View Full Version : Who sells 5 round en-bloc clips?

01-16-2013, 12:55 AM
Cheaper Than Dirt has them, but at $9.95 each that seems high. Does anyone know who else sells reliable ones, just in case?

01-16-2013, 01:33 AM
Fulton sells them as well. The maker is Agressive Engineering Corp (AEC stamped on the back).

With all the political shitstorm it may be hard to find cheap ones for a while.

01-16-2013, 02:42 AM
Your better question is, "Anybody know a good Realtor so I can get the hell out of New York?"


01-16-2013, 11:45 AM

Shipping and orders for all products have been crazy. Brownells is a great American owned Pro gun company with excellent customer service and support.

01-16-2013, 04:58 PM
I have never really liked the single 5 rounder I owned, got it from Duff's site. Under the current political atmosphere I have seen some traditional sources of reasonably priced enblocs dry up or increase in price. Probably some paranoia on my part but I just bought another 30 from below, still has em and for a buck a pop not bad. They are commercial but I they were US and AEC marked which seem to run well in both of my Garands. Just thought I'd pass it along before the 7 round limit really catches on and migrates to to in our direction. I can't believe what is happening and happening so quickly.


01-16-2013, 07:09 PM
Thanks for the info. Now I have to figure out if I can legally order these over the internet, or even sell my "high capacity" magazines over the internet. This new law has so many restrictions and contradictions that I don't see how it can possibly stand a court challenge.

01-16-2013, 07:22 PM
Thanks for the info. Now I have to figure out if I can legally order these over the internet, or even sell my "high capacity" magazines over the internet. This new law has so many restrictions and contradictions that I don't see how it can possibly stand a court challenge.

I do not think I would sell anything yet or even worry about 5 round clips (yet). I have seen so many retailers with knee jerk over reaction because of the confusion that the law creates. Stopped at a regional store tonight and they even pulled the .22's that (as I read it) ARE LEGAL. When put together as a single text half the new laws regarding magazines are ambiguous. C&R? What is convertible to hold more rounds? Decisions for the court IMHO.

Maybe I am just itchin' to stir the puddin though.

01-16-2013, 07:26 PM
Seriously, we need a realtor on this board to help our brothers leave the shit holes.

01-20-2013, 01:16 AM
Seriously, we need a realtor on this board to help our brothers leave the shit holes.

But no other State wants to take us. :(

01-20-2013, 01:20 AM
I do not think I would sell anything yet or even worry about 5 round clips (yet). I have seen so many retailers with knee jerk over reaction because of the confusion that the law creates. Stopped at a regional store tonight and they even pulled the .22's that (as I read it) ARE LEGAL. When put together as a single text half the new laws regarding magazines are ambiguous. C&R? What is convertible to hold more rounds? Decisions for the court IMHO.

Maybe I am just itchin' to stir the puddin though.

I bought ten 5 round clips from Wideners. My plan is to use them at the range, just in case some wanna-be is itching to turn someone in. You can bet that there will be some Liberal snooping around that wants to make a name for himself. The new website says that we can use our 10 round magazines until April 15th, but I didn't see that anywhere in the version of the law that was posted online. So this all just gets more confusing, with more questions than answers.

01-20-2013, 02:46 AM
Seriously, we need a realtor on this board to help our brothers leave the shit holes.

I'm a Realtor. Well I was, just not active right now. I hope to be again, soon. Anybody want to move to Houston?


01-20-2013, 11:43 AM
But no other State wants to take us. :(

Can you blame them? when all you do is crap all over your own yard, don't expect people to invite you to their picnic

01-21-2013, 03:06 AM
Can you blame them? when all you do is crap all over your own yard, don't expect people to invite you to their picnic

I have no idea what you mean, but I support your Right to say it. Phrases like "off the rails" and "lost the plot" come to mind, though.

If there is to be a fight, then everyone needs to recognize who is on their side of the fight and stop belittling those that are, otherwise support for the "cause" will dwindle quickly.

01-21-2013, 10:12 AM
I have no idea what you mean, but I support your Right to say it. Phrases like "off the rails" and "lost the plot" come to mind, though.

If there is to be a fight, then everyone needs to recognize who is on their side of the fight and stop belittling those that are, otherwise support for the "cause" will dwindle quickly.

KK, this goes with the territory. I cannot visit the south without being reminded, everyday, that I'm from the north and that we started the civil war. I am also reminded that I am from a blue state and that I'm screwing it up.

In essence, the blue state stuff is true. Everything that happens in my state is a direct reflection of me and there's very little I can be proud of. As a new yorker or californian, I would probably just commit suicide or move very soon so I didn't. We should feel the shame, it's up to us to fix these things.

01-21-2013, 09:51 PM
It's hard to fix these things, though, when you're not getting the support and backing that you need to fix them. Suicide is not out of the question, but what does that solve? It's the same as surrending. Regrouping in another State will only work if everyone that settles there works with those already there and you can rely on each other to fully support the cause.

I don't know for sure how you feel about it, but there was talk today that Obama's agenda now is to divide the Republicans into as many splinter groups as possible before the 2014 Senate elections. It is obvious from this past campaign that the Democratic Party has a well oiled machine that will be tough to dismantle. That is what needs to be built to oppose them, whether it's from a Republican base, or a third Party to replace the Republicans. Either way, it needs full support of the members or it will fail once again. I have been thinking about this for awhile and trying to promote it to whoever will listen, but this is my idea of the situation. There has been a misconception for a very long time, probably started by the Left, that the line starts in the Center and moves either Left or Right. In Fact, the line starts at the Right, and the further to the Left that you move it, the further you get from the Constitution and the principles of the Founding Fathers. So if the Republicans are truly a Right Wing Conservative Organization, they should not be comprimising anything and standing their ground just as steadfastly as the Minutemen stood their ground against the British. Every comprimise that leads them more toward the center from the Right only diminishes their platform and plays right into the hands of the Left. If the Republican Party cannnot stay on course and defend the Far Right principles, it should be disolved and replaced with a Party that will.

What say you?

01-22-2013, 03:54 PM
Just so you understand your current 8 round clips are grandfathered. If you keep an m1 in your house for defense after 15 April you can only have seven rounds in your clip - there is an exemption in the law also you can have up to ten rounds in mag while at a range shooting so getting 5 round en blocs is a waste of time. The jury is still out if the clip will be considered the mag by ny and if as such the m1 will be a weapon requiring registration. There is also a notation that if you remove ban features from a gun it will not need registration. So it could be that we have to remove the bayonet lugs off our m1's for compliance?!
Just my feeling here but I think the m1 will be exempt - otherwise what are they going to do about all the vfw m1's they use for parades and salutes?
My hope is the m1 will be exempt as that opens up the window for a mini g in my future

01-22-2013, 05:17 PM
The NY State Police changed the answers this week. No guns, magazines or clips are "grandfathered". Only 7 round magazines and clips can be sold going forward. 10 round magazines and 8 round clips can contain 10 & 8 rounds respectively until April 15th. After April 15th, all you can carry in either is 7, unless at an incorporated range or NRA sponsored event, where you can still have 10 or 8. After January 15th, 2014, all magazines most be permenantly changed to hold no more than 7 rounds, sold out-of-State, or destroyed. Any gun over 50 years old that meets the criteria as an assault weapon, defined as having a detachable "feeding device", must be registered, along with the magazine. How you register a magazine is beyond me. If you do remove the "one assault weapon feature", it is no longer an "assault weapon" and does not have to be registered, but still cannot have a "feeding device" holding more than 7 rounds after January 15th of next year. They appear to be reading the law more closely and making changes to it as they go along, so that all "assault weapons" will eventually be banned in New York State. No one in New York State can buy another "assault weapon" as of right now. All the "assault weapons" have to be registered to the current owner. So if no one else can own one that doesn't already have one, how are you going to transfer that gun into someone else's name? Obviously, they won't let you, so you can't sell it within New York State or give it to your family, as they claim. If you die, your family will lose possession of it. It's a backdoor way of confisicating them.

Also, as of yesterday, Police Officers, either on or off duty, were not exempt from the law and would be required to only carry 7 rounds in their handguns after April 15th, just like the rest of us. I'm pretty sure they are amending that one too. There were a lot of angry cops around here yesterday.

01-22-2013, 08:25 PM
I will have to check the references again- when I looked at it a few days ago it looked like mags or other feeding devices of up to 10 rounds were grandfathered. Now you are saying they are only grandfathered until jan 2014?
Maybe they did change it, but it sure didn't read that way when I looked at it

01-22-2013, 08:39 PM
I just re read the Nysp FAQ's and it clearly states that 8-10 round mags will be grandfathered - not sure where you are seeing the restriction you speak of. It does say after the April date you can't bring into ny mags carrying more than 7.

01-22-2013, 08:46 PM
I re checked- my post still stands the FAQ states 8-10 round clips can be kept any mag holding over 10 rounds has to go, an 8 round feeding device can be kept but only loaded with 7 unless at the range. There is an FAQ regarding no more mags unless modified allowed into the state after jan but doesn't refer to those already here.
This crap is so confusing- both of us can read the same sentence and come to two different conclusions!

01-22-2013, 08:47 PM
Ps the perm mod reference relates to mags with over a 10 round cap currently not the 8-10

01-23-2013, 12:16 AM

Yes, they did change the answers. Last week, it said that "antique guns", defined as those over 50 years old, did not have to be registered if they had the characteristics of an "assault weapon". This week they say that they do.

I just re-read the section regarding magazines, and they have changed that part again also. It did say that after January 15, 2014, you could only possess magazines ("feeding devices") that were capable of holding 7 rounds or less. Now it says that you have to modify any magazines that can hold more than 10 rounds, sell them out of state or discard them by that date. So, original M-1 carbine magazines that could hold 15 or 30 rounds must be modified to contain only 10 rounds, and that change to the magazine must be permenant. There is no grandfathering of those magazines, like there was before. However, another answer to the question states that you can keep magazines that contain over 10 rounds, provided that you register the gun and the magazine. How do I register a magazine? There are serial numbers on magazines. It also says that if the gun is registered, you can freely transfer it to anyone. Once again, another answer says that "Newly banned assault weapons may not be sold in New York..." So if it's just been banned as an "assault weapon" by this law, how do you "transfer it to anyone"?

Again, the answers only bring more questions, and the answers on the website are changing as they read the law closer. As I said before, I read the new law fully 3 times and found so many contridictions and decrepencies, it's no wonder that the State doesn't even know what they have written. The only way we will know is when the legal challenges are settled in court.

01-23-2013, 12:21 AM
The last line of the website says it all: "Please note: This website is informational only and does not constitute legal advice."

I am going to call the "hotline" later this week or next and see who is manning the phones there. I'm curious to see if they are staffing it with firearms experts, law clerks or part-time new hires that have no clue about either guns or the law.

01-23-2013, 01:30 AM
Last week it also said that you had to permentantly modify any magazine that could hold more than 7 rounds, so they could not hold more than 7. This week, it says that you can have 10 round mags, you just have to load with them only 7 rounds after April 15th. So that part has changed too on the website. It will be interesting to see what changes next week. It's starting to look like they are doing a little back-peddling.

01-23-2013, 09:41 AM
Knick knack - I am with you totally- there are some that say they have made it intentionally difficult to understand in the hopes most gun owners will simply give up and get guns out of state or move, as well as make it easier for someone to unintentionally break the law and be an easy target for a prosecutor ( should we say persecutor?)
I am not sure there is not some truth there.
Back on track- since I know my ar 15 is on the list it will be sold and I will hold on to all my maybes until about a month before registration time. Again there is nothing in the bill that makes sense, but my gut tells me if the mini 14 is mentioned as not banned, it would be hard to imagine the m1 garand to be a ban item.
I would rather donate my garand to the m1 for vets program than register it

01-23-2013, 09:48 AM
A friend of mine brought up the fact a lot of m1 sold by Dcm or cmp over the years were essentially authorized purchases or transfers of gov property- me thinks that may be a legal issue for the state?
( not a lawyer!)
Let's summarize :
Rampant out of control state spending
Absurd entitlement programs for people that contribute zero to society
Ridiculous tax rates
Gun owner persecution
Crappy upstate economy with wages far below national average

I have not moved yet because?