View Full Version : Ryan-Biden Debate
Punch The Clown
10-11-2012, 10:34 PM
Well, I think biden kicked Ryan's ass. Hello 4 more years. The format sucked and radditz steered the whole thing to the libs. I'm sick.
10-11-2012, 10:49 PM
Well, I think biden kicked Ryan's ass. Hello 4 more years. The format sucked and radditz steered the whole thing to the libs. I'm sick.
I didnt watch but bits and pieces, but from what i saw Biden was crass, interupted didnt keep his cool,the moderator may as well not been there tonight the empty seat was hers,,,
10-11-2012, 11:02 PM
If smirks ,eye rolling,giggles, laughter. and constant interruptions. Also the empty chair and obvious one sided monitoring. Biden won. I was totally disgusted and I knew that Ryan was being set up. Oh well I did order some stuff to hopefully carry me through four more years!
10-11-2012, 11:17 PM
I think anyone with a brain will think Biden comes off as a dim witted liar.
Punch The Clown
10-11-2012, 11:25 PM
I'm watching msnbc. They're having a group orgasm over there. If Ryan would have just dodged the abortion issue they wouldn't have lost the Christian right, but by essentially saying they would ban abortion Ryan just lost the women's vote.
10-12-2012, 12:21 AM
Well, I think biden kicked Ryan's ass. Hello 4 more years. The format sucked and radditz steered the whole thing to the libs. I'm sick.
Would have been nice to see the debate play out the same as Romney giving the president an ass whooping. Did not happen. But it was a tie at worst, and think in the next few days Ryan will poll a bit higher on the likability thing. I feel that everyone is forgetting the people out there that have been screwed by the economy. And Obama can come up with all the stats he wants, but the economy is not good. Have a couple of friends who own fairly large companies and they ain't putting much faith in Obama. And THEY ARE NOT HIRING BECAUSE OF OBAMA. When it comes to the economy I believe people don't have good feelings about how things are going. We'll see in November.
Punch The Clown
10-12-2012, 07:28 AM
First of all, Ryan drank about a gallon of water. People that are very nervous stop salivating and become extremely thirsty. It is perceived by many people as a sign of lying, although it is brought on by any stressful situation. The cameras made sure they showed every drink that Ryan took.
When being hammered on the tax cut issues Ryan should have just carried the bi-partisan ball a little bit better, and explained more forcefully that the number is a goal that the administration will achieve, but which cuts will ultimately be made will be decided in the legislature and so be decided by the people.
When biden opened the door for Ryan with the 47% video, Ryan could have spun the whole thing into "that's right, it is unacceptable that 47% of hard working Americans are forced to rely on subsidies to just get by". end of discussion.
On abortion, just say that abortion has rapidly become another means of birth control, and the administration has no intention of funding programs that hand out abortions as free contraception. As far as abortion in general it should have been treated as an issue between a woman, her conscience and her faith.
biden ate the pup up and spit him out. After last night I consider Ryan a liability.
Punch The Clown
10-12-2012, 07:39 AM
I merged two threads as they were pretty much the same subject. Stu
Punch The Clown
10-12-2012, 07:47 AM
Would have been nice to see the debate play out the same as Romney giving the president an ass whooping. Did not happen. But it was a tie at worst, and think in the next few days Ryan will poll a bit higher on the likability thing. I feel that everyone is forgetting the people out there that have been screwed by the economy. And Obama can come up with all the stats he wants, but the economy is not good. Have a couple of friends who own fairly large companies and they ain't putting much faith in Obama. And THEY ARE NOT HIRING BECAUSE OF OBAMA. When it comes to the economy I believe people don't have good feelings about how things are going. We'll see in November.
Greg, I have this conversation with libtards all the time. They HATE people with more than they have, they revel in the failure of a wealthy person or corporation. They think that the wealthy have huge rooms with tons of cash in them. The libtards are too stupid to realize that cash, which is more worthless by the day, is probably the worst investment you can make. They fail to realize that when businesses do well they EXPAND and HIRE MORE PEOPLE. You can talk yourself blue in the face but a libtard is incapable of grasping that concept. It's back to the Magic Unicorn skipping around the country and farting out dollar bills.
10-12-2012, 07:54 AM
Biden is a good debater, but didn't do himself any favors with all his non-verbal communication. Ryan did fine. Krauthammer said it best.....if you read the transcript it's a tie, if you listened on the radio Biden won, if you watched it on TV Ryan won. The VP debate has never been a game-changer, don't think it will be this time, either.
Punch The Clown
10-12-2012, 07:57 AM
Biden is a good debater, but didn't do himself any favors with all his non-verbal communication. Ryan did fine. Krauthammer said it best.....if you read the transcript it's a tie, if you listened on the radio Biden won, if you watched it on TV Ryan won. The VP debate has never been a game-changer, don't think it will be this time, either.
Ask a woman. They do make up over 50% of this country.
Punch The Clown
10-12-2012, 08:42 AM
Biden really hammered it home with the Supreme Court comment. He said that the next administration will likely appoint 2 justices, and that a vote for Romney will overturn Roe v. Wade. It is not a point of pro-life or not. Women perceive all of this as men having the final say on their health and bodies, and they don't like it. I have no Idea why this a-hole discounts the women's vote. I really feel this jerk jeopardized the election for us.
10-12-2012, 08:58 AM
I really wish Ryan had simply looked over at Biden and punched him square in the mouth. Biden came across as a jackass. If he said, "my friend" one more time I would have stroked out. His body language completely dismissed Ryan and everything that Ryan said. I'm sure Biden was coached to come off as very aggressive since Obama was a sheep in the first pres debate.
I had a higher expectation of Ryan's performace given he was going up against an idiot. Problem is Biden has the experience, the moderator actually had Obama at her wedding (from what I've read), and the whole format was skewed in the Dems favor?
Punch The Clown
10-12-2012, 09:14 AM
It was skewed. Even the cameraman made sure to have Ryan on the screen every time he took a gulp of water. The split-screen format made joe look rude, but it made Ryan look nervous. Ryan wasn't sharp enough to pick up on the old "if you look at radditz you ain't looking at the camera" trick. Over at Jouster they have 2 pages of delusionary posts about how Ryan kicked biden's butt. I am not letting my personal feelings get in the way. Romney has to do some quick damage control.
why do y'all assume women are pro-choice? the most stubborn pro-lifers I know are all women!
10-12-2012, 03:26 PM
why do y'all assume women are pro-choice? the most stubborn pro-lifers I know are all women!
Eli.....Agree with you 100%. Ryan has stated his position. Whether you like it, or don't like it, at least he stated where he stands. Ryan and Biden came out even. Biden saved the Obama campaignfor now because that's what was expected of him. So maybe the whole election at this point is an even race. Next debate will probably be a bit tough for Romney. If Romney meets the general publics expectations then it may be over for him. But if he takes Obama down again, then I think it's over for the current white house tenant. And Stu,,,,,Don't be jumping out of any windows over all this.....LOL
Punch The Clown
10-12-2012, 06:51 PM
why do y'all assume women are pro-choice? the most stubborn pro-lifers I know are all women!
Eli, it is not pro-life or pro-choice. It is the concept of men making choices about their bodies that they object to. I would bet the majority of women feel that way.
And Greg, I think another four years of this commie in the White House and I will jump.
10-13-2012, 04:50 PM
I watched the debate at deer camp and was embarrassed for Ryan. Ryan did not compete on substance, entertainment value, or perceived leadership qualities. I really felt it was a butt kicking by byden. Despite this, the undecided/middle seems to think that it was a tie, no wonder this bunch is so confused and stupid, they can't even tell a winner from a loser.
Not many people can claim to be more Constitutionally oriented than I am or more wanting of anyone less evil then a democrat to take a debate but our guy simply fell short. Despite Ryan falling short, it doesn't matter. If Romney takes the next two debates, it's over for oboombya.
Amazingly, four years ago Palin kicked byden's butt! Palin was supposed to be a dimwit and Ryan a smart geeky type. Gotta give Sarah credit, she's hot and savy.
10-14-2012, 06:42 AM
While the general consensus seems to be it was more or less a draw, not a clear victory like the Presidential debate, lots of polls are calling it for Ryan.
Still, according to the CNN poll of independents, Paul Ryan “won” the debate, 48% to 44%. The same poll showed that people who watched the debate believed that Paul Ryan expressed himself better than Joe Biden, 50%-41%. An NBC poll of 435 uncommitted voters after the debate showed Paul Ryan winning with 63% to 31%. CNBC had it 56% to 36%, again with Paul Ryan coming out on top. Even the Danville Advocate Messenger had Paul Ryan on top at the end of the day, attracting 56% to Biden's 41% (though, it should be noted that all site which report the Advocate Messanger’s poll don’t link to any real poll on that newspaper’s site).
Biden didn't do much more than appeal to his base, who were voting for him anyway. In the process, he alienated a LOT of independents, undecideds, and swing voters. Most of the buzz about the debate can be summed up in one sentence, "Biden was an asshole."
The VP debate is the Junior Varsity game, it rarely has much bearing on the election. That being said, I think a lot of people took away a bad impression of Biden, and a good one of Ryan, and that's only going to help.
10-14-2012, 06:44 AM
While the general consensus seems to be it was more or less a draw, not a clear victory like the Presidential debate, lots of polls are calling it for Ryan.
Still, according to the CNN poll of independents, Paul Ryan “won” the debate, 48% to 44%. The same poll showed that people who watched the debate believed that Paul Ryan expressed himself better than Joe Biden, 50%-41%. An NBC poll of 435 uncommitted voters after the debate showed Paul Ryan winning with 63% to 31%. CNBC had it 56% to 36%, again with Paul Ryan coming out on top. Even the Danville Advocate Messenger had Paul Ryan on top at the end of the day, attracting 56% to Biden's 41% (though, it should be noted that all site which report the Advocate Messanger’s poll don’t link to any real poll on that newspaper’s site).
Biden didn't do much more than appeal to his base, who were voting for him anyway. In the process, he alienated a LOT of independents, undecideds, and swing voters. Most of the buzz about the debate can be summed up in one sentence, "Biden was an asshole."
The VP debate is the Junior Varsity game, it rarely has much bearing on the election. That being said, I think a lot of people took away a bad impression of Biden, and a good one of Ryan, and that's only going to help. And the outright lie about the Libya fiasco ("we didn't know they asked for more security," the day after Congressional hearings said that they did) is going to be an anchor around Obama's neck during the next 2 debates.
10-14-2012, 11:23 AM
Think it's all gonna be over who wins......Ohio. The early voting thing is where the Dems do a real good job it seems. They are also real good at getting out the vote. In Wisc they had high school kids let out of class to canvass the poor neighborhoods. They had vans, they would knock on doors,, get the people into vans and wait for them to vote. Would expect the same program in other states. I'm still thinking Ohio will decide it. Lot of union support there.
Punch The Clown
10-14-2012, 09:16 PM
Lets not forget acorn and the black panthers. Remember, vote early and vote often.
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