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Thread: Anybody still support Trump?

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Punch The Clown View Post
    Trump is trying to lock up the woman's vote by pandering to their emotions about school shootings. Women should not be allowed to vote.
    I have thought the same. At the same time, look at the people Trump has surrounded himself with in recent times. AG William Barr...notorious pro-gun control AG from old man Bush's Presidency in the early nineties. Barr ran the Ruby Ridge screwup and Barr has openly advocated gun control, including red flag laws.

    I dont know man, I have real bad vibes about Trump for a second term. Maybe the Senate would keep him inline in a second term or maybe not. I just know Im tired of voting for RINOs.

    All M1 Garand rifles coming into the CMP's possession for resale, should be sold only to buyers who have shot an M1 Garand at a registered M1 match once a year. M1 Garand sales to non shooters should cease completely and immediately. If you want to buy M1s, you should be REQUIRED to shoot minimum one formal match per year, every year.

    RT40 (banned permanently) from the CMP forum

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by JGW View Post
    Whether your belief set / vision for the country is conservative or libertarian, or if it's liberal or progressive, the presidency is all about appointing federal court judges.

    Between now and then end of the next presidential term it is not hard to imagine at least one Supreme Court vacancy that will be filled, possibly 2 or 3. If you have liberal / progressive beliefs, it will not matter who the Democrat nominee is, you vote for that person (even if you have to hold your nose to do so). If you have conservative / libertarian beliefs, you vote for the Republican nominee (even if you have to hold your nose to do so). Not voting is merely contributing a 1/2 vote to the world view that you oppose. Why would you do that?

    Thats the ONLY reason I would re-consider voting for Trump in 2020. Federal Appellate Court Judge nominations come from the Executive branch and are confirmed by the U.S. Senate. Yeah, if the U.S. Supreme Court could get loaded down with pro 2A Justices, hell who knows maybe the entire Brady Act could be rolled back and we could go back to the way it used to be. No NICS, minimal gun control and just start working backwards from there. No Brady Act sure would make gun business easier and less stressful, on both the buyer and the supplier side. It would also just make life less stressful for gun culture people.

    All M1 Garand rifles coming into the CMP's possession for resale, should be sold only to buyers who have shot an M1 Garand at a registered M1 match once a year. M1 Garand sales to non shooters should cease completely and immediately. If you want to buy M1s, you should be REQUIRED to shoot minimum one formal match per year, every year.

    RT40 (banned permanently) from the CMP forum

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeltaTango View Post
    Don’t be shocked if Hillary re-enters the race in the 11th hour. Or runs on a ticket with Elizabeth Warren as her vise president.

    Did you hear Clunton say the Syrian withdrawal would be a "sickening betrayal of allies"? Guess she forgot about Benghazi already- a "sickening betrayal" of U.S. personnel.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eli View Post
    I can't help but ask, do the females in your life share that opinion?

    My wife agrees with this.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeltaTango View Post
    IÂ’ll vote for the lesser of two evils. My portfolio has done well with Trump in office. DonÂ’t be shocked if Hillary re-enters the race in the 11th hour. Or runs on a ticket with Elizabeth Warren as her vise president. Then Warren will get suicided and Hillary becomes president. Go ahead and laugh, I donÂ’t put anything past any of them.

    More than one site is guessing that HRC will run. Which most certainly will truly get interesting. What with all the crap that went on with just marginal violence during the 2016 run it might get pretty wild if the old hag runs. Heck....this might make her the greatest AR15 salesperson of all time moving Obama to second place.

    We are living in very amazing times.

  6. #16
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    I have every intention of voting for Mr. Trump again. Mostly for the federal court judges he could and would select. It's time we got the middle of the road and the leftist judges out of the federal court houses. Everything else is just fluff.


  7. #17
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    "Anybody still support Trump?" Yes, they're called 'Americans'.

  8. #18
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    Ordmm - I agree with you . . . . but POTUS is making it really hard to be enthusiastic about campaigning for him. I years past I have actively campaigned for my preferred candidates. Given how important I believe having a "conservative" as President is to the future of our Republic, it should be easy to actively capaign / work for a Trump / "conservative" election. . . . . . . But President Trump sure is making it tough to actively campaign for him. It would be so much easier to do so it he just gave up twitter / his cell phone!!!


  9. #19
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    Trump definitely is not nearly as pro-2A as he made out he was while campaigning in 2016. When Trump was campaigning in 2016 and also during his first six months or so after his inaugeration in early 2017, Trump's rhetoric and the vibes he gave off were: "The attack on the 2A is over. Done. Finnito. I am here now. Stop worrying about political attacks on the 2A as long as I am in the White House."

    But less than two years after his inaugeration, his true colors started coming out. Just sitting next to people like Feinstein after that Parkland shooting was enough for me. I would not sit in the same room as that woman. When he signed "Fix NICS of 2018" in early 2018, I was like, "if this guy will sign a gun control bill in his first term, just think what he'd be willing to sign as a lame duck President in his last two years." No telling what he'd sign off on.

    Im sorry, I cant bring myself to vote for Trump again. I understand the reasoning that Trump will be appointing another Supreme Court Justice (or two) in a second term. As well as appointing more Federal Appeals Court Judges. Im down with that. The Senate wont confirm any liberal or RINO Federal Appeals Court Justices Trump might appoint. But the legislation Trump might be willing to sign off on in a second term...I cant see voting for a RINO who is in reality, lukewarm on 2A issues except for himself, his two Sons and his family.

    My strategy is to write in for President, vote straight GOP for all Senators and Congressman running. Its the legislature that calls all the real shots anyway. They have power of the purse, they confirm appointed federal Judges, the founders intended for the legislature to be the "big hitter" of the three branches of our government, not the Executive branch. Look how the GOP controlled legislature blocked and tackled every single gun control attempt by obama during obama's second term. Not one piece of gun control legislature was passed in obama's second term, it was because of a stalwart GOP controlled legislature. It frustrated the hell out of obama, you could tell. The only thing obama got thru in his second term was a few executive orders and actions, thats it. And Congress reversed the worst one as soon as Trump was inaugerated in early 2017. The Social Security Disability Executive Action obama passed, it got reversed by Congress early 2017.

    Trump lied while campaigning to get elected...
    Quote Originally Posted by JGW View Post
    Ordmm - I agree with you . . . . but POTUS is making it really hard to be enthusiastic about campaigning for him. I years past I have actively campaigned for my preferred candidates. Given how important I believe having a "conservative" as President is to the future of our Republic, it should be easy to actively capaign / work for a Trump / "conservative" election. . . . . . . But President Trump sure is making it tough to actively campaign for him. It would be so much easier to do so it he just gave up twitter / his cell phone!!!

    All M1 Garand rifles coming into the CMP's possession for resale, should be sold only to buyers who have shot an M1 Garand at a registered M1 match once a year. M1 Garand sales to non shooters should cease completely and immediately. If you want to buy M1s, you should be REQUIRED to shoot minimum one formal match per year, every year.

    RT40 (banned permanently) from the CMP forum

  10. #20
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    Hillary wont run again. She's done.

    Quote Originally Posted by ordmm View Post
    More than one site is guessing that HRC will run. Which most certainly will truly get interesting. What with all the crap that went on with just marginal violence during the 2016 run it might get pretty wild if the old hag runs. Heck....this might make her the greatest AR15 salesperson of all time moving Obama to second place.

    We are living in very amazing times.
    All M1 Garand rifles coming into the CMP's possession for resale, should be sold only to buyers who have shot an M1 Garand at a registered M1 match once a year. M1 Garand sales to non shooters should cease completely and immediately. If you want to buy M1s, you should be REQUIRED to shoot minimum one formal match per year, every year.

    RT40 (banned permanently) from the CMP forum

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