View Full Version : Few and far between!

01-15-2013, 12:56 AM
I have only duck hunted 3 or 4 times this season, the birds have not been here in big numbers, and the weather has not cooperated.

Luckily we made our annual trip to MD this past weekend to duck/goose hunt.

We duck hunted the two mornings and switched to the field for geese once they started to fly. On Sat morning a group of these worked as perfect as you could imagine. Out of 6 of us I was the only one who connected...


The iphone panoramic of my view from the blind:


Saturday sunset:


01-15-2013, 08:53 AM
Sweet! I haven't been duck hunting in years, I miss it. I was supposed to go with some friends this weekend somewhere in Arkansas but the trip got canceled.

Looks like you had a great time.

01-15-2013, 09:09 AM
Arkansas would be a good trip. It's a shame yours was canceled. It seems that the Central Flyway is having a good year from what I've seen.

If I was going like I used to I'd have room in the boat for you!

01-15-2013, 10:27 PM
Cans are my favorite duck! Nice going!

After buying a duck boat and decoys to start duck hunting again this year after moving back to the pit of dispair (former duck and goose capital of the world), I have missed the entire season due to repeated bouts with bronchitis... Heading back to the dr in the morning. Season closes on the 20th. Wonder if I'll get a single hunt in to justify the equipement...

Trying to get a photo of my can on the wall but maybe have to wait for daylight...

Thanks for the photos!

Arkansas is great waterfowling! Snow goose hunting a number of years back produced 99 geese in two days. This was my first snow goose hunt in Arkansas. Oh the fun I have had there!!!