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View Full Version : I love small towns

Prince Humperdink
09-17-2011, 11:17 PM
Since Roundup has about 1,500 People I'd recon it is a small Town,as as such has some pretty unique functions.My Wife and I just came back from a"shin dig"thrown by the local Vetrinarian.Every Year She Has a free BBQ for all the Town...We had a slow cooked Hog,all You can eat buffet,and all You can drink Beer..FOR FREE!They were burning pallets and had a bon Fire over 20 feet high and Karoke..I'm glad I can help Her out with My Vet needs.

09-18-2011, 03:04 AM
Sounds like a great time. Your vet obviously knows who puts food on her table to take care of the town like that.

I really enjoy visiting the families we've met in KS. Small towns are great!

09-18-2011, 01:23 PM
Ryan You can get neuderd cheap too.

09-18-2011, 02:51 PM
That's very generous of the vet and I hope everyone appreciated the love given out.

09-18-2011, 04:50 PM
F**K small towns ! Small minds ! Or no minds at all ! I lived in Danville, Vermont for 20 years and finally escaped. I now live in Terre Haute, Indiana and LOVE it !

09-18-2011, 05:06 PM
Hump, I also love the small towns, I think there is around 3000 or so where I live. Its peaceful and everyone helps each other.
Cant stand the big city life

09-18-2011, 05:20 PM
Sounds like a good town to live in and enjoy life so enjoy it! When I moved here it was a small city, now we number over 3 million people. One of our Harvard educated Mayors was all gun control till he was reminded he was in Texas and dropped the subject.