View Full Version : You know times are bador you're in the sht house when you don't even get a calendar.

06-13-2013, 03:16 PM
I'm not kidding around here either. As far back as I can remember I've ended up with at least getting 10 calendars from various suppliers that I do business with. Even received a few from ones I don't. This year, notta. Come to think about it. Last year was lite as well. Damn, I'm even running low on pens & scratch pads. Uncles & cousin were not to happy when I told them I had no calendars to give them this year. Really going to be pissed when they come looking for those. I'll probable lose my spot at hunting camp this year. Sht, what's up here. .I pay my invoices on time. What the hell is wrong with these suppliers. Where's my free sht I've come to expect. Ugh, it's such a liberal thing to be pissed about and I think that's what is pissing me off even more. That I'm irritated about not getting free sht even though I'm doing my does. Fckers or slowly indoctrinating me.

06-13-2013, 03:24 PM
Go purchase a calendar from Dillon Precision, you'll forget about the one's you didn't get for free.

06-13-2013, 05:05 PM
Go purchase a calendar from Dillon Precision, you'll forget about the one's you didn't get for free.

I used to get those for free. They print those here in my neck of the woods. The woman I know that works at the printing company didn't get me one this year. I need these for the walls around my bench.