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Thread: Your government and union employees photo's here

  1. #21
    Founding Member seaninmich's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rick B View Post
    I guess by your definition a service man is not a hero

    correct. nor are teachers, firemen, or policemen heroes simply because of their job title.

  2. #22
    Moderator Punch The Clown's Avatar
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    In the words of the late Civil Rights Activist and Hero

    Why Can't We All Just Get Along?
    Last edited by Punch The Clown; 07-07-2012 at 02:22 PM.
    When dealing with liberals, always attribute to malice what would ordinarily be attributed to incompetence.

    "Of course it won't be easy; nothing worthwhile ever is. That is why I have always failed where others have succeeded."-Clouseau

  3. #23
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    OK Stu,,,time to change the subject.....LMAO

    Here's my hero and last words on this topic....

  4. #24
    Moderator Punch The Clown's Avatar
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    Greg, I am a big Christie fan. Believe it or not on the other side of the river Cuomo isn't doing that terribly either-considering what he has to work with.
    When dealing with liberals, always attribute to malice what would ordinarily be attributed to incompetence.

    "Of course it won't be easy; nothing worthwhile ever is. That is why I have always failed where others have succeeded."-Clouseau

  5. #25
    Patriot tljames's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by toolman View Post
    Define hero????????????????? OMG That is all you see anymore. Firefighters,cops,parmedics!!! Running around town with thier bumper stickers on thier car or truck saying, im your hero!!!!!!!!!!! If they want to be a hero DONT take PAY!! Oh wait..

    They took that job for the income to support thier family!! A hero is someone who does something wanting nothing in return! They took that occupation for the income to support thier family!!

    DO WE NEED COPS,FIREFIGHTERS,TEACHERS!!!! 10000%%% YES!! DONT cry how dangerous it is YOU choose that job!!

    WE HAVE EVERYTHING SO FING SCREWED UP IN THIS COUNTRY!! A HERO IS A dad who takes his son fishing,hunting this weekend. A mother who teaches her daughter took cook,or clean house to raise a family!

    Mom,Dad teaching thier childern to be good stewards with money ,Not to be a burden on soceity!!! A Hero is someone helping a neighbor or friend who has hit a hard time in thier live. Whether it be sickness or financial needs! Susan, my wife and I just gave a large portion of money to a friend whose hubsand is dieing of cancer.Leaving 2 small childern behind. 6 months to live! We gave the money in a envelope with NO return address! they have know clue who it came from! That is being a hero Seating a standard for our childern!! I WILL PICK WHO MY HEROS ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! peace TOOLMAN
    WoW, 'lil testy there aren't we! I happen to love my job! I was a volunteer for 4 years prior to being offered a "Career" spot. Is my job dangerous......sometimes, but then so is driving down the highway. Do I drive a City / Government Vechicle, if your house is on fire or you're having a massive heart attack yes. Do I belong to a Union.....nope, nor do I care too. I like helping people who are in need of help, am I a hero? I don't think so, but my kids seem to, in fact we talk about such things while hunting or fishing or when we just hang out. My son thought enough of it to follow in my footsteps and also become a FireFighter / Paramedic. Am I a hero? I don't think so, but I do feel pride when someone on the street stops me and shakes my hand because I cut their 16 y/o son out of a mangled piece of metal and tended his injuries while transporting him to the ER, or when a 'lil elderly woman brings cookies and icecream to the station and with tears in her eyes says thankyou for responding so quickly during my husband's heart attack. So you know what, I'm a Gubnent Employee and while I don't always agree with the "powers that be" I will remain one. Not because of status, not because of pay ( 'cause in Western Ok trash truck drivers make more than FF/Paramedics), but because even if YOU DON'T LIKE ME. There may come a time when YOU have a problem just a 'lil too big for you to handle, and I'll be there! Cause I love to help you when you can't help yourself! Trust me I've heard it all

    "well our Fire Department never lost a foundation", or "yea that guy died with Paramedic assistance!" and while it stings I realize it's only folks who've never been in my shoes and since I'm not in their's I really don't understand how they feel or veiw the world!

    and just for grins and giggles I might add..........."don't feel bad, we can't all be heros. Afterall if we were there would be no one to stand on the sidewalk and wave as we pass by!"

    Sincerely and Respectfully Thomas L. James FF/Paramedic Shift Captain

    "and just another DAMN Gubnent EMPLOYEE!"
    Last edited by tljames; 07-07-2012 at 03:54 PM.
    Have you ever heard anyone complain about having ammo left over after a gunfight?"

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by tljames View Post
    WoW, 'lil testy there aren't we! I happen to love my job! I was a volunteer for 4 years prior to being offered a "Career" spot. Is my job dangerous......sometimes, but then so is driving down the highway. Do I drive a City / Government Vechicle, if your house is on fire or you're having a massive heart attack yes. Do I belong to a Union.....nope, nor do I care too. I like helping people who are in need of help, am I a hero? I don't think so, but my kids seem to, in fact we talk about such things while hunting or fishing or when we just hang out. My son thought enough of it to follow in my footsteps and also become a FireFighter / Paramedic. Am I a hero? I don't think so, but I do feel pride when someone on the street stops me and shakes my hand because I cut their 16 y/o son out of a mangled piece of metal and tended his injuries while transporting him to the ER, or when a 'lil elderly woman brings cookies and icecream to the station and with tears in her eyes says thankyou for responding so quickly during my husband's heart attack. So you know what, I'm a Gubnent Employee and while I don't always agree with the "powers that be" I will remain one. Not because of status, not because of pay ( 'cause in Western Ok trash truck drivers make more than FF/Paramedics), but because even if YOU DON'T LIKE ME. There may come a time when YOU have a problem just a 'lil too big for you to handle, and I'll be there! Cause I love to help you when you can't help yourself! Trust me I've heard it all

    "well our Fire Department never lost a foundation", or "yea that guy died with Paramedic assistance!" and while it stings I realize it's only folks who've never been in my shoes and since I'm not in their's I really don't understand how they feel or veiw the world!

    and just for grins and giggles I might add..........."don't feel bad, we can't all be heros. Afterall if we were there would be no one to stand on the sidewalk and wave as we pass by!"

    Sincerely and Respectfully Thomas L. James FF/Paramedic Shift Captain

    "and just another DAMN Gubnent EMPLOYEE!"

    Hell...I would have a bad attitude also if someone made me wear that damn "Sparky The Fire Dog" outfit! BASTARDS!

    Easy....Just a joke.

    For the record,,,I know of what you speak....My dad was a FF for 35 years (back in he old days before general use of a mask), by brother 23 years, my sister-in-law 23 years. I've heard all the jokes. Been around alot of FF and around alot of station houses. By the way,,,dispite the all the crap the old man breathed in....he made it to 92 years of age! The krauts did'nt manage to kil him in WW2, the arsonists and "left the bacon on the stove" did'nt get him, the big meals at the station house did'nt get him. Just father time, an enemy to all of us, got him. He was a cool dude, never complained.

    Last edited by ordmm; 07-07-2012 at 04:31 PM.

  7. #27
    Patriot tljames's Avatar
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    Yep, "rookies" get to play Sparky! Been there done that, 'cept my first year of Fire Prevention was spent as "Sniffy" the Smoke Detector. LoL

    Good Luck All and Good Shooting!.........................just lets not shoot at one another
    Have you ever heard anyone complain about having ammo left over after a gunfight?"

  8. #28
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    Anyone has the potential to be a hero... it's all in how you choose to act and what you do after the fact.

  9. #29
    Patriot tljames's Avatar
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    Ya know, this thread didn't start out being about HEROS. My closing comment about heros was just me being a PIA. My take on heros is simply this. Everyone's definition is different, each of us see those around us from a different angle, my hero is my dad! Did he single handedly slay one thousand of the enemy during WWII? No. Did he save even one living soul from a horrible fire, wreck or natural disaster? No. So what makes him a hero? He was MY dad! The things he did are too numerous to list. What he didn't do , was beat my mother, lay around drunk or stoned. Raise two sons on welfare or sponge off every other working man in America. He instilled principles into me and my sibling that we live by and those same principles we attempted to pass onto our children. Some people thought my dad an A$$H0!E. Trust me he had potential Yet there is no one living or dead that I look / looked up to more, and I'm far from being the man he was, yet I hope someday I can be!

    Now as for Gubnent workers, I understand people's distaste for them. I get what Timmah is saying and I don't have enough informaton to really defend them as a whole. Yet I know how I vote, I know what I believe and on more than one occasion I've chosen to vote for what I saw best for our country and not for my group. I doubt I'm the ONLY Gubnent worker who does so, but then again I don't know.


    So here's a picture of another Gubnent worker..............yep just hanging around spending tax dollars!

    Good Luck and Good Shooting All! Thomas a.k.a. The Hoser!
    Have you ever heard anyone complain about having ammo left over after a gunfight?"

  10. #30
    Patriot tljames's Avatar
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    * somewhere in Michigan*

    Ok guys smile and say..........SHUFFLINNNNNNN!
    Have you ever heard anyone complain about having ammo left over after a gunfight?"

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