View Full Version : Reliability of CMP Garands?

06-22-2012, 07:10 PM
Question. Those of you that have bought GMP M1 Garands, have you had any reliability problems?

Also what has your accuracy been, at 100 yards.

I ask this because it has become fairly common knowledge that the current M1-A's, are having relibility, and accuracy problems.

Many times they need to be sent back, sometimes more than once. This does pain me, as I have a lot of experience with M 1-A's made in the 1990's and they always worked 100% and shot very accurate.

But todays production seems less than good.

I do not personally know of anyone that recieved a M1 Garand from the DCM [back in the day] or more receintly the CMP that had problems with it.

Not to pick only on the M1-A's, but the clones of the FN-Fal, and the clones of the H&K 91, have had several problems as well.

It seems like in this day and time, that a CMP Garand is definately a best buy. Especially now that you can get one in 308/7.62mm.

06-22-2012, 08:48 PM
I never had a reliability problem with any of the garands I got from CMP. But then I completely disassemble, check and grease every rifle before I shoot it. The only problem I ever had was a rifle that did not headspace. Cmp replaced the barrel and obviously didn't check the headspace. I reamed out the throat and fixed it.
Accuracy.....I'm sure my garands are accurate..........I'm not.

06-22-2012, 09:16 PM
I have had no problems with any CMP fire arms. I have bought carbines 22 rifles and for a time the 1911A1s and never got one that was not fully functional. As far as condition goes that's another story.