View Full Version : Time for new yorkers to give up Garands too.

Prince Humperdink
01-14-2013, 03:31 PM
Says anything that holds more than 7 rounds will be banned.

01-14-2013, 04:14 PM
It's about time evidently the residents of NY are just to Dammmm stupid to know what is good for them, they have basically thru the people they elect say, THINK FOR US, PROTECT US WE ARE YOUR'S TO RULE AS YOU IN YOUR WISDOM SEE FIT, i dont feel sorry for them they ahave the type of governor, and legislators that THEY WANT AND ELECT, soory but no sympathy here ,you could see it coming and the course was maintained

01-14-2013, 04:22 PM
When I saw 7 rounds I took that as they were specifically targeting the Garand. Is there any other rifles that hold exactly 8 or 9?

A money-making thought for Mr. Shuff: Convert existing Garands to a caliber that only 6 or 7 rounds will fit in the clip. Does your .35 Whelan conversion fit that description?

01-14-2013, 04:49 PM
When I saw 7 rounds I took that as they were specifically targeting the Garand. Is there any other rifles that hold exactly 8 or 9?

A money-making thought for Mr. Shuff: Convert existing Garands to a caliber that only 6 or 7 rounds will fit in the clip. Does your .35 Whelan conversion fit that description?

35 holds 5 rounds

I'm sure I can make the 30/06 hold 7 with a small silver solder braze in the follower area.

01-14-2013, 05:24 PM
I believe they are referring to detachable magazines. The Garand has an internal magazine fed via an enbloc.

01-14-2013, 05:37 PM
I believe they are referring to detachable magazines. The Garand has an internal magazine fed via an enbloc.

I haven't seen the word "detachable" used anywhere. Plus, what common firearm uses an 8 round detachable magazine anyway?

01-15-2013, 09:04 AM
Garands will now have to be registered.

01-15-2013, 10:15 AM
The only exemption to a magazine capacity of more than 7 rounds is .22 tubular rifles. Even .303 brit enfields are now illegal if loaded with more than 7 rounds.

01-15-2013, 10:46 AM
Why don't you give up even one of your rights? Because when you do, you get this! Never negotiate when you have the law on your side, you are only negotiating your freedom.

01-15-2013, 11:58 AM
Looks like 1911s will be pretty popular in NY now. Just make sure you don't have one loaded in the chamber. If I am understanding the law right that would be 8 rounds which is now illegal.

01-15-2013, 05:07 PM
As long as the magazine doesnt hold 8 rounds you would be ok. 7 in the magazine plus one in the chamber is not an 8 round magazine. This is all a crock of shit as it will do nothing to prevent crime. It is nothing more than law abiding people being disarmed so the communists can control them.

01-15-2013, 05:43 PM
Here's what's truly SAD! How many people, besides the 400 union workers from Remington who funded the democrats to get rid of their own jobs, were at the capitol building in albany to protest this law? News reports say that the number was scarcely more than 0!

01-15-2013, 07:24 PM
The Senate voted on this Bill in the Dead of Night. They "gaveled in" well after business hours, with no public notice, then voted on the Bill just after 11:00 pm last night. The Assembly took up the Bill this morning and only gave it 5 hours of discussion before passing it. The Legislators who passed it are all mostly from the New York City area, where Democrats outweigh the rest of the State in huge numbers. There was no time to organize a protest or even debate the Bill and they all new it. They are all cowards, who do not want debate or confrontation. Democracy is dead in the People's Republic of New York. Expect it to come to a State near you soon.

01-15-2013, 08:08 PM
The 400 "workers" from Remington found the time.

01-15-2013, 11:21 PM
The 400 "workers" from Remington found the time.

Being Union workers, I'm sure that they were warned ahead of time, unlike the rest of us. No one that I know had any idea that this would be moved so quickly until they heard it on the 10:00 pm news. Plus, the Local News only showed a couple of them actually in Albany, representing the rest.

I have posted information on a rally scheduled for Saturday at the Capital. Also, one Senator has begun a petition to repeal the law and there is an attorney taking on the State in a Federal class action challenge. Any New Yorker can join this lawsuit.

01-16-2013, 10:21 AM
I don't even live in the giant shit hole of a state you all call new york, how come I knew about all this as it was going down?

Your "governor" has been bloviating about this event for at least a full week before it happened.

None of this matters anymore though, sounds like at least you KK are now going to attend some events to make your opinion known.

01-16-2013, 12:08 PM
The whole law that was passed is full of weasel wording. Cumo will surely instruct his attorney general to use the strict interpretations of law. Even if there are grandfather clauses the state will say something is illegal and ruin your life. This happens all the time and honest citizens have to spend their life savings to defend themselves. In the meantime their property has been ceased by the government.

Good luck getting your property returned!

01-16-2013, 04:04 PM
Tim, what is a Garand???????????