View Full Version : Important Information

04-26-2012, 11:11 PM
I know this isn't an M1-specific topic but knew it would get the most "reads" here. Feel free to move it if you must. I got this from one of my gun club buddies today. As Arte Johnson (remember him??) would've said, "Veeeeerrrrry Interrrresting".

McMillan Fiberglass Stocks, McMillan Firearms Manufacturing, McMillan Group International have been collectively banking with Bank of America for 12 years. Today Mr. Ray Fox, Senior Vice President, Market Manager, Business Banking, Global Commercial Banking came to my office. He scheduled the meeting as an “account analysis” meeting in order to evaluate the two lines of credit we have with them. He spent 5 minutes talking about how McMillan has changed in the last 5 years and have become more of a firearms manufacturer than a supplier of accessories.
At this point I interrupted him and asked “Can I possible save you some time so that you don’t waste your breath? What you are going to tell me is that because we are in the firearms manufacturing business you no longer what my business.”
“That is correct” he says.
I replied “That is okay, we will move our accounts as soon as possible. We can find a 2nd Amendment friendly bank that will be glad to have our business. You won’t mind if I tell the NRA, SCI and everyone one I know that BofA is not firearms industry friendly?”
“You have to do what you must” he said.
“So you are telling me this is a politically motivated decision, is that right?”
Mr Fox confirmed that it was. At which point I told him that the meeting was over and there was nothing let for him to say.

I think it is import for all Americans who believe in and support our 2nd amendment right to keep and bear arms should know when a business does not support these rights. What you do with that knowledge is up to you. When I don’t agree with a business’ political position I can not in good conscience support them. We will soon no longer be accepting Bank of America credit cards as payment for our products.

Kelly D McMillan
Director of Operations
McMillan Group International, LLC

04-26-2012, 11:17 PM
I've seen this on Lightfighter and several other gun boards. BOA calls BS on this being political.
Apparently, there is more to this story than is being put out by McMillon.

Here is a linky to statements by both sides. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wslpVZJCUWQ

04-27-2012, 08:21 AM
True or not true, doesn't matter at all. Most gun owners are not true conservatives so this news will not bother them. The few that it does bother, will not do anything to assure that they no longer do business with bank of america. I do doubt it's true though but if it were true, how cool would that be! We could see if bank of america lost even a dollar from the results of their actions. I think they might lose up to $50 dollars, that's it. It truly saddens me.

04-27-2012, 10:31 AM
In my limited experience it's not unusual for a bank or financial operation not wanting to do business with gun related items. Can't say accross the board, but in some cases it's not political idealogy that drives policy, but loss prevention. They employ people who do risk analysis. In my case, went to two banks to get a merchant accout to enable us to accept credit cards. The first two turned me down as firearms and firearm related items were not allowed. The company I decided on put some restrictions on our accout. We pay less in fees that way. In regards to McMillan/Bank of America can only go by what's on the net. I thing some years ago CDNN had a similiar problem and they are one of the biggest in the gun and accessory business.

At the end of the day it's all about the $$$$. If enough customers say screw you to BOA and they would probably review their policies. But, I'm with Shuff on this, most gun owners claim to be conservatives, but in reality are not.

That's the fact. (As I see it)

04-27-2012, 05:04 PM
I do not bank with BOA because all of thier signs inside their store are in Spanish.
I deal with a local bank that is not so local anymore they are in alot of the Walmart stores all over the country.
Oh BOA did buy my morgage on my house from Countrywide,but I had no say in that and we are paying that sucker off ASAP.