View Full Version : Proposition for CMP IHCs

LCPL Hanky
11-28-2013, 09:34 AM
Havent been here in a while; getting work ups done and I hope yall are doing great. Heres my situation, my squadron is getting ready to deploy in 2 months-ish and I need, note the need, an IHC Garand to round out the manufacturers side of my collection. However I dont think the IHCs be ready in the next couple of months so what I would like to do is: find someone trustworthy, send them cash and have them order a service grade IHC whilst Im gone. I'll also include a copy of my C&R so you know that I have passed a background check and a little extra cash for your trouble and shipping to me later. Would anyone like to help me? Thanks yall

11-28-2013, 06:53 PM
I'll send you a pm.

Old Guard
12-05-2013, 10:05 AM
Unless you play the CMP auctions, it will be for a spell yet??

12-05-2013, 12:06 PM
I don't think we will ever see the IHC's for sale as a unit.
Orest is selling them on the auction for astranomical prices,and doesn't deny it.

Old Guard
12-05-2013, 04:18 PM
I don't think we will ever see the IHC's for sale as a unit.
Orest is selling them on the auction for astranomical prices,and doesn't deny it.

Ah ha, so I was correct, it sure looks like they will all go for a premium, unless they dig some more out of the ocean..

LCPL Hanky
12-07-2013, 09:46 PM
Thats fine, by the time we get back ill have enough to play on the auctions if I find one.

12-17-2013, 12:36 AM
IHC rifles are still sitting in crates in the warehouse. Seems like the date is maybe sometime in 2014. I did see some Greek IHC returns and they were real rough shape. I have no idea what the ones in the crates look like.


Old Guard
12-17-2013, 10:12 AM
IHC rifles are still sitting in crates in the warehouse. Seems like the date is maybe sometime in 2014. I did see some Greek IHC returns and they were real rough shape. I have no idea what the ones in the crates look like.


Thanks for the Pix..Some of them Rough?? I read yesterday that the SS had SA field grade...25 turned to three in a Hurry..I don't look over on Cmp early enough??

12-17-2013, 11:07 AM
Big "O" is a smart business man he's building the hype on these.If these are to be the last,He's going to make us pay dearly.
As they say "Save the best for last"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

12-17-2013, 12:20 PM
IHC rifles are still sitting in crates in the warehouse. Seems like the date is maybe sometime in 2014. I did see some Greek IHC returns and they were real rough shape. I have no idea what the ones in the crates look like.


Those IHC's look a lot better than the rifles I help sort about 3 years ago. We sorted rifles that were returned from Paraguay. I estimate 85% were Winchesters, 10% H&R and 5% IHC's. All the IHC's were "postage stamp" and many were mixmasters. Most of the rifles were field grade, rack grade, or " all rust and pitted " grade. The Paraguay army repaired the stocks by using nails and bailing wire.

12-17-2013, 08:20 PM
Old Guard,

Most were real rough shape. I did find a crate of rifles that have not been graded and those actually looked like some of the Service Grades. There are maybe 20 rifles in the crate.

Lead Poison,

So true and the masses will be complaining that the elite got the IHC rifles and they were priced higher than the average Joe can afford.

12-17-2013, 08:36 PM
The CMP does do some things at times I may not agree with. But we must remember, we think the CMP is a not for profit organization to put rifles in the hand of the masses cheaply, while that is sort of true, they are a company who needs to make a profit. The difference is this profit does not goto shareholders, but gets plowed back into marksmanship training. A lot of this training is geared toward youth, youth that hopefully grow up to be 2A (and hopefully US constitution as a whole) friendly voters. So they balance making the shooting sports affordable, with the need to make a profit to promote said shooting sports.

A lot of their funding comes from surplus rifle and ammo sales. Rifles and ammo that are drying up. Once they are gone they will need to reply on their war chest (plus endowments and whatever other services they can offer). So I don't blame them for trying to build up as much of a war chest as they can now. $625 for a nice military grade weapon, and $98 for 200 rounds of rifle ammo are great prices. Where I think they make up some of the difference is on the specialty / collector Items. All in All, I think they do a good job of trying to balance the two.
