View Full Version : Local politics gun nuts.
07-07-2014, 10:15 PM
So I'm walking out of my shop today and a gentleman pulls into the driveway. I welcome him and find out he works over at the local Rod and Gun club in our area. He begins to tell me that some township planning manager who lives on a lake about 7 miles away is proposing a noise ordinance because he doesn't like the sound of the boats going fishing and the party's on his lake. Here's the kicker, he added a provision for firearms! He wants to prohibit the discharge of firearms on all residential property in Somerset Township and have multiple restrictions on fireworks. His ordinance has a limit of 55 decibels of noise on any given edge of your property. I was aghast!
I have gone to battle, got with all my neighbors and we are going to the board meeting tomorrow at 7pm to voice our opposition. We have 5 households going to speak out. My neighbors are all contacting the people they know to get more. We live here for a reason, we like freedom. The "lake people" are mostly from the bigger city's and use it as vacation homes and some retire here or decide to just live there year round. At 55 decibels you couldn't run a farm tractor for Pete's sake.
I've absolutely had it with infringements on personal freedom and I intend to make it plainly clear that I have had it. Noise is a funny thing, a car door can annoy someone if the wrong person is closing the door. There are times when noise is out of hand and seems to infringe on others but that line must be approached delicately and in a focused manner. Broad laws that kill people's ways of life and personal freedom do not float with me.
07-07-2014, 11:06 PM
Tim I've gone to a few meetings related to different things.Got all concerned to go.When they saw all of us there they postponed the meeting,This has happened twice.
07-08-2014, 09:38 AM
Sounds like that guy only wants HIS freedom to be protected. More and more of this in the last few years as the entitlement generation begins to rear its ugly head.
07-08-2014, 11:00 AM
That's like buying a farm house next to a pig farm,then complaining about the smell.
There are some very expensive condos on the Milwaukee river,right next to a tug boat dock.(they run them 7/24,smell diesel exhaust,noise from the engines.)
In the buyers contract it states you have no recourse for the Tug boat
Old Guard
07-08-2014, 11:30 AM
Tim I've gone to a few meetings related to different things.Got all concerned to go.When they saw all of us there they postponed the meeting,This has happened twice.
Yes, this also happened here,too..But then we caught them the next time?
07-08-2014, 06:04 PM
I am anxious to know how it goes! Good luck!
07-08-2014, 06:22 PM
Leaving in 7 minutes.
07-08-2014, 06:59 PM
Good Luck, carry a big stick
07-08-2014, 09:46 PM
So we raised hell about the fireworks/noise ordinance proposal, lots and lots of it. There was not one person in favor of this proposal and I have to admit to being most vociferous. The board said that they would, at the next meeting, make that the last tabling of the subject and if nothing changed there would be no ordinance.
Are you ready for this one though? The firearms ordinance was proposed because one guy was having trouble, by Lake Lee Ann, with a group of kids target shooting and being reckless. They were proposing an ordinance to prevent ANYONE from firing a firearm on residential land in the entire township because of one incident EVER. I must admit to losing my cool but many others were just as passionate. I told the guy "you would have me lose my business and put me and my wife on the street because you are having trouble with one group of kids?" He was very nice and said he respected that and seemed to yield. Many many people said, out loud, we are sick and tired of government intrusion, there seems to be no law that you people don't like. We have HAD IT! I told them straight up that I will not be infringed upon period! It is my understanding that the firearms law is completely off the table.
07-09-2014, 05:52 AM
Great news, would have loved to have been there to see you in action !!
07-09-2014, 08:52 AM
Glad to hear it! We can't let our guard down one bit. How many other townships have had anti-gun or even noise ordinances because people are too lazy to go out and speak their minds? It starts at the bottom.
07-09-2014, 05:52 PM
He looks good in action!!!!!!!! Wink Wink!!!! Love Toolman
07-09-2014, 07:33 PM
Not everything is as I thought, more gun BS at next meeting and I think we'll be able to put it to bed. The opposition wants one meeting to gather libtards for their side.
Jimbo Slice
07-09-2014, 07:47 PM
You should wear a Santa hat.
07-10-2014, 02:17 PM
Good luck Tim, we had a meeting a while back here on putting in sewer lines. Everyone stood up and said no to it. Find out a couple of months later that the trustees went ahead anyways.
07-10-2014, 02:45 PM
Good luck Tim, we had a meeting a while back here on putting in sewer lines. Everyone stood up and said no to it. Find out a couple of months later that the trustees went ahead anyways.
I plan to take over this board if any of the following happens;
1. If we are able to keep our rights and this EVER comes up again, I will haunt them and work to replace every one of them and I WILL.
2. If our rights are infringed up in any way right now, I will haunt them and replace every one of them and I WILL.
I won't really take over the board though, my neighbors and I will take over the trustees who appoint the board and then my neighbors and I will throw the board out.
Old Guard
07-11-2014, 02:06 PM
I plan to take over this board if any of the following happens;
1. If we are able to keep our rights and this EVER comes up again, I will haunt them and work to replace every one of them and I WILL.
2. If our rights are infringed up in any way right now, I will haunt them and replace every one of them and I WILL.
I won't really take over the board though, my neighbors and I will take over the trustees who appoint the board and then my neighbors and I will throw the board out.
Bravo, At least you have a plan of action..Stand Firm..
Punch The Clown
07-11-2014, 06:54 PM
I agree with the proposed noise ban. What if your lawn tractor backfires, the noise startles a dog that bolts onto the road causing a passing car with a small child in the back seat eating a candy bar to swerve. The stunned child then chokes to death on the candy bar. If it saves only one life..........
Old Guard
07-14-2014, 11:00 AM
Punch, Just had to laugh at the kid and candy bar idea??? Around here it was a wild week for the fourth..Fireworks are legal here...You can buy some 3 inch mortar shells for the starburst..During the days to follow, I heard several explosions, I had to wonder if any of it was the legal type..With the new exploding target mixes, i had to consider them.....or the old plastic pipe and compound homemade- type..No one calls the law, because of the 45 min response times..if they show then??
07-14-2014, 08:46 PM
Glad to hear it! We can't let our guard down one bit. How many other townships have had anti-gun or even noise ordinances because people are too lazy to go out and speak their minds? It starts at the bottom.
Actually, I consider the people to be "The Top" and the government to be "The Bottom". The government and those in it should be considered surfs, squires, servants, EMPLOYEES of mine. If I were ever to meet the president I would not call him Mr. President, I would call him or her by their name and insist they call me Mr. Shufflin. I am the employer and it is time that we all demand to be treated as such.
This being said, once we get this hierarchy pyramid turned right side up, these servants need to start acting like such. Nobody is being served by serving the "greater good". Individual freedoms are what this country was founded on, saw so important as to document in the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and The Declaration of Independence.
Nobody is being served if a "free man" is not free.
07-14-2014, 09:41 PM
Actually, I consider the people to be "The Top" and the government to be "The Bottom". The government and those in it should be considered surfs, squires, servants, EMPLOYEES of mine. If I were ever to meet the president I would not call him Mr. President, I would call him or her by their name and insist they call me Mr. Shufflin. I am the employer and it is time that we all demand to be treated as such.
This being said, once we get this hierarchy pyramid turned right side up, these servants need to start acting like such. Nobody is being served by serving the "greater good". Individual freedoms are what this country was founded on, saw so important as to document in the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and The Declaration of Independence.
Nobody is being served if a "free man" is not free.
Well said, sir. I suppose my locution speaks to how deeply ingrained the "government is good" brainwashing has gotten, even for someone who considers themselves a small government patriot in the truest sense of the word. You really did open my mind to how important using the correct language is as if you can manage to shift the language we use one can change the entire meaning of the discussion. Somewhat scary to see that it has worked even in someone like me.
You are correct; the govt. should be the serfs and we the People are the real nobility. Amazing how much things have flip-flopped.
07-14-2014, 10:16 PM
If it'll help I'll send a can of HXP along with my next rifle build to you. I will insist of course you, you exhaust all the ammo I send you test firing it for reliability, with the loudest muzzle brake you have, at all hours of the morning, especially near the lake so I know how it will perform in wet conditions.
But only if it will help. On second thought, maybe it's best I wait then until you defeat the current proposal. Then I will send it with the HXP can...
07-15-2014, 06:22 AM
If it'll help I'll send a can of HXP along with my next rifle build to you. I will insist of course you, you exhaust all the ammo I send you test firing it for reliability, with the loudest muzzle brake you have, at all hours of the morning, especially near the lake so I know how it will perform in wet conditions.
But only if it will help. On second thought, maybe it's best I wait then until you defeat the current proposal. Then I will send it with the HXP can...
It would help me BUT, it wouldn't make me a good neighbor. My neighbors are great people, really really great people. The lake area is miles away, now it would be nice to go there and do some shooting. I found the police report that started all this, the guy at the meeting who said he had problems with gunfire, I got the report. pretty unbelievable. Deputy said no houses in the area of the target shooting, safe back stop, case closed.
07-15-2014, 10:14 AM
It would help me BUT, it wouldn't make me a good neighbor. My neighbors are great people, really really great people. The lake area is miles away, now it would be nice to go there and do some shooting. I found the police report that started all this, the guy at the meeting who said he had problems with gunfire, I got the report. pretty unbelievable. Deputy said no houses in the area of the target shooting, safe back stop, case closed.
Unbelievable. Good thing the deputy that responded had a good head on his shoulders; if you had been unlucky and it was one of the "modern minded" deputies that seem to increasingly pop up here it could have been much different.
08-22-2014, 05:53 AM
Update! Gun ordinance, fireworks ordinance, sound ordinance, all DEAD! Official word at last nights board meeting. The problem is that the way our township works, they will re visit ANYTHING with merely a complaint by a resident so this will go on in perpetuity. We are proposing a law that will require a 10% population petition to propose ANY new ordinance. This will get rid of this frivolous effort to constantly undermine our rights and to help limit the expansion of government.
08-22-2014, 06:01 AM
Great news, Power to the People!!
Old Guard
08-22-2014, 08:57 AM
Tim, Glad to read it here..You took action, and it worked...Og.
09-10-2014, 08:18 AM
Okay, we went with a 20% petition and it is on the table for the next board meeting. Great news, our township supervisor resigned! It did so on Monday. We are gaining momentum, just got the acreage requirement for owning farm animals put on the boards agenda for repeal. Our next step is to start filling some of these vacancy's that are about to happen.
09-23-2014, 05:31 PM
get some, Shuff.... after you guys "create" then "fill" those vacancies, you might want to slip on down to the lake and see about "creating" another "vacancy"..... sometimes if you make a moron miserable enough, he /she / it will just "go away".....
09-27-2014, 12:19 PM
20% petition rule was advanced by the planning commission and is now going to go before the board. I think we might have to put this one on the ballot.
Jimbo Slice
09-27-2014, 08:18 PM
I have to ask, were you always involved in local politics, or did this recent event spur you into increased action?
Also, how far do you see this going? By that I mean could you imagine possibly running for office yourself?
09-28-2014, 09:25 AM
I have to ask, were you always involved in local politics, or did this recent event spur you into increased action?
Also, how far do you see this going? By that I mean could you imagine possibly running for office yourself?
Nope, never involved. I lived in a bubble, thought that I had 5 Republicans representing me and no bad could happen here, I was wrong. Of our 5 "Republicans" I doubt that any of them would qualify as being anything more than a RINO. I could see myself running for office when I retire but, at this time, I would only run if our coalition cannot find a viable candidate. I have a real business to run and I would turn down the income from an elected position so I would gain nothing monetary from government employment. Still, individual freedom would be all that it takes to push me over the edge if we cannot find a candidate.
I find government employment to be the lowest level of living and, generally speaking, should be avoided whenever possible. Don't get me wrong, I fully understand that government jobs may now make up a plurality of the job market and I hold no ill will against those who take them to feed their family. Just realize that every time someone takes a government job there is one less person who may understand the importance of the private sector and thus may vote as such. People can hardly help but to vote in such a way as to protect their income and if making a new tax or extending a tax to support their government job is what has to be done, they'll generally do it.
10-30-2014, 08:23 PM
Nope, never involved. I lived in a bubble, thought that I had 5 Republicans representing me and no bad could happen here, I was wrong. Of our 5 "Republicans" I doubt that any of them would qualify as being anything more than a RINO. I could see myself running for office when I retire but, at this time, I would only run if our coalition cannot find a viable candidate. I have a real business to run and I would turn down the income from an elected position so I would gain nothing monetary from government employment. Still, individual freedom would be all that it takes to push me over the edge if we cannot find a candidate.
I find government employment to be the lowest level of living and, generally speaking, should be avoided whenever possible. Don't get me wrong, I fully understand that government jobs may now make up a plurality of the job market and I hold no ill will against those who take them to feed their family. Just realize that every time someone takes a government job there is one less person who may understand the importance of the private sector and thus may vote as such. People can hardly help but to vote in such a way as to protect their income and if making a new tax or extending a tax to support their government job is what has to be done, they'll generally do it.
A TRUE man after my OWN Heart!!!!!! LOVE toolman
10-30-2014, 08:41 PM
So I must really be on the bottom of the totempole. Government employed Garbage collector, street patcher, grass cutter
10-31-2014, 11:46 AM
I find government employment to be the lowest level of living and, generally speaking, should be avoided whenever possible. Don't get me wrong, I fully understand that government jobs may now make up a plurality of the job market and I hold no ill will against those who take them to feed their family. Just realize that every time someone takes a government job there is one less person who may understand the importance of the private sector and thus may vote as such. People can hardly help but to vote in such a way as to protect their income and if making a new tax or extending a tax to support their government job is what has to be done, they'll generally do it.
C'mon, defense jobs, i.e. working for / supporting combat elements, doesn't quite translate well for some us...if I could leave I would but my skills have no compatibility over to private sector jobs.
11-25-2014, 08:44 PM
A little taste of what we've been doing in our Township. We just got my neighbor appointed to Trustee after one of them died. Check out the comments.
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