View Full Version : A thread to unite us all!
07-25-2012, 05:23 PM
Okay, who will you be voting for our U.S. President in the 2012 election?
I really don't care that much for Romney, but I definitely don't want Obama reelected.
07-25-2012, 07:27 PM
I'll vote for the Game Show host, rather than the guy that wants to take my winnings.
07-25-2012, 08:11 PM
i really don't care that much for romney, but i definitely don't want obama reelected.
Prince Humperdink
07-25-2012, 08:21 PM
I would gladly vote for Ron Paul,but I don't want Him to be a"Ross Perot"in obama's favor.The choice We will have is obama,or obama light..:(
07-25-2012, 09:13 PM
I would gladly vote for Ron Paul,but I don't want Him to be a"Ross Perot"in obama's favor.The choice We will have is obama,or obama light..:(
Yeppers. Don't like Romney. Can't stand Obama. Once again, there isn't a good choice.
07-26-2012, 01:37 AM
We're royally boned, regardless of who gets elected.
07-26-2012, 07:27 AM
Rick B
07-26-2012, 08:19 AM
Sounds pretty good to me. Rick B
07-26-2012, 08:58 AM
BHO! America, as we knew it, is dead. Only BHO can bring that to light.
On a side nide, I'll be investing in PMs, and suggest the same to others..
07-26-2012, 09:23 PM
As I recall there was a lot of negative commments about Ronald Reagan as well in 1979 and 1980. Now he's the gold standard. Think of Mr. Romney as the new potential gold standard. We know where Mr. Obama stands. kwg
07-27-2012, 01:29 AM
Still Funny today....and true.
07-27-2012, 01:31 AM
Rick B
07-27-2012, 09:32 AM
LOL at 2:55 he said "On Liver-worst". I always loved these old cartoons. Rick B
07-27-2012, 07:43 PM
Sounds pretty good to me. Rick B
LMAO I like the "TIME LIFE " SIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
07-30-2012, 08:24 AM
Just about 5 days left on this poll.
07-30-2012, 10:11 AM
Just about 5 days left on this poll.
Is there a pupose for this poll?
07-30-2012, 11:01 AM
Is there a pupose for this poll?
There always is :)
Do you all think that $633 is enough for me to send romney for his election fund? The campaign caller on the phone acted like I was being a cheap skate when I only offered up a measly $633.
Big Ben
07-30-2012, 11:11 AM
I'll be investing in PMs, and suggest the same to others..Eli
Amen...Ag is my fave!
Amen...Ag is my fave!
It's very under-valued, and inexpensive enough to move incrementally.
07-31-2012, 09:19 AM
I currently have a large investment in lead.
I'm not hearing anyone about my $633 political donation? Is that not enough for me to send? Am I being a cheap skate?
08-04-2012, 09:12 AM
Couple more hours.
08-04-2012, 02:11 PM
I'm voting for the person who will be more likely to pay me more, promote me faster and not get me killed.
08-05-2012, 12:00 AM
Hey! Why'd you close the poll? :(
08-05-2012, 10:02 AM
Hey! Why'd you close the poll? :(
It had a posted polling time babe. Can't leave it open forever.
08-05-2012, 10:23 AM
Now, what I have learned from this poll;
Most gun folks voted for people who are less likely to take their guns. Not a giant surprise but there are plenty of gun folks that vote democrat.
Because this is a public poll, we know who on this forum is voting for whom.
I find it odd that so many of us say we are going to vote for one person but send a check for $63.33 to the person they are not voting for??? A government employed union worker, who votes for someone other then boraq, will send boraq a check for $63.33 to elect boraq. I know why this happens but I don't understand why such a union worker would wonder why some of us would want your union GONE. Heck, I don't understand why you wouldn't want your union gone.
If you are in the service employees international union, and you are voting for someone other than boraq, your union has sent 39.7 million dollars to democrats in the last 10 years.
If you are in the international brotherhood of electrical workers, and you are voting for someone other than boraq, your union has sent 35.7 million dollars to democrats in the last 10 years.
If you are in the american federation of teachers, and you are voting for someone other than boraq, your union has sent 34.1 million dollars to democrats in the last 10 years.
If you are in the teamsters union, and you are voting for someone other than boraq, your union has sent 33.4 million dollars to democrats in the last 10 years.
I could go on and on with the union donations that my friends of the US Constitution who are in unions have made but the post would be many pages. Just know that your union, no matter what union, has sent less than 10% of the democratic political dollars to any other political campaigns.
This begs the question, does anyone care or do the benefits of your union to you personally mean so much that U.S. Constitution now means nothing?
To vote for one person but send a check to another cancels your token vote X 10. $vomit$
08-06-2012, 08:05 PM
The best defense for the indefensible is silence LOL. Just act like the facts aren't here :)
08-08-2012, 09:49 PM
I did not vote in this poll, but came back to find the results disappointing. I am somewhat surprised to see that most of you who did vote are planning to vote for the bluer of two evils in November. I'd like to see more votes outside of the two big parties, but I think a lot of people who might actually care are too scared to actually vote their mind. Of course, your state's representative will probably just push votes to their party come electoral college time anyways. I guess I expected something else from folks around here. :shrug:
Punch The Clown
08-08-2012, 10:01 PM
Herk, I think the mindset is a vote for Ron Paul=4 more years of obama.
08-08-2012, 10:41 PM
Herk, I think the mindset is a vote for Ron Paul=4 more years of obama.
Yes, that is correct. I made that mistake once in my youth, never again. I will vote for the thief who just steals my cash and not for the thief who steals my cash and pillages my family.
08-09-2012, 01:43 AM
Yes, that is correct. I made that mistake once in my youth, never again. I will vote for the thief who just steals my cash and not for the thief who steals my cash and pillages my family.
I smell "comprimise" in the air! $clapper$
08-09-2012, 08:54 AM
I smell "comprimise" in the air! $clapper$
No, you smell two stinky POS politicians whom the voters are too stupid to recognize for what they are. Actually, the voters do recognize it and most republicans firmly embrace socialism. I have never seen one socialist program that, once our folks are using, the American people would do away with.
After the 10th year of obama care, you yourself knickknack will not want it gone. I would imagine that hardly 5% of the people on this very forum will want obama care gone after it has been here for 10 years. How do I know this? social security, medicare, medicade, dept of education, dept of human services, workers comp, social security disability, food stamps, welfare, hud. We should all be very ashamed.
I watched the olympics again last night. I find nothing to be proud of. Now, if I could see whom each athlete voted for in the last election or who they would vote for in this election, it would make for a more entertaining games. I'd pull for any russian before I'd pull for a liberal American. The russian can't hurt my country, the liberal does.
08-09-2012, 11:14 PM
No, you smell two stinky POS politicians whom the voters are too stupid to recognize for what they are. Actually, the voters do recognize it and most republicans firmly embrace socialism. I have never seen one socialist program that, once our folks are using, the American people would do away with.
After the 10th year of obama care, you yourself knickknack will not want it gone. I would imagine that hardly 5% of the people on this very forum will want obama care gone after it has been here for 10 years. How do I know this? social security, medicare, medicade, dept of education, dept of human services, workers comp, social security disability, food stamps, welfare, hud. We should all be very ashamed.
I watched the olympics again last night. I find nothing to be proud of. Now, if I could see whom each athlete voted for in the last election or who they would vote for in this election, it would make for a more entertaining games. I'd pull for any russian before I'd pull for a liberal American. The russian can't hurt my country, the liberal does.
Um, Timma? I was actually speaking of you and "comprimise" by not voting for the candidate that you really want to vote for. But thanks for the lecture, I hadn't had one yet today.
Just for the record, I have zero interest in Nobama-Care. It should never have been written, least of all enacted. However, I do think the Supreme Court got it right and pulled a brilliant move that throws it back to the voters to decide what a piece of crap it is.
08-10-2012, 08:18 AM
Um, Timma? I was actually speaking of you and "comprimise" by not voting for the candidate that you really want to vote for. But thanks for the lecture, I hadn't had one yet today.
Just for the record, I have zero interest in Nobama-Care. It should never have been written, least of all enacted. However, I do think the Supreme Court got it right and pulled a brilliant move that throws it back to the voters to decide what a piece of crap it is.
You are in favor of at least social security, you still may have needed the lecture. The supreme court got nothing right, I'm quite sure that roberts will die a slow painful death once the cancer gets hold.
08-11-2012, 12:42 PM
I disagree. I think Roberts handed Romney the election. He left States Rights intact while throwing the "Tax" right back in Obama's face. History will show this to be a brilliant move.
08-11-2012, 03:06 PM
I disagree. I think Roberts handed Romney the election. He left States Rights intact while throwing the "Tax" right back in Obama's face. History will show this to be a brilliant move.
I ask you KK, if my state opts out of obama care, how will we do so? I still can't get to the bottom of how any state could without the citizens of said state still directly funding the program through income taxes. roberts can hand the election to whomever he wants but it cannot shit on the Constitution, wait, it did.
08-12-2012, 01:22 AM
Maybe I don't understand the question. The Supreme Court ruled that under States Rights, the Federal Government cannot force any State to opt into the program. Therefore, if the State opts out, by vote of their Legislators or their Citizens, they cannot be forced to pay for the program. If you are saying that they are paying anyway, through their Federal Income Taxes, that is another matter. It is up to the People to inform their Representives and Senators in Congress that they do not want Federal Tax dollars funding the program, and certainly not by increasing their taxes, which this program does eventually. Unfortunately, and as you know, our "Representives" are spending money in several places that the Citizens do not want it spent. This is why I support a Congress that is neither paid for its service, nor receives any other benefit for it. People should not enter Congress, stay for years and become millionaires in the process.
08-12-2012, 07:53 AM
Maybe I don't understand the question. The Supreme Court ruled that under States Rights, the Federal Government cannot force any State to opt into the program. Therefore, if the State opts out, by vote of their Legislators or their Citizens, they cannot be forced to pay for the program. If you are saying that they are paying anyway, through their Federal Income Taxes, that is another matter. It is up to the People to inform their Representives and Senators in Congress that they do not want Federal Tax dollars funding the program, and certainly not by increasing their taxes, which this program does eventually. Unfortunately, and as you know, our "Representives" are spending money in several places that the Citizens do not want it spent. This is why I support a Congress that is neither paid for its service, nor receives any other benefit for it. People should not enter Congress, stay for years and become millionaires in the process.
Bingo, tell him what he's won Bob! I believe the supreme court did say that the fed could not withhold services that were paid in to such as medicaid etc. The problem is, when the obama care starts having rising costs, where will it get the money? If anyone thinks that it will simply take the money from the states in the program, I have a history lesson for you.
08-13-2012, 11:31 PM
Right. So the Supreme Court threw it back to the Voters to decide who they want in office to either let Obama Care continue or toss it out. The Voters must decide this issue in November, not only with electing a President, but with Congressional elections too. Pay close attention to what those running for Congress are saying in your districts and vote for who you think best represents your views.
08-14-2012, 04:14 AM
Right. So the Supreme Court threw it back to the Voters to decide who they want in office to either let Obama Care continue or toss it out. The Voters must decide this issue in November, not only with electing a President, but with Congressional elections too. Pay close attention to what those running for Congress are saying in your districts and vote for who you think best represents your views.
Did they, did the supreme court let voters choose? If Michigan opts out and every other state opts in, to you think any of my federal income taxes are going to go to obama care? If every single state opted out except california, hawaii, and new york, you can rest assured that the other 47 would still be fleeced.
08-15-2012, 12:55 AM
Did they, did the supreme court let voters choose? If Michigan opts out and every other state opts in, to you think any of my federal income taxes are going to go to obama care? If every single state opted out except california, hawaii, and new york, you can rest assured that the other 47 would still be fleeced.
I've heard it said that "all politics is local". Well, this may be where it starts, but in this modern era of instant communication, you have to be "in the know" of what is happening in other locales also. This is what the Tea Party is really all about. For a long time now, the Liberals have been the ones to mobilize their base and move them to where they are needed to advance their political agenda. Do you think the People protesting in Wisconsin all lived in Wisconsin? The People in Ohio campaigning for Obama all live in Ohio? If you are not happy with what New York, California, or Hawaii are doing on a Federal level, then you need to be involved in their politics too. You don't need to physically go their, just use the internet to "rally the troops" that are in those States, or can get to those States. "The squeeky wheel gets the grease". It's either this, or wait til the USA disbands like the USSR did and each State becomes it's own Country.
08-15-2012, 07:28 AM
I've heard it said that "all politics is local". Well, this may be where it starts, but in this modern era of instant communication, you have to be "in the know" of what is happening in other locales also. This is what the Tea Party is really all about. For a long time now, the Liberals have been the ones to mobilize their base and move them to where they are needed to advance their political agenda. Do you think the People protesting in Wisconsin all lived in Wisconsin? The People in Ohio campaigning for Obama all live in Ohio? If you are not happy with what New York, California, or Hawaii are doing on a Federal level, then you need to be involved in their politics too. You don't need to physically go their, just use the internet to "rally the troops" that are in those States, or can get to those States. "The squeeky wheel gets the grease". It's either this, or wait til the USA disbands like the USSR did and each State becomes it's own Country.
Or... woudn't it be great if union's didn't send all their money to democrats and the democrats had no funding to pull this crap?
Union, NO!
08-16-2012, 12:00 AM
I can't disagree with that. Union members have no control at all over how their money is spent. The Union Officers are strictly in it for themselves and care nothing about their membership anymore, only the dues the members pay. Most of the Union Bosses don't even know what the jobs their members do are all about. At one time, Unions were local too, run by their members who were also the workers. Everyone knew the job and how it needed to be done correctly. That all changed when Unions merged and hired outsiders to run the business of the Union. The freedom of the individual worker was taken away by the concept of "closed shop". Unions have become a dinosaur that should be eliminated.
08-16-2012, 03:14 PM
I can't disagree with that. Union members have no control at all over how their money is spent. The Union Officers are strictly in it for themselves and care nothing about their membership anymore, only the dues the members pay. Most of the Union Bosses don't even know what the jobs their members do are all about. At one time, Unions were local too, run by their members who were also the workers. Everyone knew the job and how it needed to be done correctly. That all changed when Unions merged and hired outsiders to run the business of the Union. The freedom of the individual worker was taken away by the concept of "closed shop". Unions have become a dinosaur that should be eliminated.
Union members do have control over how their money is spent, they can ELECT different leadership, they can use persuasion and convince their fellow employees that they should get rid of the union, they can quit and get a job with no union, they can choose not to entertain getting a job in a union shop. Seems pretty easy to me.
08-17-2012, 06:20 PM
Herk, I think the mindset is a vote for Ron Paul=4 more years of obama.
Yes, that is correct. I made that mistake once in my youth, never again. I will vote for the thief who just steals my cash and not for the thief who steals my cash and pillages my family.
I was too busy eating my popcorn, I forgot to respond to this...
I never mentioned Ron Paul. A vote for Romney is a vote for Obama. They're two sides of the same exact coin. They're both Harvey Dent and the Presidency is Two Face.
Tim, you really surprise me. You say a lot of things on here about how you don't like unions and everyone is free to do as they please as long as it doesn't infringe upon anyone else's right to do as he pleases, and how the drafters of the Constitution intended it to mean "X", etc, ad nauseam. Yet here when it comes time to tell the people who represent you on the Federal level how you feel about the job they are doing, and how you as a citizen of your State would like the Federal government governed, you seem to be taking the easy cop out of "the lesser of two evils". At least you're exercising your right to do as you please.
I need to go find some more popcorn...
08-17-2012, 07:19 PM
I was too busy eating my popcorn, I forgot to respond to this...
I never mentioned Ron Paul. A vote for Romney is a vote for Obama. They're two sides of the same exact coin. They're both Harvey Dent and the Presidency is Two Face.
Tim, you really surprise me. You say a lot of things on here about how you don't like unions and everyone is free to do as they please as long as it doesn't infringe upon anyone else's right to do as he pleases, and how the drafters of the Constitution intended it to mean "X", etc, ad nauseam. Yet here when it comes time to tell the people who represent you on the Federal level how you feel about the job they are doing, and how you as a citizen of your State would like the Federal government governed, you seem to be taking the easy cop out of "the lesser of two evils". At least you're exercising your right to do as you please.
I need to go find some more popcorn...
I guess I can be a bit surprising. Like I said though, I've been there done that on voting for long shot lottery picks. If you, I, Stu, everyone on this board, voted for a third candidate, what would it do? Can you tell me that there's any chance at all we could pick a winner before I'm dead? Meanwhile, the worser of two evils is keeping their votes and winning. What does that mean to you or I? It means we get communism to the second power.
No sir, I may be a radical, a dreamer, a constitutional nut whack job BUT... I'm not stupid.
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