View Full Version : It Ain't Over 'Tll We Say It's Over.....Don't give up.

11-07-2012, 12:45 PM
C'mon you pussies. Shake off the defeat. Now we need to plot payback.

OK, sure the half and half won. And yeah, there is setbacks in other elections also. But think about it. Did you all figure they were gonna let Romney just walk in and take over? No way on that one. Our opponents were many and shrewd. While we maybe slapped them in the face they kicked us in the nutz. We smiled, they employed street fighter tactics. The fact is we will see more darkness before our world goes full bright again. But we will win.

Barry has four more years. If he don't pull this country out of financial trouble the money people will put a permanent stake thru the hearts of the Dems. The finance dudes will play both sides, but whoa is the side that costs them money. Want to tax the super rich? Go ahead and see where that gets you. Oh, they will probably change tax rates, but with a wink and smile bury tax relief in somesuch act of legislation.

It's all on Barry now. Even the faithful is gonna find "it's Bush's fault" ain't gonna fly anymore.

OK, election is over. Lets see how Iran shakes out. How is Muslim brothers react. My take on it is that the Israelies will bomb the living crap out of Iran in the next 6 months.

Figure on paybacks in the way of investigations over a whole bunch of things like Benghazi and the solar company ripoffs.

And I'll laugh my ass off when Charlie Chan is posing in front of the new Jeep plant in China. Screw the UAW bastards.

China and jobs? Barry ain't gonna do anything as the Chinamen have so much stake in the U.S. economy they won't let anything come between them and thier money.

And, what pisses me off the most is the talk that the Republican message needs to be softened. Gheez, if you want a liveral message go over to the Dems. The Republican message was not wrong....it was the media and the Dems who savaged the Republican message and the Republicans did not savage them back. If anything I don't think the Republicans are conservative for the most part.

Yeah, so we pissed off women, and all people of brown color. Oh well. They may find that a whole bunch of employers are going to change the way they handle the lower end jobs.
They will not be happy when they find out they are told they are hour limited.

We lost this one. Some of what I think is coming is going to be real lousy for gun owners.

But, the point is, if you don't want to hang in there and fight for what YOU KNOW TO BE RIGHT, then just go over to the other side.

It ain't over,,,,,,,,(resisted the temptation to link the Belushi ain't over thing)

11-07-2012, 02:49 PM
I officially went over to the other side today. The war is over. we lost.

The best thing that can happen now is Iran gets their nukes, they start throwing them around the middle east, we throw a few, Russia throws a few at us, China gets involved, and FINALLY things will be fixed

11-07-2012, 03:51 PM
Ordmm sadly i think you are wrong,, there is nothing the potus can or will do that will turn his base against him, if they keep their goodies that are now in place they will see it as ''he saved us'' from those evil conservative rep's who wanted us all to starve,,myself i want to see the country reach greek like levels with unrest and disorder in the streets and that may happen if he somehow taxes the succesful to hard or doesnt increase the goodies for the base,, those are the best case events sadly it will stay as it is, as long as the shhep get a goodie tossed to them they will stay happy and the succesful will complain about higher taxes but then obediently pay them, we are screwed as Sean said the fact is WE LOST WE ARE THE MINORITY NOW WE WILL /THE CONGRESS/ CAVE TO HIM,,

11-07-2012, 04:37 PM
This election wouldn't matter and ordmm would be right if this was about an election. My sadness has nothing to do with knucklehead being president.

No friends, the presidency does not control all when blocked by congress BUT the president does appoint the Supreme Court justices! We stand to have 3 libs appointed to the bench in the next four years. When it is over there will be nothing the feds can't take from us.

Even if only libs are replaced on the bench, which is no the case, we will have lost the chance to finally enforce the Constitution! We are lost.

11-07-2012, 05:21 PM
Well I read all or your ideas so far, and can't say I agree with them. But I will keep them in mind.

Bit off topic.....Limbaugh said it best today....."Can't win an election running against Santa Claus".

I like that one.

Don't give up boys....

11-08-2012, 12:25 AM
Been thinking about alot of this election fallout thru the day. Maybe the fact is that everything is moving so fast that the world we are comfortable in is disappearing. I know I look back and often times wish things were moving alot slower than they are now. I have no problem with alternative lifestyles, or minorities getting ahead, and really don't care what a women does with her body. Like most all of you, don't really care, just don't bring it into my house, and just don't make me pay for it. And I guess there lies the issue I have. Alot of people right now want to have their cake and eat it too.....and then I have to pay for it. Then even when I pay for it, they attack me for my beliefs. At this point who know's how it's going to shake out. But for now, time to get some sleep, and prepare for tomorrow and the business of commerce ($$$$). Maria Bartaromo....my idea of a true capitolist. Sweet dreams.