View Full Version : Sandy Hook - staged?? I thought so from day 1

01-10-2013, 09:08 PM

01-10-2013, 09:15 PM
Not biting and Amerikan's did land on the moon.

01-10-2013, 09:25 PM
Not biting and Amerikan's did land on the moon.

the sandy hook story has been full of holes from day 1. even as bad as the media is at reporting facts, they could not have screwed up this much. too many conflicting reports. you and watched them together that very day. how many people said they witnessed the cops chase another gunman into the woods, cuff him, and put him in a car? we both sat in your living room and saw them say that.

the whole thing stinks and I absolutely 100% believe the government would either A) kill a bunch of kids to push their agenda OR B) stage the whole thing.

01-10-2013, 09:53 PM
Gotta love this one too.


01-10-2013, 09:55 PM
canes7, I tried to google up some source info on that one. i couldn't really come up with anything. there was a ton of BS and garbage to wade through

01-10-2013, 10:21 PM
canes7, I tried to google up some source info on that one. i couldn't really come up with anything. there was a ton of BS and garbage to wade through

Yep. There was no way to verify anything so my default position in this situation is "The government is wrong". I've heard of different .gov agencies hiring actors to do news interviews, so why not. In the case of this woman you would have to think that the .gov would want to limit it's exposure so having cronies multi-task is within reason.

I agree the story stinks on ice. Too many inconsistancies.

Love this video.

01-10-2013, 10:51 PM

01-10-2013, 10:56 PM

01-14-2013, 11:59 AM
No, I don't think this horrible incident was "staged". However, the news reporting keeps changing. The original news report stated that the shooter used two handguns. Right after the incident in an interview with the press, the chief of police stated that a Bushmaster AR-15 was found in the shooter car. Then later this story was changed to the shooter using a Bushmaster AR-15. Something not right here. I can't help but wonder who told the police chief to change his story.

01-14-2013, 02:03 PM
As time goes by I have no doubt that there was a shooting, but I think the "facts" are very skewed. Eyewitness reports of a second shooter, a shooter being arrested in the woods. The media continuing to report that the kids were shot with an AR-15 when the fact is the AR never left the car, and was probably planted later on. The smiling father joking around before his TV interview.

It's simple, the .gov is trying to "sway public sentiment" against guns. Fast and Furious blew up in their faces so the looked forward to their next crisis to capitalize on. Sandy Hook happened, and they exaggerated the fuck out of it. It's a shame that the .gov will stand on top of the graves of children to advance a political agenda. Everyone knows guns are the the problem.

Do you think a national gun registry would have kept this from happening? Hell No! Do you think that a magazine capacity limit would have prevented this? Hell No! Do you think a rifle without a bayonet lug or a collapsable stock would have had any less, or more, of an impact? Hell No. Everyone knows the gun is not the problem. Everyone knows a major part of the issue is the side effects of the drugs forced on these people. Not one fucking lawmaker will even bring it up in fear of being un-politically correct. The lack of action to fix the real problem is flat-out gambling with peoples lives, just to further an agenda.

I guarantee that once they get their gun bans they 'll move onto agenda driven topics. None of them will be more FDA oversight of the drug companies, that is until the drug companies piss off the government. But the drug companies are a cash cow for the .gov, so cover up the issue and shift the blame.

01-24-2013, 12:37 AM
Did anyone watch Glenn Beck's inernet broadcast today (1/23/13) which was devoted to Sandy Hill conspiracies? Please let us dust off our tin hats.

01-24-2013, 08:00 AM
Did anyone watch Glenn Beck's inernet broadcast today (1/23/13) which was devoted to Sandy Hill conspiracies? Please let us dust off our tin hats.

no. can't stand Beck. How about some details of the story?

01-24-2013, 10:33 PM
The story has been full of holes. Like the reports that 4 handguns were used and the AR was still in the car. The coroner stating that ALL were shot my the AR. Don't think we will ever know all the truth.