View Full Version : Health Care Law...and guns.

01-09-2013, 09:07 PM
Interesting, but I wonder how it can apply outside of the healthcare laws?


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01-09-2013, 09:39 PM
You all do know that the NRA gave Reid at least fair marks in his election. Here's my rub, we have a pro 2nd amendment group throwing out the rest of the Constitution to get what they want. This crap has got to stop!

Anyone who believes in the Constitution has got to believe in ALL of the Constitution! What does this mean?

If you support the 1st amendment, you have to support the rest
If you support the 2nd amendment, you have to support the rest
If you support any of the damn Constitution, and are counting on this document to protect your freedoms, you have to support what you don't like.

This means, in reality, you have to support that hippy's right to piss on the flag
You have to support that #$@%tards right to burn the flag
You have to support that moron who does the most sickening thing you can think of but is hiding behind our beloved Constitution.
If you give an inch, even a thousandth of an inch, then the Constitution means nothing.

The NRA sold us down the river and did not comment at all on oboombya care JUST because they got something in return. What did the NRA get in return? They got NOTHING, they will be betrayed by reid and have not got a damn thing. You cannot make deals that disgrace the Constitution, you just can't do it. It's a matter of ethics man.

01-09-2013, 10:09 PM
I've posted this before, and sadly we need a movie to explain it in the most simplistic terms to those that would disagree with you or anyone else that cares about our constitutional rights.


01-09-2013, 10:23 PM
roadkingtrax, here's the rub. Probably most of the folks that read hustler will not respect my economic freedom or my 2nd amendment freedom. Many folks who believe in economic freedom will not support larry flynt's freedom or my 2nd amendment rights. Many who support the 2nd amendment have no quams forcing an employer to be extorted from their economic freedom through FORCED unionism.

This country is just sick, we have to support each other not because of what we like, but because we want to be free when the freedoms we love get thrown into the barrel for attack.