View Full Version : Be safe My Friends!
Prince Humperdink
12-31-2011, 11:07 AM
Have a happy new Years eve and new Year,and be safe!You Guys are truly like another family,and I care about Y'all.I can't tell You how happy I will be to put this Year behind Me!!!!
12-31-2011, 11:24 AM
I'll drink to that - both to my BT family and to the shitty year that was 2011.
12-31-2011, 01:46 PM
We will be staying home this year.
I just brought the wife home from the hospital this morning. She had to have a total knee replacement and now I get to spend a week playing nursemaid until her sister gets here to help us out.
I'm not going to be the least bit sorry to see 2011 go bye-bye. I'm just hoping that the 2012 end-of the-world disaster kills off all the libtards,democrats and other assorted assholes a few days before me so I can enjoy at least a few days without them on this planet before I check out.
12-31-2011, 11:25 PM
I'm at home. I can't remember ever going out for a New Year's Eve party. I worked a lot of them, which I hated because it was the busiest night of the year. It was only worth it if I could get the double time and a half, or triple time.
Anyway, Happy New Year to all of you in this crazy forum!!
01-01-2012, 12:29 AM
Happy and safe new year to all!
01-01-2012, 10:12 AM
I could have had a close call last night Hump,
We went out with some friends at the Marriott Hotel and had a few too many beers and assorted beverages.
Knowing full well I was over the limit, I did something I've neverdone before we took a bus home.
Sure enough I passed a policeroadblock but since it was a bus they waved us past.
I arrived home safely without incident, which was a real surprise, as I have never driven a bus before and am not
sure where I got it from!
Happy New Years!
01-01-2012, 10:41 AM
I could have had a close call last night Hump,
We went out with some friends at the Marriott Hotel and had a few too many beers and assorted beverages.
Knowing full well I was over the limit, I did something I've neverdone before we took a bus home.
Sure enough I passed a policeroadblock but since it was a bus they waved us past.
I arrived home safely without incident, which was a real surprise, as I have never driven a bus before and am not
sure where I got it from!
Happy New Years!
Do you at least remember where you parked it?
01-01-2012, 01:13 PM
Good call finding the bus!
I hope everyone's '12 is better than '11!
01-01-2012, 02:04 PM
Happy and safe new year to all!
I must be getting old, I slept through all the Parties and woke up this morning feeling good, now I am cooking colards, blackeye peas and Pork rost for tonight.
May 2012 be good to us all, it has to be better than 2011.....
Prince Humperdink
01-01-2012, 03:09 PM
We had a very enjoyable Celebration!There was about 25 People,which consisted of Family and close Friends,and I served spiral cut honey Ham,homeade french bread Pizza,and My Wife made Chocolate Chip cookies,chex mix,chips and dips.Friends brought fresh Shrimp,spicy hot wings,and piles of other snacks.
I enjoyed MANY shots of cheap schmirnov(sp) vodka before adding cranberry juice,I finished most of the Liter bottle,Baily's on ice,and then finished off with a 6 pack of Sierra Nevada pale ale,and half a bottle of Andre pink Champagne.I am doing just fine,but My Brother in law is still puking because He doesn't normally drink but Killed an entire liter of Captain Morgan spiced Rum LOL!We had fun,and did it safely....HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
01-01-2012, 03:57 PM
Happy and safe new year to all!
I must be getting old, I slept through all the Parties and woke up this morning feeling good, now I am cooking colards, blackeye peas and Pork rost for tonight.
May 2012 be good to us all, it has to be better than 2011.....
Me and you both Bro!
I did stay up to midnight but was out like a light by midnight:30.
Collards and black eyed peas have been bubblin since 9:00 and the roast will be in soon!
That's some good eatin right there!
The sayin is Ham for Health, Peas for Peace and Rice for Riches but I always do a center cut pork loin roast.
Lookng forward to 12/21/12 just to see what happens. It's on a Friday night so it's gonna be one hell of a party night! (Not for me)
Punch The Clown
01-01-2012, 07:19 PM
Obama 2012
01-01-2012, 10:33 PM
Was ready for midnight with 5k of firecrackers, at 10'30 we had a ice pellet storm coat the ground then at 11p it turned to rain and came down hard for 50 minutes was still sprinkling at 12 p, broke out what remains of my 12 guage bird bombs, cant buy them anymore BATF started regulating them in april of 11, shot 8 of them ,nice loud like m80s going off 200ft in the air, and earlier i did a 5 bone prime rib on the rotesserie , took a long time to get it done as i like didnt have dinner till 8pm ,was great, wife started the prime rib tradition some 20yrs ago,, was really pretty quiet here in kc,ks usually is loud as heck and the celebrating goes on from 10 till till probably 15 after midnight,heard some fireworks and heard some clowns popping off pistol shots,, hoping this year is better than last ,,
01-02-2012, 12:33 PM
We stayed home as the wife was ill. I had several "hogs" and watched the tube. At midnight I discovered someone in the hood either has a full auto weapon or they learned how to bump fire really good. My guess is 9mm. Then some drunk saw fit to try and move the big tree across the street, that must have been at 3 am. I went over to see if aid was needed but the car was empty accept for the blood on the steering wheel and the two teeth on the front seat. Boy is somebody going to feel bad in the morning. A lot of excitement for our hood, happy new year to everyone.
01-02-2012, 01:14 PM
All the best to all!!! Lots of fireworks here in San Antonio. It was powder smoke outside looking like a heavy fog. Fireworks have been banned for the last couple years and everyone just had to let them off. Our recent rains made it possible, without burning the whole city down.
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