View Full Version : SBR/Suppressors

10-11-2011, 10:13 PM

I know that some of you have FFL's and are much more versed on firearms laws than I am, so I thought I would ask you guys the question.

If I was interested in a short barreled rifle or a suppressor (which as I gather has roughly the same approval process), does that authorization have to be approved for one's legal residence or the residence that the firearm resides?

For example, I'm an Ohio resident, but I'm stationed in North Carolina. My CCW license is from Ohio as is my driver's license and my home of record is my parent's house. But all of my firearms are stored at my house in North Carolina. So do I apply based on my residence or based on my home of record?

All of my taxes, vehicle registrations and other documents are drawn in Ohio, as are my wife's. But I'd imagine if you got something like a suppressor approved for Ohio, but took it with you to North Carolina, you'd be in trouble if you got caught (not that I know what either state's laws are, but for example).

10-11-2011, 11:19 PM

IIRC, the paperwork goes with the legal residence. I forget the number but there is a BATFE form you must fill out when taking the class III across state lines. I think the form must be submitted every year (when done for longer periods). Any time the Class III goes across a state border the form must accompany the item.

In NC only SBR and suppressors would work. For a MG you still need a permit from the CLEO of the county. I have not heard many successful reports of any sherriff that will give a MG permit. Even for someone moving into NC. I'm sure it happens under the radar but it's hard enough to get a non-MG form signed. Many NC'ers go the trust route to avoid the CLEO signature problem.

10-17-2011, 08:27 PM

I figured there was some sort of hassle, but that doesn't sound too bad. I'm not really in the market for anything SBR, but me and one of the other Gunny's were looking at those semi-auto Thompsons and the legal barrel version just looks dumb.

I wouldn't think I would have any issue with the background check, but you never know.

10-17-2011, 11:29 PM
Your hometown CLEO will be easier to deal with than the Sheriff in my county. Even active LEO's can't get a signature from him (and some even work in his county)!

He and the AG are not NFA friendly.

The beauty of the $200 tax is that it's a deduction on that year's taxes.

10-18-2011, 01:29 PM
Yeah, I don't imagine I'll have too much difficulty with it if I choose to get something. I'll have to read up on Ohio law. My little brother just submitted paperwork for a suppressor in the county next to mine.