View Full Version : Any leads?

01-27-2015, 10:23 PM
Looking for Springfield receiver, barreled receiver, or complete rifle < Dates November 1942 -March 1943!!!!!! Peace Toolman... (Don't say Gunbroker) :D

01-28-2015, 07:25 AM
Does it have to be original finish or will repark work??

01-28-2015, 11:40 AM
Looking for Springfield receiver, barreled receiver, or complete rifle < Dates November 1942 -March 1943!!!!!! Peace Toolman... (Don't say Gunbroker) :D

What's the serial range that your looking for?

Prince Humperdink
01-28-2015, 01:13 PM
What's the serial range that your looking for?

From the "born on dates"in the Garand forum;
Springfield November-42 940,251 1,008,899 November-42
Springfield December-42 1,008,900 1,090,310 December-42
Springfield January-43 1,090,311 1,169,091 January-43
Springfield February-43 1,169,092 1,200,000 February-43
Springfield February-43 1,200,001 1,357,474 February-43
Springfield February-43 1,357,475 1,396,255 February-43
Springfield March-43 1,396,256 1,469,177 March-43

01-28-2015, 07:51 PM
PM Sent................

01-28-2015, 08:38 PM
If you can be flexible on your dates, I have a beautiful 3.2 mil with original barrel (2/1 or 1/1, IIRC) that I'd be willing to sell. I also have the original bolt, uncut oprod, and lockbar rear sight that were on it.

01-29-2015, 02:49 AM
I think I have an op rod...


02-01-2015, 06:30 PM
If you can be flexible on your dates, I have a beautiful 3.2 mil with original barrel (2/1 or 1/1, IIRC) that I'd be willing to sell. I also have the original bolt, uncut oprod, and lockbar rear sight that were on it.

No private messages??? YOU !@^$#.......... I would love to see some pics and price!! Email is [email protected]

02-01-2015, 08:28 PM
No private messages??? YOU !@^$#.......... I would love to see some pics and price!! Email is [email protected]

I replied to your email yesterday.

02-02-2015, 08:47 PM
got it sir!! Peace toolman