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Thread: What's going on at the CMP

  1. #41
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    I didn't have to wait for a draft. My kid was eager to join up immediately and do whatever was necessary. I'm very proud of him for that. When your neighbor's house is on fire, you can do several things. You can stand and watch it burn, hoping someone else will put it out. You can feel bad for you neighbor while you protect your own house. Or you can rush in and help him, knowing that if you do he will remember it and help you when you are in trouble.

    Ron Paul has specifically stated that he would allow Iran, or any other Country, to obtain nukes. He has stated that their is no proof that Iran is even capable of producing a nuke. He has shown that he is completely ignorant of the facts. With the break up of the Soviet Union, weapons and technology were sold, and are still being sold, to the highest bidder. Iran has tons of money to spend on this. They have friends in Central and South America that would love to help them deliver a nuke to U.S. soil. Ron Paul has also stated that he would withdraw all U.S. forces from all foreign soil. This would leave places like South Korea to fend for themselves. How long do you think weaker Countries could hold out? Once these Countries are seized, it is only a matter of time before bigger Countries are attacked. We cannot defend ourselves within our own borders. We simple do not have the means to obtain resourses quickly enough any more, nor do we have the manufacturing skills and equipment to quickly turn resources into weapons.

    Why did we not declare War? Because traditionally we have declared War on an orgnaize Country. Today's wars are being fought by loosely organized bans of people who operate in several Countries. If gangs of thugs roamed unchecked through your neighboring Towns, would you not fight them when they came to your Town, simply because you had no organization to Declare War on? Would you watch your neighbors be looted, raped and murdered? Would you try to protect your own family and your own property by yourself? How would you expect to turn away people Hell bent on destroying you without help?

  2. #42
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    Oh, and it's not a "hired military", it's a "volunteer military". Every single "kid" out there has volunteered to fight to keep the war from coming here again and expanding through the States. Unfortunately, we have Leaders who are soft on the military now and are not willing to do what really needs to be done. They have no idea what "Peace through Strength" means.

  3. #43
    Administrator timshufflin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KnickKnack View Post
    Oh, and it's not a "hired military", it's a "volunteer military". Every single "kid" out there has volunteered to fight to keep the war from coming here again and expanding through the States. Unfortunately, we have Leaders who are soft on the military now and are not willing to do what really needs to be done. They have no idea what "Peace through Strength" means.
    If I volunteer, and still get paid, I'm hired. There is an entrance exam to join, akin to an interview. These folks are hired. I volunteered to work for Taco Bell and then they hired me. Semantics.

  4. #44
    Administrator timshufflin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KnickKnack View Post
    I didn't have to wait for a draft. My kid was eager to join up immediately and do whatever was necessary. I'm very proud of him for that. When your neighbor's house is on fire, you can do several things. You can stand and watch it burn, hoping someone else will put it out. You can feel bad for you neighbor while you protect your own house. Or you can rush in and help him, knowing that if you do he will remember it and help you when you are in trouble.

    Ron Paul has specifically stated that he would allow Iran, or any other Country, to obtain nukes. He has stated that their is no proof that Iran is even capable of producing a nuke. He has shown that he is completely ignorant of the facts. With the break up of the Soviet Union, weapons and technology were sold, and are still being sold, to the highest bidder. Iran has tons of money to spend on this. They have friends in Central and South America that would love to help them deliver a nuke to U.S. soil. Ron Paul has also stated that he would withdraw all U.S. forces from all foreign soil. This would leave places like South Korea to fend for themselves. How long do you think weaker Countries could hold out? Once these Countries are seized, it is only a matter of time before bigger Countries are attacked. We cannot defend ourselves within our own borders. We simple do not have the means to obtain resourses quickly enough any more, nor do we have the manufacturing skills and equipment to quickly turn resources into weapons.

    Why did we not declare War? Because traditionally we have declared War on an orgnaize Country. Today's wars are being fought by loosely organized bans of people who operate in several Countries. If gangs of thugs roamed unchecked through your neighboring Towns, would you not fight them when they came to your Town, simply because you had no organization to Declare War on? Would you watch your neighbors be looted, raped and murdered? Would you try to protect your own family and your own property by yourself? How would you expect to turn away people Hell bent on destroying you without help?

    If my neighbors house was on fire, or any neighbor I know, I help. I ask though, what are the people of NYC doing to help the rest of the country? Why would I risk the life of myself or anyone I love to help the vast majority of New Yorkers? In GENERAL the people of NYC HATE me. They want me shut down, they want me out of business, they want more and more tax dollars. I have nothing in common with MOST NYC residents.

    Now, If Stu's house burnt down, I'd help a brother out If ANY BT brother in NYC had their house burn down I WOULD help them out but the rest of NYC can rot.

    Yes, I do keep score and the fair people of NYC have done me wrong, in GENERAL.

  5. #45
    Administrator timshufflin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KnickKnack View Post
    I didn't have to wait for a draft. My kid was eager to join up immediately and do whatever was necessary. I'm very proud of him for that. When your neighbor's house is on fire, you can do several things. You can stand and watch it burn, hoping someone else will put it out. You can feel bad for you neighbor while you protect your own house. Or you can rush in and help him, knowing that if you do he will remember it and help you when you are in trouble.

    Ron Paul has specifically stated that he would allow Iran, or any other Country, to obtain nukes. He has stated that their is no proof that Iran is even capable of producing a nuke. He has shown that he is completely ignorant of the facts. With the break up of the Soviet Union, weapons and technology were sold, and are still being sold, to the highest bidder. Iran has tons of money to spend on this. They have friends in Central and South America that would love to help them deliver a nuke to U.S. soil. Ron Paul has also stated that he would withdraw all U.S. forces from all foreign soil. This would leave places like South Korea to fend for themselves. How long do you think weaker Countries could hold out? Once these Countries are seized, it is only a matter of time before bigger Countries are attacked. We cannot defend ourselves within our own borders. We simple do not have the means to obtain resourses quickly enough any more, nor do we have the manufacturing skills and equipment to quickly turn resources into weapons.

    Why did we not declare War? Because traditionally we have declared War on an orgnaize Country. Today's wars are being fought by loosely organized bans of people who operate in several Countries. If gangs of thugs roamed unchecked through your neighboring Towns, would you not fight them when they came to your Town, simply because you had no organization to Declare War on? Would you watch your neighbors be looted, raped and murdered? Would you try to protect your own family and your own property by yourself? How would you expect to turn away people Hell bent on destroying you without help?

    Okay, what is wrong with a sovereign nation getting a nuke? I don't like it but what right is it of mine to tell them how to run their railroad?

    We did not declare war because it was not a country that attacked us. It was a mafioso in another country that did and we took out the whole frikin place for it. There are no thugs roaming my town and sending kids to afghanistan didn't prevent any thugs from showing up. A simple focused attack on the thugs that attacked NYC would have done. Not a tit for tat but a much stronger attack. Attacking the whole nation though is a joke. I'm poorer, my kids are poorer, the economy is ruined, kids are dead, and for what? I'm truly lost here and don't understand why people like funerals so much.

  6. #46
    Administrator timshufflin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KnickKnack View Post
    This would leave places like South Korea to fend for themselves. How long do you think weaker Countries could hold out? Once these Countries are seized, it is only a matter of time before bigger Countries are attacked.

    South Korea- Free Loader
    Israel- Gun for hire
    Japan- Free Loader
    Germany- Free Loader

    I'm against welfare for my own countrymen, I'm sure as hell not for welfare payments to South Korean's.

  7. #47
    Moderator Punch The Clown's Avatar
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    Here's my spin on this whole thing. The Middle East was filled with petit dictators that would carry on and run off at the mouth but were easily bought off with a medal or a gold plated pistol. The head of the muslim world, barack obama, helps to topple these comical but harmless regimes and replaces them with the radical muslim brotherhood. Now, Israel is looking at some serious opposition. Their only hope is to once again fight a conventional war being outnumbered 1000 to 1, but they're used to that. Now, Ron Paul steps in, cuts aid to Israel, and allows iran to build nuclear weapons. The pan-muslim nation created by obama attacks Israel. The same way they fought to the death at Masada 2000 years ago they will again, but this time with nukes. The entire Middle East will be a barren wasteland, which would thrill ignorant trailer park trash like ruggedterrain, but the birthplace of our civilization will be destroyed. The Jews will never march peacefully into the ovens again. Believe it.
    Last edited by Punch The Clown; 01-07-2012 at 12:24 AM.
    When dealing with liberals, always attribute to malice what would ordinarily be attributed to incompetence.

    "Of course it won't be easy; nothing worthwhile ever is. That is why I have always failed where others have succeeded."-Clouseau

  8. #48
    Administrator timshufflin's Avatar
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    Well done Stu! I would add that I don't think Israel will allow nukes in Iran. Just a glass Iran and not middle east.

  9. #49
    Founding Member Prince Humperdink's Avatar
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    Stu,I will hide You in My Basement,or attic.Ich Liebe Stu Mein Jude.
    "The advantage of being armed, which the Americans possess over the people of almost every other nation ... forms a barrier against the enterprises of ambition, more insurmountable than any which a simple government of any form can admit of." -- James Madison (1788)

  10. #50
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    And when the middle east is gone, so is our oil. When you can't get heating fuel or gasoline, the riots will start. Then Obama can declare Marshall Law, abolish elections due to a "National Crisis" and declare himself King of the World! Or at least King of whatever is left of it.

    By the way, Tim. I've successfully accomplished my first New Year's Resolution. I've brought you back from the brink of that nambi pambi Liberal crap that you were spewing before the first of the year. Welcome back! Don't forget to take your blood pressure pills and I hope that your wife doesn't hate me now. I'm glad to see the old Timma back and debating once again!
    Last edited by KnickKnack; 01-07-2012 at 03:30 AM.

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