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Thread: Your government and union employees photo's here

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by canes7 View Post
    You fucktards think you really know something about government work. How many of you have actually worked in government?

    Hmm never had to belittle myself! But my brother is street commissoner of one of the largest county in colorado(75 guys). Cousin is a supervisor a crane naval center,in charge of (150 guys). best friend county comissoner of our local county!! All three Same, local and federal goverments are the biggest spenders. WASTE money like it water!! Cousin travels to DC once a month. He absolituly hates it! Guess what he is sitting things up to start his on business and leave the FING goverment!!

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by canes7 View Post
    You fucktards think you really know something about government work. How many of you have actually worked in government?
    OH let me guess you work for the guberment!!!

  3. #13
    Moderator Punch The Clown's Avatar
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    I work for the Govt. and believe it or not I really do things. On the other hand, I feel that labor is killing or already has killed this country. To lump Govt. workers and labor unions together is insulting to me. The funny thing about labor is that the people with the lowest levels of skillsets and education seem to command the highest salaries, and somehow always seem to have management by the short hairs. There is a bridge crossing the Hudson that is in need of replacement. Gov. Cuomo got labor to agree to a salary cut to over $3000.00 weekly in order for construction to start. New york city was the largest port in the world until the ILA made it so expensive to load and offload ships that shipping is all but non-existent here. The UAW killed all the upstate plants. A parasite has to learn how much blood it can suck before killing the host.
    When dealing with liberals, always attribute to malice what would ordinarily be attributed to incompetence.

    "Of course it won't be easy; nothing worthwhile ever is. That is why I have always failed where others have succeeded."-Clouseau

  4. #14
    Moderator Orlando's Avatar
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    My wife has been a School Custodian for 34 years, worked like a dog, cleaning up after snot nosed kids and giving them a hug and a pep talk when they needed it. She cut the grass, shoveled snow, cleaned up vomit and feces kids would purposly smear on floors etc
    When I first met her she would have to go to the old School building and hand shovel coal into the feeders on the boilers on weekends so the pipes wouldnt freeze
    She has foot problems from being on the concrete floors all those years and is worn out from it
    Next year she will retire at 54 years old with 35 years service with a pension she paid into. More power to her she deserves it
    "I am the master of my unspoken words, and a slave to those that should have remained unspoken. ...

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  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by canes7 View Post
    You fucktards think you really know something about government work. How many of you have actually worked in government?
    I have. So I guess I USED to be a "fucktard", so by your standard I guess I'm allowed to comment. By the way,,,,this is so typical of my union experience. Instead of coming up with a civil discussion it's name calling and usually a shout down from union idealists. It's the only way they know.

    Anyway....10 years AFSME. 5 years IAM (machinests union, Chicago)

    Before that, 10 years airlines, half the time non-union in a right to work state.

    Before the airlines, the automotive industry. Supervision, or better described as a punching bag for the UAW.


    When a non government enterprise is union, or non-union and they make bad decisions, or are stupid, or allow their company to be manipulated they go out of business. Someone else comes along, and if there is profit to be made, they step in, usually don't foul up like the company before them, and succeed in business. And while that is going on the people who work for that company usually enjoy solid employment. So I guess jungle law triumphs, the fit survive.

    Now there are exceptions of course, but those are usually companies that are propped up by gov't subsidies (which really is being propped up by our money). Ultimately they fail and go away.

    But now there is Government. They can fail in their mission. The school systems are a real good example.
    Their people make big mistakes but where I was at that usually led to being promoted as they did'nt want to draw attention to the foul up, but did'nt want it to happen again.

    Most of the time, in my opinion, the employee base represents some kind of great social experiment. IN MY EXPERIENCE lots of people who are basically unemployable are given a paycheck. Government employment is
    an Oz like land of everyone is equal and deserves a chance and a paycheck even if they are totally useless. But these government jobs don't go away. There is no competition. There usually is no measure of efficiancy. It just goes on and on. Best way to validate things is I guess by using Franklin Roosevelt. The ultimate liberal. He felt that government employees SHOULD NOT be unionized.

    Oh yeah, after ten years I decided I wasted ten years. I simply could not be part of the joke anymore.

    That's the honest to God's truth.

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rick B View Post
    I am sick of seeing you hit Unions as a whole when there are many that are good.

    I think you're being sarcastic, but can't be sure.

    Unions are the epitome of liberal socialism. No intelligent argument could possibly be made against that.

  7. #17
    Founding Member canes7's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ordmm View Post
    I have. So I guess I USED to be a "fucktard", so by your standard I guess I'm allowed to comment. By the way,,,,this is so typical of my union experience. Instead of coming up with a civil discussion it's name calling and usually a shout down from union idealists. It's the only way they know.

    Anyway....10 years AFSME. 5 years IAM (machinests union, Chicago)

    Before that, 10 years airlines, half the time non-union in a right to work state.

    Before the airlines, the automotive industry. Supervision, or better described as a punching bag for the UAW.


    When a non government enterprise is union, or non-union and they make bad decisions, or are stupid, or allow their company to be manipulated they go out of business. Someone else comes along, and if there is profit to be made, they step in, usually don't foul up like the company before them, and succeed in business. And while that is going on the people who work for that company usually enjoy solid employment. So I guess jungle law triumphs, the fit survive.

    Now there are exceptions of course, but those are usually companies that are propped up by gov't subsidies (which really is being propped up by our money). Ultimately they fail and go away.

    But now there is Government. They can fail in their mission. The school systems are a real good example.
    Their people make big mistakes but where I was at that usually led to being promoted as they did'nt want to draw attention to the foul up, but did'nt want it to happen again.

    Most of the time, in my opinion, the employee base represents some kind of great social experiment. IN MY EXPERIENCE lots of people who are basically unemployable are given a paycheck. Government employment is
    an Oz like land of everyone is equal and deserves a chance and a paycheck even if they are totally useless. But these government jobs don't go away. There is no competition. There usually is no measure of efficiancy. It just goes on and on. Best way to validate things is I guess by using Franklin Roosevelt. The ultimate liberal. He felt that government employees SHOULD NOT be unionized.

    Oh yeah, after ten years I decided I wasted ten years. I simply could not be part of the joke anymore.

    That's the honest to God's truth.
    So you think I was defending .gov unions? What I see is a whole buch of .gov worker bashing and I know not all of you know what the hell you are talking about. As said before to lump the .gov & union workers all together is just plain wrong. All this belittleing of "heros" and so on is just plain ignorant.

    I work in state governement. We have no money to waste. So you are still going to call me a leech?
    Last edited by canes7; 07-07-2012 at 11:21 AM.

  8. #18
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    Define hero????????????????? OMG That is all you see anymore. Firefighters,cops,parmedics!!! Running around town with thier bumper stickers on thier car or truck saying, im your hero!!!!!!!!!!! If they want to be a hero DONT take PAY!! Oh wait..

    They took that job for the income to support thier family!! A hero is someone who does something wanting nothing in return! They took that occupation for the income to support thier family!!

    DO WE NEED COPS,FIREFIGHTERS,TEACHERS!!!! 10000%%% YES!! DONT cry how dangerous it is YOU choose that job!!

    WE HAVE EVERYTHING SO FING SCREWED UP IN THIS COUNTRY!! A HERO IS A dad who takes his son fishing,hunting this weekend. A mother who teaches her daughter took cook,or clean house to raise a family!

    Mom,Dad teaching thier childern to be good stewards with money ,Not to be a burden on soceity!!! A Hero is someone helping a neighbor or friend who has hit a hard time in thier live. Whether it be sickness or financial needs! Susan, my wife and I just gave a large portion of money to a friend whose hubsand is dieing of cancer.Leaving 2 small childern behind. 6 months to live! We gave the money in a envelope with NO return address! they have know clue who it came from! That is being a hero Seating a standard for our childern!! I WILL PICK WHO MY HEROS ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! peace TOOLMAN
    Last edited by toolman; 07-07-2012 at 12:03 PM.

  9. #19
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    Toolman you better get your understanding of what a Hero is. I guess by your definition a service man is not a hero since he is paid to do it. This whole thing disgust me on how there is a division from those who are no no union to those who are. I could sit and write as many instances of those not in the union being selfish pricks also if not more. I have been refraining from commenting as I see it does no good and am surprised at the serious attacks on fellow collectors. I am a full blown conservative and have a Union job. It pay's for me to live but if my wife didn't have a great job in the private sector or I didn't have a second job I wouldn't survive.

    Totally disgusted and going to take a break from the forums as I do not want to get any more upset over the Liberal way, yes Tim I said it again as the same kind behavior as Liberals use is being used now. I just do not want to look at the folks I thought were pretty descent in their views seem to be exactly like the other side that most of us cannot stand. Rick B

    remarkably brave person: somebody who commits an act of remarkable bravery or who has shown an admirable quality such as great courage or strength of character
    "a war hero"
    somebody admired: somebody who is admired for outstanding qualities or achievements
    "heroes of the war against poverty"
    arts main character in fictional plot: the principal male character in a movie, novel, or play, especially one who plays a vital role in plot development or around whom the plot is structured
    See also antihero
    mythology man with superhuman powers: in classical mythology, a man, especially the son of a god and a mortal, who is famous for possessing some extraordinary gift such as superhuman strength
    "the Greek heroes"
    food long sandwich: a sandwich made from a long roll or loaf of bread with a filling of meat and cheese with lettuce and tomato

  10. #20
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    Well I guess some day I'll learn not to post my views on the internet. But since I'm a slow learner will continue to embarrass myself.

    But that being said, I make no apologies as I have a right to state my views and accept the consequences for doing so.
    That being said,,,,,WTF..."serious attacks on fellow collectors"???

    So, do we have to share a common political belief to collect Garand rifles? Can a conservative be excluded? How about a Democrat? If I don't go to your chuch will you not barrel a rifle for me?

    Rick,,,,,,,,You take this as a personal attack. It is not. My comments were on the BUSINESS MODEL of the government agency I worked for. My comments were based on MY EXPERIENCE and so stated. My comments were about SOME of the losers I worked with, and others I have had the misfortune to cross paths with. And I'm sure some viewed my the same way. I posted because I felt it was being stated that ONLY A Government employee was qualified to comment.
    I feel that the government agency I worked for was inefficient and the way it was run was based on a flawed business model. I made a comment about the school system,,,I also feel it's a failed business model. If you want to dispute that it's OK with me. Where I live less than 60% graduate high school.

    But I will ask this question of government workers.....and in most cases those who work in union trades with tight union involvement...and the question is...

    Do 100% of the people equally share 100% of the work? Or, is it, more like 25% of the people do the work, while 75% or so just follow along in the vacuum? And for you uber Union supporters...Do you only emply the Union trades to do work for you? Or if your a union trade person, do you ever do work on the side "off the books"? Be honest now.

    If you want to paint me as a conservative zealot, go ahead. It may or not be true. I'm really not sure about the zealot thing. If you don't like what I say don't read it.
    But.....At least respect our right to state our beliefs.

    On the term "Hero". No, I don't think everyone in the miltary is a hero. By applying that term to all diminishes the true meaning of it. I also don't think all firemen, cops, and whoever are heros either.

    If you require us to assign the term hero to anyone in the military, then would not the soldier who went nuts at Ft Hood and killed a bunch of GI's have to be considered a hero? He was military, and he was in uniform.
    Or do we have to do it with some type of qualification? You can be a hero while in uniform,,,,but when you
    take the uniform off you are no longer a hero? Whoops, sorry, we got to take that Medal Of Honor back now....since your not in the miltary anymore you can't keep it.
    I'll stick with a hero being a unique trait. A product of some extraordanary event. Something a person does, and act of pure unselfish valor that makes that person differant and unique from the rest of us. In this society it does not seem to be fashionable to distinguish anyone who excels. If you make a bazillion dollars based on the skills you have but others don' evil.. If you have 50 kids in a class, or on a team, it not nice just to recognize one or two who excell above all others.

    What are we becoming in this country anyway?

    Anyway, not going to say I'm sorry if I pissed anyone off. Because I'm not.

    Last edited by ordmm; 07-07-2012 at 01:53 PM.

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