View Full Version : And On The Education Front......Chicago teachers just walked--Are now on strike

09-09-2012, 11:16 PM
Wonder if Rahm-Bo will turn the water canons on 'em....What kind of spin will Obama put on this one? Oh I know, it's Bush's fault.

09-09-2012, 11:25 PM
With the quality of schools and the kids they try and teach just how will the schools being closed effect the education in that cesspool city at all?

09-10-2012, 12:31 AM
The crime rate will jump up tonight.

09-10-2012, 08:00 AM
The crime rate will jump up tonight.

That'll be offset by the NFL players going back to "work".

09-10-2012, 08:50 AM
I guess I must be a liberal, fire the lot of them! Let no public union survive in any form. I don't want my employees telling me how to run my business, it's my business and not there's.

Wait, hold the presses, the teachers have been joined by chicago's occupy wall street movement as a show of "solidarity". Hmm, who's the liberal now? I would be ashamed to the point of killing myself if I was allied by the "occupy" movement.

Punch The Clown
09-10-2012, 04:08 PM

51% of all teachers are full time? If you consider working 5 hrs a day, 80 days a year I guess that's so.