View Full Version : Any of you from Michigan catch our former Governor on the DNC last night?

09-07-2012, 10:36 PM
She was a terrible governor, in my opinion, but at least presented herself fairly well. Speaking at the DNC last night, she looked like an insane, drunken idiot. She's pissed drunk, there's no other explanation for it.


It's hard to watch, nothing like the person I remember, and I actually feel a little embarrassed for her. She's really rolling by 1:40.

By contrast, here's her final "State of the State" address; calm, poised, collected:


One's like watching a sunday school teacher...the other's like watching Jimmy Swaggart at a tent revival.

The Dems are coming unglued...

09-08-2012, 06:20 AM
That thing had more to do with ruining my state than all the past governors combined. There was no tax it did not like, there was no union it did not court. My absolute most sickening item it did? It made it mandatory for all babysitters to be unionized! Thanks to Governor Rick Snyder, this was reversed.

If you are a SUPPORTER of unions, you should really be ashamed! unions stand for one thing, STEALING.


Jimbo Slice
09-08-2012, 05:07 PM
I made it exactly 38 seconds before I vomited in my mouth and shut that caterwauling buffoon off.

09-08-2012, 06:08 PM
WOW guys, I am from NYC. I have seen some wacky dems in my time. But that broad is bat shit crazy. But that seems to be the common denominator in demoncrat women!!!!!


09-08-2012, 08:24 PM
Didn't gm actually still file for bankruptcy?

A bankruptcy seems exactly what should have happened. It's what happens to us mere mortals.

09-08-2012, 08:50 PM
It wasn't even a real bankruptcy. It was an expensive way to buy votes for Obama using taxpayer money. The UAW won big, the bondholders got screwed, and we're left with a company that's probably, ultimately, again headed for BK.

I just read today that 79% of the cars GM sold last month were sold to the USGov, and the Volt costs roughly $250k per unit to the taxpayer.

Jimbo Slice
09-08-2012, 09:33 PM
And Jenny got voted onto the Board Of Directors for Marinette Marine (a Fincantieri subsidiary) after she left office. Fincantieri (an Italian company) is building the odd numbered Littoral Combat Ships. Austal U.S.A. (an Australian company) is building the even numbered ones.

Funny how the pieces fall together.

EDIT: Marinette Marine is a union shipyard, while Austal is non-union.