View Full Version : Got my $50 estate sale Garand finished

07-22-2013, 07:21 AM
Well as promised, here are some pictures of my M1 Garand. I picked it up at an estate sale for $50. A pipe had burst in the house of some hoarder that died and soaked some of the guns. This was one of them.

Here are the Before Pics:

http://i885.photobucket.com/albums/ac51/rattletrap1970/Guns/M1%20Garand/877569379b1a32789a2aebd2600e7c8e_zps9783751d.jpg (http://s885.photobucket.com/user/rattletrap1970/media/Guns/M1%20Garand/877569379b1a32789a2aebd2600e7c8e_zps9783751d.jpg.h tml)

http://i885.photobucket.com/albums/ac51/rattletrap1970/Guns/M1%20Garand/1c4c2586cdd78946adde3a0a577a417a_zps09514ee9.jpg (http://s885.photobucket.com/user/rattletrap1970/media/Guns/M1%20Garand/1c4c2586cdd78946adde3a0a577a417a_zps09514ee9.jpg.h tml)

http://i885.photobucket.com/albums/ac51/rattletrap1970/Guns/M1%20Garand/2f01002512fd4485f0aae4e3d7c9e4de_zps8eecd480.jpg (http://s885.photobucket.com/user/rattletrap1970/media/Guns/M1%20Garand/2f01002512fd4485f0aae4e3d7c9e4de_zps8eecd480.jpg.h tml)

Here are the After pics:

http://i885.photobucket.com/albums/ac51/rattletrap1970/Guns/M1%20Garand/8417f598a3be1b9b7f4fc1508e15990f_zps82a4f6f3.jpg (http://s885.photobucket.com/user/rattletrap1970/media/Guns/M1%20Garand/8417f598a3be1b9b7f4fc1508e15990f_zps82a4f6f3.jpg.h tml)

http://i885.photobucket.com/albums/ac51/rattletrap1970/Guns/M1%20Garand/2172aa92fb0110a030c05f3f62b823ff_zpsf0b109b1.jpg (http://s885.photobucket.com/user/rattletrap1970/media/Guns/M1%20Garand/2172aa92fb0110a030c05f3f62b823ff_zpsf0b109b1.jpg.h tml)

http://i885.photobucket.com/albums/ac51/rattletrap1970/Guns/M1%20Garand/4ffd7fe4b57a7800dd30feb25facd3d5_zps5bb95be2.jpg (http://s885.photobucket.com/user/rattletrap1970/media/Guns/M1%20Garand/4ffd7fe4b57a7800dd30feb25facd3d5_zps5bb95be2.jpg.h tml)

http://i885.photobucket.com/albums/ac51/rattletrap1970/Guns/M1%20Garand/e44ab6decd7281363b0f09d7ff466ef7_zps36d6a8b8.jpg (http://s885.photobucket.com/user/rattletrap1970/media/Guns/M1%20Garand/e44ab6decd7281363b0f09d7ff466ef7_zps36d6a8b8.jpg.h tml)

http://i885.photobucket.com/albums/ac51/rattletrap1970/Guns/M1%20Garand/501b8249e16d36012c0713746ce9bbd7_zpsa062ed29.jpg (http://s885.photobucket.com/user/rattletrap1970/media/Guns/M1%20Garand/501b8249e16d36012c0713746ce9bbd7_zpsa062ed29.jpg.h tml)

http://i885.photobucket.com/albums/ac51/rattletrap1970/Guns/M1%20Garand/79324eab36b1a1c7d8e9af54b4370acd_zps90f90105.jpg (http://s885.photobucket.com/user/rattletrap1970/media/Guns/M1%20Garand/79324eab36b1a1c7d8e9af54b4370acd_zps90f90105.jpg.h tml)

http://i885.photobucket.com/albums/ac51/rattletrap1970/Guns/M1%20Garand/62ae9a06e03cbe13c74018de0cdca3ad_zps43bbf272.jpg (http://s885.photobucket.com/user/rattletrap1970/media/Guns/M1%20Garand/62ae9a06e03cbe13c74018de0cdca3ad_zps43bbf272.jpg.h tml)

http://i885.photobucket.com/albums/ac51/rattletrap1970/Guns/M1%20Garand/d4dfe44a8a7167a872ab6c19601d87d3_zps6f06b7a8.jpg (http://s885.photobucket.com/user/rattletrap1970/media/Guns/M1%20Garand/d4dfe44a8a7167a872ab6c19601d87d3_zps6f06b7a8.jpg.h tml)

07-22-2013, 09:05 AM
What a differnce, looks good. I take it you had to replace the barrel?

07-22-2013, 10:24 AM
Yeah, replaced the barrel with a Criterion .30-06.
I can't wait to get this to the range and dial it in.

07-22-2013, 07:16 PM
Very nice.
Were you able to salvage the original stock, or was it a write-off too?

07-22-2013, 07:23 PM
Wrote the stock off, it was saturated with water. No cartouches that I could find. But the wood was all punky and grin raised from soaking. I sold it off and got a CMP matching walnut with all the hardware. It really is stunning. I really wish my Dad coulda seen the start and end of this project. I look at that thing and I don't have words.. Really.

07-22-2013, 08:50 PM
Looks great. $50 what a deal.

07-23-2013, 06:13 AM
Well the Rifle cost me $50
The Stock from the CMP was $134
The Criterion Barrel, Trigger Job and Re-Park of the Reciever was $333
(I did all the other metal and work on the Garand)
So the Garand was $517

The Alpine M1 Carbine was in worse shape than the Garand but didn't need a barrel. That was $50, Stock $125 (I did all the other work myself) so $175 when done.

Also got a J.C. Higgens Model 50 in .30-06, Mosberg 500 12GA, and a High Standard tube fed .22 rifle. Each for $50. One by one I'm going through them. The Higgens has a CZ receiver, that one I want to turn into a 7mm-08 varmint rifle (it was the worst of all the guns). The Mossberg needs a little de-rusting, but, not bad. The .22 just needs the stock refinished and I'm going to slow rust blue it.

07-23-2013, 07:57 PM
I'd say you did well!

07-23-2013, 11:52 PM
Nice job.

I'd say no big loss on the stock that was on it. It looks like a birch replacement anyway.

07-25-2013, 04:38 PM
Nice job.

I'd say no big loss on the stock that was on it. It looks like a birch replacement anyway.

Had big grain like walnut, but really punky, molded and grain all raised up from water. I sold it for 50 bucks with no hardware (I re-parked all that and have it as spares)

09-30-2013, 01:04 PM
Well here she is at her debut at the range yesterday.

http://i885.photobucket.com/albums/ac51/rattletrap1970/Garand1sttry02_zps281543b3.jpg (http://s885.photobucket.com/user/rattletrap1970/media/Garand1sttry02_zps281543b3.jpg.html)

Here's the first test results. These were fired with some untested ammo I made a little while back. They were 155gr Sierra Palma Match HPBT with 49.0gr of AA-2460 seated at 3.300 COAL, federal lg rifle primer. You can see where I walked in from the right at the 7 ring, then (2) 8's, then all black. There was with a little brake between shots to adjust the gas plug to allow proper function with this load. 200 yards, stock sights. One more click left and I think that would have been (3) x's, (9) 10's (6) 9's (2) 8's or 190 out of 20 shots

http://i885.photobucket.com/albums/ac51/rattletrap1970/Garand-1sttry_zps85b4d875.jpg (http://s885.photobucket.com/user/rattletrap1970/media/Garand-1sttry_zps85b4d875.jpg.html)

09-30-2013, 04:18 PM
You did a really good job on your rifle Sir! It looks so much better.

09-30-2013, 04:48 PM
Couldn't have done it without YOU Sir.

09-30-2013, 05:01 PM
Couldn't have done it without YOU Sir.

Seriously, I was involved in this? My memory is so gone, my apologies.

09-30-2013, 05:03 PM
Yeah, I'm the guy from Connecticut that had you re barrel the action, parkerize the barrel and action and do a trigger job.

09-30-2013, 05:05 PM
Got it now, I'm refreshed. Back to work.

09-30-2013, 05:12 PM
Good job on saving a old war horse

09-30-2013, 10:32 PM
Looking good!

10-01-2013, 05:31 PM
I'm still amazed at the difference. That was a well spent $50.

10-01-2013, 05:39 PM
Well, it was $50 for the rifle.
$134 for the stock
$333 For all the work
So $517 and done.. But even so, where do you get a Garand that looks and shoots like that for $517? LOL

10-03-2013, 06:57 PM
I am getting an aperture front sight and a NM rear insert. That plus some tailor made stuff made from those fire-formed shells and I think we'll have a 9 - 10 ring shooter all day long

10-03-2013, 08:36 PM

For 50 bucks that is the deal of a lifetime. The rifle came out looking fantastic. History saved... Well done!:p

10-03-2013, 08:39 PM
Every once in a while I pull off a real hat-trick. Wish my ole man could have seen this one.