View Full Version : Lake Erie Trip

07-22-2012, 01:04 PM
Just got back froma few days at Lake Erie. Combined a fishing trip with a trip to see my friend who is battleing cancer and a trip to the North Store
Thursday got a limit of eater sized Walleyes nothing worth taking pics of.
Nest day storms rolled in and the lake got very angry 5-6 footers. Needless to say I didnt go out that day but went to the North Store instead, small craft adviseries
North Store was very picked over, no Service Grades. I looked through all the Field Grades and nothing really spoke to me. Was going to get two barreled receivers and was getting ready to check out and saw the rack of WRA Rack Grades. Funny thing is they gauged better than the SA, HRA Field Grade rifles and overall condition was better.
Picked out a nice WRA , looks to be original finish receiver with replaced SA barrel MW 1.5 TW 3. A real mixmaster, beveled gas lock, solid pin in lower band , 19 SA Bolt, HRA Op Rod ,pristene all correct 65 series trigger group, real nice wood with the exception of front handgaurd. Front handguard has biscut repairs and saw cut gas cylinder will need refinished. Gas cylinders gauges good as does Op Rod. Would say the only thing that kept it from being a Service Grade was the handguard and finish on the cylinder. I put back the two barreled receivers and picked out a receiver for future project
Smallbore competion was going on that day and man was it windy 20 mph with 30 mph gusts. I would bet the shooters really struggled.
Went out Saturday and lake alittle tore up ,only managed three that day
Nice to get away for a few days, visit friends and enjoy nature

07-22-2012, 05:14 PM
Lake Erie is a darn rough lake, many don't know that. I've had a more than a few storms chase me off, it doesn't take much to build waves on that pond.

07-22-2012, 08:18 PM
NICE orlando!!!! Im jealous!! Hope your friend is doing better! I have been there brother!!! Peace Toolman

07-23-2012, 12:12 AM
Lake Huron rolls, Superior sings
in the rooms of her ice-water mansion.
Old Michigan steams like a young man's dreams;
the islands and bays are for sportsmen.
And farther below Lake Ontario
takes in what Lake Erie can send her,
And the iron boats go as the mariners all know
with the Gales of November remembered.

07-23-2012, 06:47 PM
I would love to live up by the Big Pond but would probably get in trouble as I would be on the water more than at work

07-23-2012, 07:00 PM
I spent a few years boating on that lake. It's one of the few things baout Ohio I miss. The western basin can be a bear sometimes as its so shallow, but that's where the fun is. I've been caught a couple times. Once was on the way from the islands back to Cleveland. The waves started at 2's by the time we we at Avon Point they were up to 7 and 8's. I buried the bow in a couple of those... scary for your first year out on the lake.

07-23-2012, 09:32 PM
they were up to 7 and 8's. I buried the bow in a couple of those... scary for your first year out on the lake.

Those would not be fun anywhere!

08-26-2012, 07:26 PM
I hope your friend is doing well with his battle. I have nothing but positive things to say about MD Anderson CC in Houston, Texas. Even after I received their bill yesterday.

08-27-2012, 12:07 AM
I spent a few years boating on that lake. It's one of the few things baout Ohio I miss. The western basin can be a bear sometimes as its so shallow, but that's where the fun is. I've been caught a couple times. Once was on the way from the islands back to Cleveland. The waves started at 2's by the time we we at Avon Point they were up to 7 and 8's. I buried the bow in a couple of those... scary for your first year out on the lake.

What do you know about Avon Point? I grew up there.

08-27-2012, 08:01 AM
What do you know about Avon Point? I grew up there.

I fished a lot offshore from there. There was a hole that I was once able to find by lining up with a couple onshore landmarks that would produce just about any kind of fish you can think of in Lake Erie. It would go from a 6-7 foot depth to 14 real fast, then back up to 6-7. Also I spent many times travelling past Avon Point hung over coming back from the islands, we kep our boat in the Rocky River.