Colorado GoP makes the national GoP look like bastions of principled action undertaken by folks with spines of titanium. They're more concerned with getting prime seats at the annual banquet than advancing the party platform or winning elections. Bloomberg spent heavily in Colorado every election since '13. Add to that a large increase in foreigners (i.e. Californians) & it would have been a struggle for a competent party to hold their ground. Sadly the Colorado GoP is not a competent party.

    So come January they'll push gun confiscation orders ("red flag" or "extreme risk protection", which some GoP'ers were squishy on anyway), possibly an AWB, possibly reducing mag capacity to 10 (it's 15 now) & maybe ramping up the universal registration ("background checks"). I can see them messing with carry permits, but to me having to pay a tax & carry around a permission slip is abhorrent in the first place, so that's just a consequence of treating a Right like it's a privilege.

    I saw this coming, so a few months back I moved. Colorado ain't my problem anymore - (it's an artillery problem! ) but it's a damn shame as the place was real nice to live in for a while (I was there 17 years).

    Yep, elections have consequences, as does having cultural progressives running both parties, as does accepting Rights being treated as privileges. Luckily the consequence of my move is that after 5 years of having to drive out of state, now I can just sit on my couch & order standard capacity mags. For now at least...

  4. #14
    Moderator Eli's Avatar
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    There really needs to be a Constitutional Amendment limiting political contributions to actual persons (NO CORPORATE DONATIONS) and restricting donations intrastate. The reach of the parasitic but wealthy 'elite' is reaching far beyond their geography!


  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eli View Post
    There really needs to be a Constitutional Amendment limiting political contributions to actual persons (NO CORPORATE DONATIONS) and restricting donations intrastate. The reach of the parasitic but wealthy 'elite' is reaching far beyond their geography!

    Sure you could limit contributions but at this point a big issue is control of the traditional media and ever greater social media. Best I can tell Google/YouTube along with the social media giants are all controlled by left leaning Democrats.

    Can't really see how anyone who does not play their brand of politics is going to go anywhere politically.

    2020 is going to be very very rough on Conservatives. The way media is going after the current Trump administration it's only a matter of time until the left wins. Considering Trump's past I'd be surprised if we don't see a resignation before 2020. If that happens the Democrats will loot and pillage any and all 2nd amendment rights.

    Not giving up but with what I'm seeing 24//365 it's starting to look like we are headed to very left leaning socialist governance.

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