View Full Version : Fixed WRA feed issue!

Prince Humperdink
05-08-2014, 12:49 PM
I had a WRA that kept randomly pushing a round from the clip during firing,but then just wedging it there.I tried replacing internals,springs,and such to no avail,so I checked the interweb and whallah!I found the problem and solution which was I had a slightly long ejector protruding out of my bolt face,which was easily fixed with proper length.Gotta love that interweb ;)

05-11-2014, 09:53 AM
You can thank Al Gore now!

Old Guard
05-12-2014, 09:58 AM
You can thank Al Gore now!

Yaaahhh for you Prince, but naaha to Gore, he just lied about the being the creation father, and got rich from Carbon credits and global warming..he did not have much luck selling Tipper on the "Open Marriage" idea though..She told on him too..

05-13-2014, 07:04 AM
The inter web? Prince, I've talked about that issue on this very forum you punk. Where or whom did you see talking about the ejector sticking out? Punch the Clown has also talked about it.

Prince Humperdink
05-13-2014, 04:24 PM
The inter web? Prince, I've talked about that issue on this very forum you punk. Where or whom did you see talking about the ejector sticking out? Punch the Clown has also talked about it.

Did you like that "inter web" thing Timmy?I heard an oldster call the internet that,so I thought I'd latch on to that antique phrase.I seen it when I was on the CMP forum looking for broken parts to love.I don't remember who it was?