View Full Version : Apple users wanting to rip DVD's look inside

03-21-2013, 11:18 AM
Being an Apple user with a desktop, laptop, iPad, iPod, Apple TV and Iphone5 I've been looking for a reliable program/app which would rip DVD's so I could share, store and time move information. After trying a number of products I've finally found what has to be the easiest program;Mac The Ripper Pro. Yes it cost 24 bux but seems like money well spent. So far I haven't found a DVD which it won't rip, automatically store in my iTunes account, save a copy on my Seagate wifi hard drive, sends to all my Apple devices and eject. For those who are technically challenged this is great.
PS: I am only using and recommending this program to be used on "non Copy protected" material. :)

03-21-2013, 04:35 PM
PS: I am only using and recommending this program to be used on "non Copy protected" material. :)

Lucky you threw that in there. I was about to savage you after the "paypal gift" thread. LOL

Punch The Clown
03-21-2013, 06:46 PM
I hope when you installed the software you didn't click on anything that says "I Agree". If you did, expect your knee caps to be surgically removed and your mouth sewn to an Asian man's anus.

Jimbo Slice
03-21-2013, 11:27 PM
$clapper$ That's pretty darn funny.