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Thread: Cuomo Goes A Little Bit Too Far!

  1. #11
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    Even Liberal Canada has woken up a bit. Rick B

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by timshufflin View Post
    As long as the folks "came together freely" and "gave freely" I'm all aboard. If ANYONE compelled anyone to send money, it is simply WRONG.
    That is exactly what I have been trying to say all along. Geesh.

  3. #13
    Administrator timshufflin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KnickKnack View Post
    That is exactly what I have been trying to say all along. Geesh.

    NO it is not! You have been saying that people can vote to force another person to contribute. That is not the same, at all, as freely giving. We have a constitution in this country and just because people vote something up or down does NOT mean that it should be legal. It must pass constitutional muster. social security, thieving from the young, does NOT pass this muster.

    It is enough that we expect our young to die for every little friggin police action we can dream up to get the latest president re-elected, but to also expect them to pay for those who will not pay for themselves in their old age is ludicrous.

    Look in the mirror KK, would you tell your son that you are just going to take $500 a month of his money for yourself and that he should just have his kids do the same, no biggy? Only a thieving coward of a parent would tell their children this. This is exactly what this country has become, thieving cowards.

    I have no flipping idea how parents can look in a mirror and knowingly enslave their children to take care of them because the parent will not prepare to take care of themselves. Flipping unbelievable.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by timshufflin View Post
    NO it is not! You have been saying that people can vote to force another person to contribute. That is not the same, at all, as freely giving. We have a constitution in this country and just because people vote something up or down does NOT mean that it should be legal. It must pass constitutional muster. social security, thieving from the young, does NOT pass this muster.

    It is enough that we expect our young to die for every little friggin police action we can dream up to get the latest president re-elected, but to also expect them to pay for those who will not pay for themselves in their old age is ludicrous.

    Look in the mirror KK, would you tell your son that you are just going to take $500 a month of his money for yourself and that he should just have his kids do the same, no biggy? Only a thieving coward of a parent would tell their children this. This is exactly what this country has become, thieving cowards.

    I have no flipping idea how parents can look in a mirror and knowingly enslave their children to take care of them because the parent will not prepare to take care of themselves. Flipping unbelievable.
    You are saying that all votes taken should have 100% agreement, or the vote doesn't pass? If 99% of the population decides that something is beneficial to them and 1% says no, then the 99% lose out? Really?

    Or, are you saying that 99% can agree that spending their money on a given project is beneficial to all, but if 1% don't think it is, even though it will benefit them, the 1% don't have to pay?

    Dosen't that make the 1% freeloaders, living off the other 99%? Or does that make the 1% the dictators, forcing the other 99% to pay their share?

    I think we are back to isolationism, where each person decides for themselves what is good for them and their is no collective thought. So in front of my house I want a dirt road. My neighbor next door wants a paved road. The guy on the other side of him wants a gravel road. And my other neighbor on the other side of me wants grass. Every 75 feet the road changes? And for 75 feet there is no road at all?

    Come to think of it, some of the sidewalks here are like that. The sidewalk just ends in the middle of the street and pedestrians have to walk on the lawn in the summer and out into the street when there are snow banks. I guess that is what you are talking about. Which makes absolutely no sense to me.

  5. #15
    Moderator Punch The Clown's Avatar
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    The concept of people in a society being mandated to take care of the poor and the infirm is not new. I recall reading that thousands of years ago- I believe it was in the Talmud-there were very specific laws dealing with the subject. The difference between then and now was that the sick and infirm were not living a better lifestyle than the people that supported them. That is the fault of the liberals who cultivated the recipients into a political special interest group. On my job I see these parasites on a regular basis, living large while collecting ssdi, foodstamps, welfare, medicaid, section 8 housing, and a plethora of govt. giveaways including free internet, tv and phone service-both landline and mobile, transportation all secondary to a trumped up on the job injury. I refer to this as the "Platinum Package". However, if you aren't that ambitious and are too lazy to get a job-albeit for a short period of time-, fake injury, go to physical therapy and charlatan orthopaedists and secure the services of a free shyster comp lawyer, you can still qualify for the "Gold Package" just by refusing to work. These are the benefits that should be eliminated. I find these much more offensive than giving some home bound elderly free prepared meals.
    As far as the pre-social security days and dating back to the times of The Founding Fathers, we must have done a terrific job of cleaning up the mess as I haven't seen one painting or read any literature on the elderly death camps and mass graves for those incapable of feeding themselves. I personally believe that as a Judaeo-Christian society even in the day of the Free Men there was a system in place to aid the poor while keeping the "stealing" down to a minimum.
    When dealing with liberals, always attribute to malice what would ordinarily be attributed to incompetence.

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  6. #16
    Founding Member canes7's Avatar
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    Where the hell is the 800 number to turn in asshole politicians? That phone would ring off the hook day and night!

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Punch The Clown View Post
    The concept of people in a society being mandated to take care of the poor and the infirm is not new. I recall reading that thousands of years ago- I believe it was in the Talmud-there were very specific laws dealing with the subject. The difference between then and now was that the sick and infirm were not living a better lifestyle than the people that supported them. That is the fault of the liberals who cultivated the recipients into a political special interest group. On my job I see these parasites on a regular basis, living large while collecting ssdi, foodstamps, welfare, medicaid, section 8 housing, and a plethora of govt. giveaways including free internet, tv and phone service-both landline and mobile, transportation all secondary to a trumped up on the job injury. I refer to this as the "Platinum Package". However, if you aren't that ambitious and are too lazy to get a job-albeit for a short period of time-, fake injury, go to physical therapy and charlatan orthopaedists and secure the services of a free shyster comp lawyer, you can still qualify for the "Gold Package" just by refusing to work. These are the benefits that should be eliminated. I find these much more offensive than giving some home bound elderly free prepared meals.
    As far as the pre-social security days and dating back to the times of The Founding Fathers, we must have done a terrific job of cleaning up the mess as I haven't seen one painting or read any literature on the elderly death camps and mass graves for those incapable of feeding themselves. I personally believe that as a Judaeo-Christian society even in the day of the Free Men there was a system in place to aid the poor while keeping the "stealing" down to a minimum.
    I agree 100% that the welfare system is a huge scam now and far out of control.

    As to your other point about what we did before the system, you have missed a few key points:

    1. Our populations were much smaller and until the Industrial Revolution were not so concentrated into confined cities.

    2. The belief in the Family Unit was much stronger, with most families caring for their own at home. The concepts of single parenthood were almost unheard of. If one family could not manage to raise their children or care for the elderly, there were relatives, such as aunts and uncles, or other families that would take them in. Look up the stories of how children were sent away on trains to better families during the Depression and the Dust Bowl.

    3. The life expectancy was much shorter. Even when Social Security was first introduced it was not expected that most people would live into their 80's and 90's. In Colonial Days, if you made it to 50 you were an old man.

    Not saying that I believe in any social programs that take money forcibly from one group and give to others who never worked a day in their lives for it. I just don't believe it's right to not take care of the elderly who did work their whole lives and for whatever reason cannot manage on their own now.
    Last edited by KnickKnack; 02-21-2012 at 01:45 PM.

  8. #18
    Administrator timshufflin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KnickKnack View Post
    I agree 100% that the welfare system is a huge scam now and far out of control.

    As to your other point about what we did before the system, you have missed a few key points:

    1. Our populations were much smaller and until the Industrial Revolution were not so concentrated into confined cities.

    2. The belief in the Family Unit was much stronger, with most families caring for their own at home. The concepts of single parenthood were almost unheard of. If one family could not manage to raise their children or care for the elderly, there were relatives, such as aunts and uncles, or other families that would take them in. Look up the stories of how children were sent away on trains to better families during the Depression and the Dust Bowl.

    3. The life expectancy was much shorter. Even when Social Security was first introduced it was not expected that most people would live into their 80's and 90's. In Colonial Days, if you made it to 50 you were an old man.

    Not saying that I believe in any social programs that take money forcibly from one group and give to others who never worked a day in their lives for it. I just don't believe it's right to not take care of the elderly who did work their whole lives and for whatever reason cannot manage on their own now.

    So, how are you going to take care of these poor elderly folks who through no fault of their own need OUR money? Where I come from, stealing to feed a 20 year old is no different than stealing to feed an 80 year old. The founders obviously agreed with ME, they gave everyone the same, freedom to both die of your mistakes and the freedom to FREELY give to help others. There was NO tax to "help" anyone. Put or shut up was how they rolled. Bright bunch.

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by timshufflin View Post
    So, how are you going to take care of these poor elderly folks who through no fault of their own need OUR money? Where I come from, stealing to feed a 20 year old is no different than stealing to feed an 80 year old. The founders obviously agreed with ME, they gave everyone the same, freedom to both die of your mistakes and the freedom to FREELY give to help others. There was NO tax to "help" anyone. Put or shut up was how they rolled. Bright bunch.
    The founders also owned slaves.

    As I said, times have changed. In the days of the founders, if someone needed help there was someone else to take them in and care for them. If the elderly have no family left to care for them, your answer is to put them in a ditch and let them die. I believe the Founder's answer would be to take them in and care for them. Unless, of course, they were a slave. Then your answer probably applies.

  10. #20
    Administrator timshufflin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KnickKnack View Post
    The founders also owned slaves.

    As I said, times have changed. In the days of the founders, if someone needed help there was someone else to take them in and care for them. If the elderly have no family left to care for them, your answer is to put them in a ditch and let them die. I believe the Founder's answer would be to take them in and care for them. Unless, of course, they were a slave. Then your answer probably applies.
    Yes, they owned slaves and considered them farm animals, or at least many of them did, so what? They still had a hand in framing the law of this land and that law is the US Constitution, do you believe it should hold the power of law in this country, to the "last dotted "i"?"

    KK, there is a very simple reason that many in this country will not give anything to anyone anymore, we ALREADY gave too much on April 15th! I will not so much as donate another dime so long as this country continues to waiver from the founders US Constitution. I no longer have the stomach to "help" anyone when I know full well they already have my families cash in their back pocket.

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