View Full Version : Sign this petition as soon as you can.

12-17-2012, 10:26 AM
This petition is on the whitehouse.gov site. I urge you all to sign it.
http://wh.gov/RLsR (http://www.gunsamerica.com/linker.aspx?u=53813DA5-086A-4E47-9EF9-960E43177550&c=20121217_Petition&l=http://wh.gov/RLsR)

12-17-2012, 11:28 AM
Done, but it won't change a thing on his agenda.

Look at the number of other anti-gun petitions...

12-21-2012, 10:45 AM
The petition got a response from something some call a "president". It ignored completely the petition we signed and, in fact, couched our petition as if we WANTED gun control. I'm ashamed of it.


12-21-2012, 11:29 AM
Tim,,,,,Did you expect anything differant from this guy. He's nothing but a political opportunist with a liberal agenda second to none. I really think he has an intense dislike for America and we know it, or at least in the future how we remembered it. Something inside of him dislikes a large part of the American population. If he had the balls, and really was pure that "assault" weapons and high cap mags were at fault he could immediately sign an executive order. And there is no doubt he will in the future, but by having Biden chair a commission he'll insure that it was'nt really him making the decision. He did it because it was the "will of the people". Hell, anyone who's familiar with the Chicago gun control laws including prohibition of high caps, a quick view of the murder rate would tell even a stupid person that gun laws are a failure. In Obama's world he just don't like the type of people that legally own guns. He probably don't like people who got to church, fish, go hunting and all the neat things that make up the lifestyle of many Americans,,,,,but he knows some things can't be legislated against. He hates the people "live by their bible and their guns". His words....very telling statement. But he got re-elected. When he appears in front of a crowd people yell "we love you". That scares me.

12-21-2012, 12:24 PM
Got the same message. Not impressed with the response.

12-22-2012, 09:06 PM
I signed several petitions and the response was pretty much a thank you, but we are coming for for guns. Obama will do what he can to take and ban guns. Putting Biden in charge of the committee is like asking a drug addict to guard the supply of cocaine.