View Full Version : Help I.D this stock

04-11-2013, 06:56 PM
http://i579.photobucket.com/albums/ss239/poiuyt3006/DSC00114.jpg (http://s579.photobucket.com/user/poiuyt3006/media/DSC00114.jpg.html)http://i579.photobucket.com/albums/ss239/poiuyt3006/DSC00107.jpg (http://s579.photobucket.com/user/poiuyt3006/media/DSC00107.jpg.html)http://i579.photobucket.com/albums/ss239/poiuyt3006/DSC00106.jpg (http://s579.photobucket.com/user/poiuyt3006/media/DSC00106.jpg.html)http://i579.photobucket.com/albums/ss239/poiuyt3006/DSC00103.jpg (http://s579.photobucket.com/user/poiuyt3006/media/DSC00103.jpg.html)http://i579.photobucket.com/albums/ss239/poiuyt3006/DSC00116.jpg (http://s579.photobucket.com/user/poiuyt3006/media/DSC00116.jpg.html)http://i579.photobucket.com/albums/ss239/poiuyt3006/DSC00112.jpg (http://s579.photobucket.com/user/poiuyt3006/media/DSC00112.jpg.html)

04-11-2013, 08:21 PM
Looks like an early gas trap stock. No trap door butt plate, long channel, and milled ferrule is why I think this. Probably a GHS.
Does the ferrule or butt plate have a part number on them and does is the cut out for the clip latch a scooped cut? Is there a cartouche?

04-11-2013, 08:25 PM
What's under the stock ferule?

04-11-2013, 10:34 PM
There is no visable cartouche other than the proof P with serief. Idid not try very hard to get the stock ferule off the screw is still staked. This came off an auction find that seem to be all winchester. The reciever has had all but the seial number romoved. The rest = no step bolt with round punched marked fireing pin, win. barrel, uncut win oprod. flush nut win rear sight. I'm thinking about parting the whole thing out.http://i579.photobucket.com/albums/ss239/poiuyt3006/DSC00122.jpg (http://s579.photobucket.com/user/poiuyt3006/media/DSC00122.jpg.html)http://i579.photobucket.com/albums/ss239/poiuyt3006/DSC00113.jpg (http://s579.photobucket.com/user/poiuyt3006/media/DSC00113.jpg.html)

Rick B
04-12-2013, 10:14 AM
100% Winchester

04-12-2013, 11:29 AM
What with the hardware, and condition from what can be seen in the pics....if sold should pay for a bit more than a couple of happy meals. One would think anyway.

Rick B
04-12-2013, 12:24 PM
Did forget to mention is is a very early WB or possibly the very tail end of the RS period. Without a cartouche it is not possible to state it as being an RS. DO NOT TAKE THE FRONT FERRULE OFF as it is staked nicely and orignal as teh buttplate and screws are also. Rick B

04-12-2013, 05:18 PM
Thanks for the replys. Any ideas of a dollar value with butt plate and stock ferule?http://i579.photobucket.com/albums/ss239/poiuyt3006/DSC00119.jpg (http://s579.photobucket.com/user/poiuyt3006/media/DSC00119.jpg.html)http://i579.photobucket.com/albums/ss239/poiuyt3006/DSC00110.jpg (http://s579.photobucket.com/user/poiuyt3006/media/DSC00110.jpg.html)http://i579.photobucket.com/albums/ss239/poiuyt3006/DSC00120.jpg (http://s579.photobucket.com/user/poiuyt3006/media/DSC00120.jpg.html)http://i579.photobucket.com/albums/ss239/poiuyt3006/DSC00109.jpg (http://s579.photobucket.com/user/poiuyt3006/media/DSC00109.jpg.html)

Rick B
04-12-2013, 08:12 PM
Plate is worth minimum $500.00 and up. Ferrule is $50.00 maybe more. Stock is worth minimum of $1,500 since it has not been modified but without Cartouche drops value. You may have to take a bit less if that is burn markings on the sides. People can be pretty picky about these.You can trust me on this as I set many of these prices sometime back when I was selling them and no one had them.

The stock can be a tough sell as not allot of folks take on an early WRA Garand but if you wait you will get your money. You can also put my name on the eveluation. Rick B

04-13-2013, 09:27 PM
Thanks Rick B.

The value is more than I expected ! This and all the rest of the parts will be for sale soon.The serial number puts it at Feb 42.

04-26-2013, 12:14 AM
Looks like an early gas trap stock. No trap door butt plate, long channel, and milled ferrule is why I think this. Probably a GHS.
Does the ferrule or butt plate have a part number on them and does is the cut out for the clip latch a scooped cut? Is there a cartouche?

As a point of reference the only inspector stamp possible on any Gas Trap would be SPG for Stanley P Gibbs. Early stocks up to ~22,000 SN range wil be large-over-small hole. Onward to end of GT production would be equal-size holes as in the WRA example pictured earlier in this thread. No-trap stocks, again only with SPG stamps, carried over into gasport production into the late fall of 1940. My September 1940 gasport rifle has an SPG equal-hole no-trap stock.

04-27-2013, 08:54 AM
Thanks for that info. This came off a rifle with serial# 14x,xxx