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Thread: Are Garand receivers and other BM59 parts all dried up?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2016
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    Are Garand receivers and other BM59 parts all dried up?

    Was working my way down my giant stack of projects and figured I might see what's up with parts needed for a BM59 Ital build. Looks like Criterion barrels are still available, but receivers and Ital barrels appear to be fond memories. I see a few barreled receivers on GB, but even then, there are WAY less (at a higher cost) than last time I looked a while back. Is this all just panic buying related or have we finally reached the end of old supplies?

  2. #2
    Moderator Eli's Avatar
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    Apr 2011
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    There's stuff around, I believe Tim is still backlogged. Lots of people using stimulus money to (panic) buy guns and parts, so availability is low and prices are high.


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