View Full Version : I have three -9 flat side un-cut oprods. Trade offer.

11-09-2012, 08:44 PM
This is a trade offer only.

Only "I'll take it's" posted on this thread will get a rod.

I have three -9 flat side un-cut oprods to trade for three oprods.

This trade offer must be quick because I need these for my Mini-G's. I would expect anyone who wants these to have them mailed out by Tuesday 11-13-12 end of day priority mail.

I am willing to trade one, two or all three rods to one person and am also willing to split them up as well. The tabs are all good but I don't know about the pistons. I am not going to deal with color requests, they are what they are so know that going in.

I am willing to take in trade your oprod, any revision, and $10. Your oprod need only have a good tab, I don't care about the piston and I don't care about pitting at the last 8" of the oprod. I am not interested in cash.

The only reason I'm doing this is because I don't want to be cutting up collector oprods.

Punch The Clown
11-10-2012, 06:52 PM
Sir, I have two very nice modified op rods-a rev 6 and a curved side 9. I would like to trade them for 2 un-modified flat side 9's. Thank you.

OOH! I forgot to say I'll Take It!

I'll Take It!

11-10-2012, 07:24 PM
Too late Stu. I shipped my four op rods to Tim this morning. Call me. I need modified rods if Timmy is out.

Punch The Clown
11-10-2012, 07:33 PM
Too late Stu. I shipped my four op rods to Tim this morning. Call me. I need modified rods if Timmy is out.

But you didn't say "I'll Take It".

11-10-2012, 08:27 PM
By the time you read this, there was nothing left to take.

11-10-2012, 08:57 PM
By the time you read this, there was nothing left to take.

Two rods for stu, all rods now gone. Ship them FAST Stu

11-10-2012, 09:02 PM
Tim , I saw this offer shortly after you posted. That was a very nice gesture to the members here, I know I searched high and low when I needed them. Its nice to see them go where needed and appreciated .

Punch The Clown
11-10-2012, 09:22 PM
I have a bunch of parts for another 3.8, and I feel the need for another gun. The timing is perfect.

11-10-2012, 11:40 PM
Tim , I saw this offer shortly after you posted. That was a very nice gesture to the members here, I know I searched high and low when I needed them. Its nice to see them go where needed and appreciated .

Why thank you Sir.

11-13-2012, 10:18 PM
I have a bunch of parts for another 3.8, and I feel the need for another gun. The timing is perfect.

Are you a 3.8 Collector, or you are gathering the parts?

Punch The Clown
11-13-2012, 10:21 PM
I have a beautiful correct 3.8. The nicest M1 I own. I wasn' t going to put together another but the op-rod might just give me an excuse.

11-13-2012, 10:27 PM

I have a -18 trigger group, but I think it was reparked (military) that I swapped out for one with more original finish.

Punch The Clown
11-13-2012, 10:31 PM
I have barrel, lock bars, op-rod, receiver, gas cylinder, stock hardware, and a bunch of other stuff. That NFR stock will kill me though.

11-13-2012, 10:43 PM
Have Tim make you one.

11-15-2012, 06:49 PM
I have barrel, lock bars, op-rod, receiver, gas cylinder, stock hardware, and a bunch of other stuff. That NFR stock will kill me though.

Why not get an SHM Rebuild stamp stock?