View Full Version : Maybe Firearms Isn't The Problem?

Punch The Clown
12-16-2012, 07:27 PM
Of course the liberals are going to exploit the tragic killings in Connecticut to further their anti-gun agenda, but why hasn't anyone considered that firearms are not the cause?
I grew up in the 60's and 70's. I went to public school. We started our day with The Pledge of Allegiance followed by our morning prayers. I still remember every word to the grace we said before milk and cookies. We had a Christmas tree and decorations at CHRISTMAS time, it wasn't called holiday. We said Merry Christmas and didn't find it to be offensive. Girls had to wear skirts and boys shirt and tie. We sat in rows, not "freestyle". We had silent times, when nobody was allowed to speak-just to teach us discipline. The classroom rules were posted and punishment was administered if they were broken. The teachers decided the curriculum, not the parents. On the subject of parents, you can count the amount of single parent households on the fingers of one hand. We engaged in competitive sports, and played to win. We had to use the words "sir" and "ma'am" without embarrassment. My family had a set dinner time that was the same everyday. Bedtime was also non-negotiable. And we had firearms. And we didn't massacre school children. Maybe the departure from that hokey and corny-as liberals see it-way of life that seemed to work just fine for hundreds of years is contributory to the increase in violence in America? Just an observation. Stu

12-16-2012, 09:16 PM
Amen Brother

12-16-2012, 09:58 PM
Spot on Punch, i plagerized that on my facebook page,,ive caught hell today from lots of people, The shooting now is being blamed on mental health, when i put forth the idea that at'''the first violent outburst, the 1st severe threatning anti social outburst, no matter what the age the person be removed and put behind walls to have the problem fixed'' man am i a heartless SONOF A BI**H, SEEMS TO ME that in the 50s 60s thru the early 70s and for decades before that ,mentally ill were locked up and didnt commit mass murders,, i say this having a scizo son and this would apply to him also,,