View Full Version : Suggestions/Advice. 200 yd. Match

04-07-2015, 10:02 AM
Good morning to all my BT brothers. There is a G/S/M 200 yard match coming up on the 18th at USMC Camp Pendleton which I plan to attend. It's been almost 30 years since I shot at 200 yards for score. Any one got any pointers or refreshers for this old guy (it feels weird being in the senior class now)?
Thanks guys.

04-07-2015, 10:41 AM
I use a 6 o'clock hold, sling up nice, and try and get a good natural point of aim. but then again, i'm a mediocre shot.

04-07-2015, 10:58 AM
Make sure you sling up right. A solid position and a good NPA will get you thru the rapids. I use a center mass hold, YMMV. These matches are won and lost on your feet so standing is important. If you find yourself muscling the rifle around your NPA is off, adjust by moving your rear foot in standing and move your hips, pivoting off your left elbow, for prone. Get a good cheek weld.

Find what works, repeat. Consistency is key.

04-07-2015, 12:34 PM
Practice, practice, practice.. and when you get tired of that..... practice some more.

Ditto on what canes7 said except I use 6 o'clock hold

Here are some targets.

I set this one up indoors about 15 feet away to simulate 200 yards match and
practice dry firing. I printed it out on my printer on a 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper

http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj40/jkunig/Targets/IMG_0003_zpsttua1rxl.jpg (http://s268.photobucket.com/user/jkunig/media/Targets/IMG_0003_zpsttua1rxl.jpg.html)

If you don't have your garand zeroed for 200 yards, set up this target at 50 yards and it will help get your elevation
close for 200 yards. Plus, you don't have to walk as far to check your target.

http://i268.photobucket.com/albums/jj40/jkunig/Targets/50ydSightingTarget-GarandwM2HXP_zps9bqdllen.jpg (http://s268.photobucket.com/user/jkunig/media/Targets/50ydSightingTarget-GarandwM2HXP_zps9bqdllen.jpg.html)

04-07-2015, 03:38 PM
Cool visual aids!

04-07-2015, 06:15 PM
Is there a site address for that target?

04-07-2015, 07:00 PM
Is there a site address for that target?

I have the pictures saved. I wish I could find the link
Try clicking on the target/picture you want. It should take you to my photobucket site.
Once you're on the photobucket site look just above the picture.
There are four gray circles.... Look for the square shape "U" with an arrow.
That's the download link. Try downloading the picture to your computer, then you can print it.
If that doesn't work, PM me your e-mail address and I can send it to you.

04-07-2015, 10:22 PM
I created this one from the one already posted a while ago. The black, has been upscaled to roughly simulate the black on the SR target at 200 yards.

The original black target is great, but is kinda small to sight up with at 50 yards...and harder to see because of the slight difference in colors. The larger aiming black has the same 200 yard reference.

I've pre-sighted my M1A's in for XTC, and were dead on at 600. First shot was an X-Ring.

04-13-2015, 08:51 PM
I shoot OK when I take the advice of the better instructors. And "focus hard on the front sight." I mean focus HARD, on the tip of that front sight. When I do that, I usually hit the black somewhere. When I dont focus on that front sight tip, I cant hit a barn side door, except close up....which is most of the time for me. I dont practice much, hardly ever. It takes energy to focus hard on the front sight. But when I do, I can hit the target.

Also, get in shape, loose weight if needed and practice the positions daily for at least a week. Holding that M1 Garand sounds pansy but its hard. I can still split a cord of hickory or oak wood manually with a splitting maul no problem. Or even bang a 1600 meter freestyle in the pool. But I dont lift weights or do calisthenics anymore like when I was young. Practice those positions a week in advance or more.

But focus HARD on the tip of that front sight. The target should blur out, if it does Im happy, its supposed to. Also, if you have not shot at a range in a while, make a conscious effort to do real basic stuff like make sure you are shooting at the right target, say if you are assigned shooting point 45, make sure you have target 45 mentally picked out, its easy to be lazy and cross shoot when the targets are 200 and lined up close to one another.