View Full Version : On Watch

04-12-2012, 08:45 PM
A quick recap: Amateur photographer Frank Glick was on his way to work

When he drove through Fort Snelling National Cemetery early one morning.

He spotted a bald eagle through the mist, perched on a gravestone,

And snapped shots with his aging but ever-present camera.

The Post Office should make a stamp with this picture…should be the picture of the year…

Even the Great Eagle is watching over Military Men & Women that gave up

Their Precious Lives to protect our Great Nation…we too have to do our part to protect it.

This was taken at the National Cemetery in Minneapolis on a June morning and it appeared

In the Minneapolis Star/Tribune. Talk about a picture being worth a thousand words!!!

370370It says everything without a single word.

This should become an official Memorial Day, 4th of July and/or Veterans Day remembrance photo:

Our national symbol standing guard

04-12-2012, 10:52 PM
That is just waaaaaaay too cool.
Thanks for sharin'.

04-27-2012, 12:55 PM
Being a VET that realy touched me. Thanks