View Full Version : When Will The Madness End??????

Punch The Clown
01-20-2013, 05:16 PM
When not out creating little angels, these gun nuts are busy shooting themselves. When will the madness end? feinstein, schumer, help us please!!!!!


01-20-2013, 05:46 PM
So, 5 people were harmed today mishandling guns, so what?
How many were injured today skiing?
How many driving?
How many walking?
How many from natural gas accidents?
How many unborn children killed?
How many injured on snowmobiles?
How many people got aids from unsafe sex?
How many hurt playing football?
How many hurt from TV's falling on them?
How many hurt mishandling sticks?
How many hurt skipping stones?
How many hurt opening letters or mishandling paper?
How many hurt on their job?

I could do this all day. Nothing happened in this story that is more important then the fart I just let out.

01-20-2013, 06:28 PM
I'm guessing the recent round of panic buying and the fear of impending legislation is causing a bunch of people who never handle guns to pull theirs out of the closet and rush off to the local gun show to cash out with a big profit.

If the feds were considering banning cars, and the frightened public was buying anything with 4 wheels for 5x the blue book value, we'd have a slew of car accidents, as folks dusted off the rusting hulks in their garages and sped off to the local DMV.

01-20-2013, 06:35 PM
I wasn't watching where I was going and kicked the bathtub. I think I may have broken three of my toes, they are still throbbing! When are we going to ban bathtubs!