View Full Version : America Just Died!
Punch The Clown
11-07-2012, 12:22 AM
Well, It's over. You can kiss America goodbye. This walking, talking piece of turd will now load up the supreme court and kill off The Constitution. Obviously this is the will of the people.
11-07-2012, 12:59 AM
I am embarrassed for our country...
Never had a feeling of national despair before, I really do not know how to process it...feels like how I did on 9/11.
Just 100% shocked...mad and sad at the same time.
11-07-2012, 01:24 AM
I certainly don't feel good this evening...
11-07-2012, 01:25 AM
I find it ironic that the US was the superpower that defeated Communism, only to be killed by it from the inside.
11-07-2012, 01:35 AM
The news media keeps talking about how the demographics of the country have changed. Well, no shit. The crowd standing around looking for a handout exceeds the crowd that works and contributes at this point. Those folks weren't about to let a chance at four more years of a free ride slip by. And sadly, the younger generation has bought into the whole 'redistibution of wealth' thing in a big way. Add them in with the non-working drones, and Romney didn't stand a chance.
11-07-2012, 02:02 AM
The joke is on them (the younger generation)... wait until they realize there won't be any "wealthy" left.
11-07-2012, 06:37 AM
How freakin stupid can the American public be to want to go through another 4 years like we just went through!!!!!????????????????
My hope is gone
Let the Apocalypse begin
11-07-2012, 09:20 AM
" wait until they realize there won't be any "wealthy" left. "
But thats the point.
The first time teen voters and 20 somethings genuinely believe in that!! They have been thouroghly indoctrinated into the line of thinking that having more than someone else is bad.
The Republicans have proven themselves to be totaly out of touch with the 'new' Amerika. They have come off as the party of the old, rich, white male. And the continual focus on gay marriage and abortion as the main planks in their platform has further alienated the younger crowd and women.
11-07-2012, 09:33 AM
Nothing to worry about! So we will get three new liberal supreme court justices, big deal! So we will have oboombya care come to fruition, big deal! So it was proven that government employees and paid off union employees will generally vote communist, big deal! Want some more medicine? Unless Marco Rubio runs in 2016 we'll get another dose.
Marco is the only person in this country who may be capable of fighting off the union money put into the communist regime. He is also the only one capable of getting us some brown vote. Either way, the Constitution is DEAD.
Prince Humperdink
11-07-2012, 12:46 PM
Yep,Amerika ist Kaputt!!
11-07-2012, 12:54 PM
What a bunch of defeatist whoosies. It ain't over. The war has just begun! We got four more years of Barry and the what. Yeah, us gun owners will take some hits for sure. Supreme court, maybe not too good.
But what the heck, give up? Enough. Hold the S.O.B.'s accountable on your local and state level. "They" EXPECT us to give up. Screw them.
11-07-2012, 02:40 PM
Did I step into a time machine? everyone said EXACTLY this 4 years ago. Hell, I've already seen a few dozen of the tombstone pics that say "USA RIP 1775-2012". same damn pic. all you guys did was change the date from 2008 to 2012.
the results of this election were in long, long ago. the fact that anyone with a brain thought it was going to end differently I find laughable. Everyone on here is to blame. Everyone on here is happy to sit back and tell us all about how the government is pissing away "their" money for this and that, but at the same time sucking that same money out the other door.
In a union? I don't want to hear a word from you. You made this happen. Of course, you will deny that and say foolish things like "but I voted for ROmney". blah blah blah. your union, your dues, your money ALL went to elect obama. you got want you asked for. now live with it
here is a fact: nothing - and I mean NOTHING - short of armed conflict will right this ship. I said that 4 years ago and I say it today. Of course, you all spent the last 4 years saying that obama is so bad there is no way he can get reelected and that all would be well again. I'm telling you this right now, and make no mistake, the nation you THOUGHT you lived in is GONE. it has been GONE for a while.
Let me also tell you this: there is no power on earth that is going to bring it back. Why? because there is no chance in hell that the revolution it would require will EVER, EVER happen.
The only thing you can do now is settle in and accept your new world. Accept that illegals will run freely across what used to be our borders. Accept that you WILL be paying triple for health insurance that covers less. Accept that your dollar will continue to decrease in value. Accept that, very soon, every one of us will have an EBT card or other government food program card. Accept that you no longer have any rights as there are no restrictions on the reach and power of the federal government.
No. I am not joking. Any effort exhausted in opposition to the new America will serve nothing more than to give you headaches and high blood pressure. It's a waste of time and energy
11-07-2012, 04:51 PM
" wait until they realize there won't be any "wealthy" left. "
But thats the point.
The first time teen voters and 20 somethings genuinely believe in that!! They have been thouroghly indoctrinated into the line of thinking that having more than someone else is bad.
The Republicans have proven themselves to be totaly out of touch with the 'new' Amerika. They have come off as the party of the old, rich, white male. And the continual focus on gay marriage and abortion as the main planks in their platform has further alienated the younger crowd and women.
Not true, the "greatest generation" was first. These "people" have been alive for every election since the great welfare giveaways of fdr. This generation fought a Great War but they have been sucking this country dry since. No amount of spending, benefits, or programs can sate them. There are many exceptions in this group but as a whole, they've sucked this country dry.
11-07-2012, 06:06 PM
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.....Some of you ready to just give up. Some of you showed more fight the time you found out the admission tickets were rigged at the first big carbine sale. Yeah, more fight. ........LMAO ......Just a joke....Funny though, you gotta admit it...
11-07-2012, 08:12 PM
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.....Some of you ready to just give up. Some of you showed more fight the time you found out the admission tickets were rigged at the first big carbine sale. Yeah, more fight. ........LMAO ......Just a joke....Funny though, you gotta admit it...
Care to know what came of that ordmm? NOTHING, Orest covered the entire thing up and broomed it under the rug. We lost that one too, we were dismissed.
11-07-2012, 08:44 PM
I just added Michigan up, take away detroit and Romney wins Michigan. Could we trade detroit to new york for Fox New headquarters?
86% Reporting
I am proud to report that my County, Hillsdale, got the second highest Romney voting percentage in the state!
11-07-2012, 08:56 PM
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah.....Some of you ready to just give up. Some of you showed more fight the time you found out the admission tickets were rigged at the first big carbine sale. Yeah, more fight. ........LMAO ......Just a joke....Funny though, you gotta admit it...
Glad you brought that up. That event will prove my point perfectly. we were wronged - blatantly, clearly, and openly. We were told to shut up and accept it. we tried to rise up and hope that there would be some justice. Instead of backing us and standing up for what is right, damn near every piece of s$%t on that forum sat in silence for fear of being balcklisted by the mighty CMP. CMP had something they want, and they were not willing to do what is right if it meant potentially losing something from which they were personally benefiting.
11-07-2012, 09:00 PM
Glad you brought that up. That event will prove my point perfectly. we were wronged - blatantly, clearly, and openly. We were told to shut up and accept it. we tried to rise up and hope that there would be some justice. Instead of backing us and standing up for what is right, damn near every piece of shit on that forum sat in silence for fear of being balcklisted by the mighty CMP. CMP had something they want, and they were not willing to do what is right if it meant potentially losing something from which they were personally benefiting.
And THAT is exactly how it was.
11-07-2012, 09:09 PM
I just added Michigan up, take away detroit and Romney wins Michigan. Could we trade detroit to new york for Fox New headquarters?
86% Reporting
I am proud to report that my County, Hillsdale, got the second highest Romney voting percentage in the state!
Meanwhile in Lansing...
11-07-2012, 09:16 PM
Meanwhile in Lansing...
Yep, another detroiter elected by detroiters. This "city" would fit in great as a borough of nyc.
11-07-2012, 11:17 PM
Glad you brought that up. That event will prove my point perfectly. we were wronged - blatantly, clearly, and openly. We were told to shut up and accept it. we tried to rise up and hope that there would be some justice. Instead of backing us and standing up for what is right, damn near every piece of s$%t on that forum sat in silence for fear of being balcklisted by the mighty CMP. CMP had something they want, and they were not willing to do what is right if it meant potentially losing something from which they were personally benefiting.
OK....My apologies for bringing it up and my apologies for using somewhat black humor about the elections. But maybe it served a purpose about using passion to correct wrong doing. I don't know. Won't happen again for sure.
Punch The Clown
11-07-2012, 11:43 PM
Yep, another detroiter elected by detroiters. This "city" would fit in great as a borough of nyc.
Absolutely true. There is an entire new breed of minority politicians around here. They're all phoney reverends and doctors or both. These "people" are G_d's Clowns, but mainstream politicians and the media have to pander to them or else be branded as racists. This is affirmative action at it's best. In the real world-if there was one anymore-these "things" wouldn't be qualified to wash my car, but they're wined and dined like royalty. Imagine the frustration of being a qualified minority? It will always be assumed that you succeeded through affirmative action.
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