View Full Version : Here guys, have fun.
12-13-2013, 09:18 PM
A Christmas present to you all from me. Have you ever been banned from a forum? Let's see who can be banned the quickest from join date to ban date.
12-13-2013, 09:42 PM
Is spent just a few minutes reading post and felt like I was in the Twilight Zone
12-13-2013, 10:04 PM
12-13-2013, 11:04 PM
"The LGC is proud to be an Affiliate club of the CMP"
I guess they'll take anyone...
Jimbo Slice
12-14-2013, 01:47 AM
I've been banned from more than a few actually.
I bet I can be banned within 12 hours of joining this one... Starting account now.
EDIT: Scratch that, they won't even let me join. Something about my ISP doesn't protect them well enough from spam or some crap. Typical Lib whiners.
12-14-2013, 09:31 AM
EDIT: Scratch that, they won't even let me join. Something about my ISP doesn't protect them well enough from spam or some crap. Typical Lib whiners.
Maybe what they really mean, is your ISP is not located in CA, NY, MA, DC, ect...
Punch The Clown
12-14-2013, 09:35 AM
I love the "We Hate Michigan" referring to the abortion ruling post. The "sit back and government will take care of you" attitude just oozes from that one. Let's get realistic here. Even though I have no objections to an abortion in the case of rape, and Tim knows that I disagree with him and most Right to Lifers on the subject of when life is life, I find it absurd to force someone to finance what they consider murder. Let's be realistic here. I am sure private charities can raise enough money through DONATIONS to cover all of the pregnancy secondary to rape abortions in the State of Michigan without stepping on anyone's religious toes.
12-14-2013, 11:56 AM
Jews for clean concentration camps.
Catholic parents for safe priest sex.
Christians forum for demonic prayer.
You all see where I'm going.
12-14-2013, 01:30 PM
I feel so dirty after going to that site. I need to shower with my computer now.....
12-14-2013, 02:58 PM
Look at the gun porn thread.
I guess if you put a peace symbol on an AR-15 it neutralizes it's evil child killing power.
12-15-2013, 10:27 AM
How can you be a libturd and even like guns?? That is my first question?? Peace toolman
12-15-2013, 11:36 PM
I was banned in about an hour on one of the gun forums. I don't play well with liberals. :)
12-16-2013, 07:50 AM
My effort has been posted.
I would have my flack jacket on but I couldn't possibly care less what a liberal's pea brain could spout.
My name is Tim Shufflin and I own Shuff's Parkerizing, it's a place where the M1 Garand, M1 Carbine, and the 1903 can be re phosphated and have other services done. I just wanted to point out the irony of this site and to make a few comments voiced from a freedom loving guy like me, a Libertarian.
Us Libertarians kind of fancy personal freedom and we don't take kindly to anybody taking or trampling on any of our Constitutional rights. Income redistribution to those who won't work, federal welfare programs, federal medical insurance, the epa, social security, the batfe, all these programs that fly in the face of article 1 section 8 of the US Constitution kind of get us cranky. This means that all of you make us cranky, we know that liberals are Constitutional circumventors. We do not like you.
This site is a complete farce, a joke, a comedy act, and is akin to a forum for;
-Jews for tougher sanitary conditions at concentration camps
-Catholics fighting for priests to have safer sex with alter boys
-Christians for better demonic worship
-democrats for fiscal responsibility
You all espouse the liberal agenda which includes federal income redistribution, THEFT, so that others can take and be "lifted up" while those that earned that money are torn asunder. This violates article 1 section 8 of the Constitution but you don't care. You then can't understand why the 2nd Amendment could possibly be under attack? If you allow one part of the Constitution to be circumvented so that you or others can have, then the entire document goes out the window.
Please do me a favor, either get your warped minds straight, read the Constitution, change party's, gain a respect for the personal property of others, gain a respect for the founders Constitution, OR get rid of this forum because it is not consistent with liberal values. Why isn't this site consistent with liberal values? It's not consistent because we have guns to protect ourselves from YOU ALL! The gun is the great equalizer to keep me safe from anyone who would take any of my rights endowed by God which include my right to personal property and the fruits of my labor, the stuff you all want to take.
Your liberal beliefs have attempted to destroy my business and the business's of many many others over the past year. The "people" you have voted for are overwhelmingly responsible for this, DIRECTLY. The Colorado movie theatre shooting, the Sandy Hook Shooting, all done by democrats/liberals. george zimmerman voted for obooombya.
I would rather fight for my rights with lovers of the US Constitution then have one single ounce of help from some common democrat/liberal/communist/thief. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, that still holds true, but in this case you are all still enemies. You vote to steal the bread from my table, the health care from my family, the fruits of our labor from my fellow freedom loving Americans. I don't want your "help" and I know that I can't find one single gun shop that would want your "help". You all have "helped" enough and our country has become the weaker for it. republicans are to blame as well but they are the lesser of two evils compared to the sheer thievery proposed by liberals.
I do not sell, work on, talk to, allow in my home, any liberals. You wouldn't allow a thief in your home would you?
There is no profanity in this post and it does not violate any of the rules of this forum. It does however say things you all will not like so true to typical liberal fashion it will probably disappear or be locked.
12-16-2013, 09:53 AM
looks like you were banned in 23 minutes. Not bad
12-16-2013, 10:27 AM
I find it interesting that the site admin uses the name "Inquisitor"
Old Guard
12-16-2013, 10:34 AM
Ha, Definitely not going to waste time, trying to enter this twilight zone, Tim said it well enough.....Don't mess with my stuff..I did make it passed teh gun porn..But did not register..Og.
12-16-2013, 01:02 PM
I guess I'm not banned yet after all, just locked. New post
This post was gone before I could even copy the link.
you wrote,
"Someone can't read the rules…" I did read them, what rule did I break and how?
you wrote,
"Tootles, thanks for telling us where not to shop." I actually have posted on my website that I do not do work for liberals, none of them. Thanks for reminding others of where not to shop though.
you wrote
I believe in the Golden Rule and the simple fact that you, the customer, pay for my family, my vacations, and my lifestyle.
12 So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets.
Guess not so much."
Actually, the golden rule clearly states do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Liberals have stolen this country's freedom, savaged the Second Amendment, stolen the wealth of countless hard working Americans, redistributed that wealth to those who will not do for themselves. I am doing to you exactly what I would want done to me, confront you about what you are doing wrong, notifying you of your infringement. Stop being part of the problem and act with some self respect. Take care of yourselves and don't count on me and those that produce to provide for you. I need my property to provide for me and my family not to provide for you and your family.
12-16-2013, 01:06 PM
I think I was banned after all, my new post never showed up. I'll stand by my 23 minutes.
12-16-2013, 01:11 PM
What are their rules? Here they are!
So, what do we ban for?
Here is the list of major items (some of which were blatantly pilfered from Pharyngula ('s rules):
Racism or other bigotry
Its just not tolerated.
Using the comments to sell real estate, mortgage assessments, little blue pills, porn, or Russian mail-order brides. Spammers are not tolerated at all; they are expunged without comment.
Changing pseudonyms to avoid a previous ban.
Like morphing, but with a specific intent: creating multiple identities supporting a position to create a false impression of popularity
Repeatedly spewing hateful, resentful comments; or comments intended to cause animosity.
Making comments intended only to disrupt the board by provoking regular members of the board into an emotional response. These are usually aggressive new board members who don't like the board and are intent on disrupting it for their pleasure.
Concern trolling
A particularly annoying form of trolling in which someone falsely pretends to be offering advice to favor a position they do not endorse; a creationist who masquerades as someone concerned about the arguments for evolution as an excuse to make criticisms. They like the challenge, the controversy and the argument; so they try to get you to contradict yourself or make unsupportable claims so they can call you on it, while still making it seem that maybe they are just trying to understand.
Posting pictures that most would find offensive. Porn pictures, grisly pictures, and maybe even pictures of you Generally you will be warned once about these.
Just for clarification: being a Republican or other non-liberal is not grounds for being banned, nor is disagreeing with your fellow members --- unless you turn it into a crusade to disrupt threads with constant iterations of the same nonsense.
12-16-2013, 01:17 PM
I was just able to post again, LMAO!
Post subject: Re: Awwww man, RIP Paul Walker. ( Mon Dec 16, 2013 1:15 pm
New Member (
Joined: Mon Dec 16, 2013 7:15 am
Posts: 2
rolandson wrote:
"No need to lose bright young people in such a horribly senseless way. Those cars need to be outlawed. Nobody should be allowed to place other people in danger just so.that they can have fun."
You do know that's exactly what liberal congressman say about guns right? Outlaw nothing except actions like driving a car carelessly, you do not outlaw the car. Hypocrisy.
12-16-2013, 01:45 PM
Today's version of a liberal puts equality above liberty, period. They're all bloody egalitarians.
12-16-2013, 04:44 PM
You have been permanently banned from this board.
Please contact the Board Administrator (
[email protected]) for more information.
A ban has been issued on your IP address.
I just went to the liberal gun forum and above is what I got.
12-16-2013, 09:42 PM
You have been permanently banned from this board.
Please contact the Board Administrator (
[email protected]) for more information.
A ban has been issued on your IP address.
I just went to the liberal gun forum and above is what I got.
No big news!! You have banned yourself here before!! you should be use to it!! Love tooldaddy
12-17-2013, 01:30 AM
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