View Full Version : Feinstein's Feinest Hour

12-27-2012, 10:52 PM
She's on record saying if it were up to her all firearms would be confiscated. Have you guys seen the rough draft of her assault weapon bill? It's what the Dem's like to call a "good start".

12-27-2012, 11:10 PM
I've seen the one floating around on the internet....says grandfathered guns would have to be registered and owners fingerprinted. The old AWB specified a weapon had to have two of five "distinguishing characteristics", new bill only requires one. Not looking good, and I'm beginning to wonder how far we are from the tipping point. Some say we're already past the point of no return with the fiscal issues, but I see this bill as a much bigger issue, especially when legislators with NRA "A" ratings are turning into traitors.

12-27-2012, 11:28 PM
The only "ban list" I have seen is some bullshit thats been floating around since 2k7.

12-27-2012, 11:46 PM
Just remember who elected the democrats in power. It was big money, big union money. We can all be upset with the democrats, who could blame you, but shouldn't people start to get upset with those that fund them? When will the pro gun, pro freedom, members of unions finally act to change their unions? All I hear is that it can't be done. I never have heard of any union members trying to change their union.

12-28-2012, 07:24 AM

12-28-2012, 10:54 AM
Start writing your reps. Now's the time.

Sent to both Sens. McCain and Flake (AZ) this morning:

The legislation Senator Dianne Feinstein has publicly pledged to introduce at the start of the 113th Congress to further restrict so-called “assault weapons” (itself a misnomer) is of paramount interest to me because I am a current Arizona CCW holder, an avid target shooter, and a firearms collector.

I am primarily concerned about Senator Feinstein’s proposed legislation because it does not improve the very issue she intends to address: public safety.

On the contrary, it has been demonstrated time and again that the opposite effect occurs, namely that public safety is eroded in precisely those jurisdictions with the most restrictive firearms statutes.

The horrible tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary (and other, similar acts of senseless violence) occurred within the context of severely restrictive current Federal, state, and local statutes rendering the presence of firearms unlawful at the time of each incident. These well-intentioned, but misguided statutes did nothing to prevent these tragedies, and in fact made them more likely to occur by denying law-abiding citizens the tools to defend themselves against attack.

Sen. Feinstein’s proposed legislation would directly and negatively impact our personal liberty as lawful firearms owners, Arizonans, and US citizens, and would have a negative effect on public safety by taking effective defensive tools out of the hands of the law-abiding majority.

As someone who voted Republican in November I look forward to your reply expressing your opinions, and your current stance on this issue.

Thank you for your consideration of my comments on this matter. I believe it is an issue that defines us as Americans, and hope you will work to defeat any proposed legislation that further diminishes the fundamental rights of responsible firearms owners.


12-28-2012, 01:53 PM
Just remember who elected the democrats in power. It was big money, big union money. We can all be upset with the democrats, who could blame you, but shouldn't people start to get upset with those that fund them? When will the pro gun, pro freedom, members of unions finally act to change their unions? All I hear is that it can't be done. I never have heard of any union members trying to change their union.


As long as there is "union dues checkoff" most individuals have little to say in the matter. You take a job in a "closed shop" and your going to be paying union dues. Your state of Michigan looks like it's joining a bunch of other states in becoming a "right to work state". That's really the only solution in neutering the union's power.

Now, I know there are a bunch of people who have issues with the NRA.....But, at this point given the way they have responded in the media they seem to be the only power group to defend our rights in regards to gun ownership. Support for the NRA at this point, coupled with a barrage of contacts to your legislators are really needed. People like Fienstien see a real opportunity for their gun control agenda. They are going for the gold on this issue, make no mistake about it. This time around, there will be no "sunset" rule.

Just my opinion.