View Full Version : Have any of you ever seen this airhead speak for the state department?
09-12-2013, 07:16 PM
I've been watching snippets of this complete airhead for two months, answering questions from the press. Today, I had to find out about it and what its resume was. Shockingly, it has no resume, has never had a job. Its only "accomplishment" was working on oboombya's re-election campaign and as an assistant spokesperson for the CIA after oboombyas first campaign. It is 30 years old and has worked in government all its life.
Its name is marie harf.
You actually have to watch it talk to believe it. Even the liberal press laughs at it.
09-12-2013, 08:11 PM
I went to high school with two daughters from the same family. They both have similar careers riding the coat tails of a Michigan congressman.
One became press secretary of Dick Cheney during the Bush years, and has since left public office. Her younger sister became a head spokesman for the U.S Treasury while the oldest was in the White House, and now works as PR for Citi-Group...go figure. All before 30.
Oh...and their father became a lobbyist for the lumber industry after selling his business and cashing out.
09-12-2013, 09:40 PM
C'mon you guys. I sure she's very popular at the Martini Bar after work. The scary thing is she probably really thinks she is good at what she does. This probably comes about as all her fellow co-workers come out of the same liberal university. Sure she's pretty, but can she go toe to toe with the Russkies? Since Putin rode rough shod over barack,,,,we should be really worried that this is the brain trust we have running things. Saw this type over an over again during my stint as urinal repair guy with a major state agency. They got promoted real fast. You had to go to one of their stupid meetings to real feel revulsion. Such is life....this is the type who will be running the country.
09-13-2013, 05:55 AM
The entire Obama Administration is filled with these creatures. All are former community organizers, campaign workers or worn out puppet politicians. No one is in command, no one knows where they are going and no one knows what the others are doing. It's a Chinese Fire Drill.
09-18-2013, 09:58 PM
haha, she's good at what she does. I bet she's part of the "spoke under condition of anonymity" crowd.
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