View Full Version : Check out this NRA bashing thread on the CMP forum
08-30-2015, 09:30 PM
Can you believe it? I mean, one of the ONLY reasons those idiots even have the right to buy firearms and ammo from the CMP anymore is due to the NRA advocacy and lobbying efforts. Dont the guys posting on that string realize their right to enjoy "their sport" is under serious attack in this country? I really, really, really wonder about the IQ levels of some of the high power guys. I used to really, really wonder about the IQs about deer hunters, but Ive come to realize that many of these target shooters, especially service rifle shooters...a lot of them are not that swift, with all respect.
A lot of blue collared, mechanically inclined guys with low levels of academic ability. And if they have achieved anything in academia, it seems to be tech stuff like engineering majors and IT stuff.
They are complaining about the NRA calling them to ask them for money. Duh. They joined the NRA. That voids out the "do not call" thing, if they did not know, by law. And if they cant figure out on their own that the NRA hires a lot of lawyers to work as pro-Second Amendment lobbyists and that all costs a gigantic chunk of change. Duh...the NRA calls them a lot. Who cares? Hell, they ought to be THANKING the NRA for calling them a lot asking them for money. It means at least some organization is serious about fighting the anti-gunners in DC.
I gotta say this and I will shut up. People who join the NRA, then enjoy "fill in the blank" shooting sports (in this case semi-automatic service rifle target shooting) and then complain about the NRA...they have rocks for brains.
The NRA can call me all they want and ask me for money. Stupid CMP rockheads...
08-31-2015, 06:17 AM
I am also sick of the NRA contstantly hounding me for money. The more someone begs, bugs me the less I will respond.
08-31-2015, 07:42 AM
What may really piss many of you off is finding out that it's not the NRA that is really hounding you the most. Most of their advertisements come form people who buy your info from the NRA. The NRA willingly sells off you contact info to marketers and gives these marketers to the OK to use the NRA logo and so on. Read in the fine print of some of their emails and mailers.
The actual NRA will hit you up only for renewal fees usually starting about a year or so before your membership expires.
I do not hate or love the NRA. Anything that comes from them gets thrown in the trash without a second though, emails get deleted. It's just like any other mass marketing crap. Why are people bothered by it so much? Just trash it.
08-31-2015, 08:20 AM
I don't know about anyone else, but I had to unsubscribe from all the "bonus" email offers from the NRA. It took about a dozen attempts to finally remove my name from them all.
08-31-2015, 09:45 PM
It's like auto insurance, We have to have it.
without the NRA we would have NO firearms in the hands of civilians.(That's you and me)
08-31-2015, 10:52 PM
Thank you. And damn straight 100% what you just posted. And these guys want to have their shooting sports, their target shooting, their deer and turkey hunting and their M1 Garand collecting...yet they complain about the very organization that has bailed them out over and over and over and over again. Its pathetic and shows the true character of many of these "sportsman." As in all they are interested in is the "sport" part of it and many of these guys want guys like you and myself and other SERIOUS NRA members to do their heavy hauling, Second Amendment advocacy for them.
I'd like to know how many emails, letters and phone calls most of the above have made in the past two years to their legislators on the Second Amendment. I bet not many. Ditto on the idiots that posted on that CMP string that bashes the NRA for calling them all the time.
It aint cheap to defend the Second Amendment, in this time period. The NRA needs $$$ and lots of it.
It's like auto insurance, We have to have it.
without the NRA we would have NO firearms in the hands of civilians.(That's you and me)
09-01-2015, 09:21 PM
Sent money to the NRA for years. Got the hat, got the magazine, and played along, religiously. Didn't mind the calls, didn't mind the mass amounts of mailings.
Our range was 100% legal, had a million dollar insurance policy, and was set up in about the safest spot a range can be, a gravel pit surrounded on three sides by 50 feet of decomposed granite. At the moment of truth, when we were being threatened with lawsuits by the low-crawling, nutless, we-moved-here-from-out-of-state, now-do-what-we-do-or-else "neighbors", who just farted off state law (knowing full well we couldn't financially do anything in defense) and trying to keep it going past the 50 years it had already been going, we tried to get help.
Made a call to the NRA, in pure desperation, trying to keep it going. No other option at the time.
You know what their response was, in the proverbial nutshell? "LOL! You want us to do WHAT? Figure it out for yourselves".
There is no range now, and probably won't be again.
Again, at the moment of truth, in our hour of need, thinking they (NRA's Civil Rights Defense Fund) would help defend us, or at least attempt to help, and prove to the anti-freedom knobs surrounding us that they were WRONG, they laughed and walked away. Call me a "rockhead" if you must, but I still resent it, and they won't get another damn dime out of me again.
We didn't expect or demand anything out of them. We just hoped beyond hope that they would at least say "yeah, we'll see what we can do! Thanks for letting us know!" Not even that much.....
09-01-2015, 10:46 PM
Unfortunately, M1, that is what is happening in a lot of places as the Liberals move out of the crime ridden big Cities. They sucked all the money they can out of their Government jobs, have discovered how "trendy" it is to move to the "country" and want to leave it all behind them. Except they bring it all with them. Since 9-11-01, they have moved out of New York City and New Jersey to Upstate New York, some of the Coastal Southern States and Texas. They have enough numbers now to be elected into the local Governments and start their Liberal changes. There are literally dozens of things in my area, once common-place, that you can no longer do. This used to be a good small game hunting area until the developers, with the help of their friends in local Government, cut down the trees to build houses for all the transplants. Those transplants freak out if they see someone carrying a rifle, call the police and have the schools locked down. We can't have fire pits or wood furnaces in our backyards because they don't like the smoke. One woman actually asked the Town Board to pass a law banning poison ivy because she thought her neighbors were growing it and her daughter got a rash from it. They are stupid and clueless.
09-01-2015, 11:11 PM
I know it all too well, KnickKnack, unfortunately. One of the last times I took my M1 out, was on a hike. Just wanted to see if I could carry it, two gallons of water, and 100 rounds or so of ammo, a few hours. Nearly at the end of the 8-mile round trip, I see a couple walking up. The first thing out of the woman's mouth was "why are you carrying a rifle? Is it hunting season? If not, don't you think you should keep it at home, if you need one at all?"
Caught me off guard, big time. I laughed a bit, and said "Lady, welcome to the mountains of Montana. Did you and your wife have a nice trip up from L.A.?"
"I have a husband! You didn't answer me why you're packing a rifle around. Does that make you man?"
"Well, your husband is hiding behind YOU! Shouldn't I be the one asking the questions about gender? LOL!!"
The ride back home in the CJ3A, M1 stuffed in the scabbard, was most enjoyable.:)
09-01-2015, 11:23 PM
First of all, I feel for ya on your feeling and belief that the NRA blew you off on a litigation defense issue your club had. Your specific story reminds me of other stories Ive had described to me. Someone joins some lobby organization. And as a side line, the organization tells you they will sometimes assist you in legal issues pertaining directly to the lobby goal.
Last time I joined the GOA, I remember the GOA had it in their membership details something along the line of "legal help sometimes in Second Amendment legal issues."
In the case of these kinds of groups, what that translates to in my very jaded mind is this: "Join us and not only will we lobby for the Second Amendment in DC and in your state capital, but IF you have a personal legal issue regarding the 2A and IF that personal legal issue is high publicity and will make a really good story to help our advocacy goals, then we might assist you."
Thats how I see the NRA on that as well. I dont expect the NRA to come to my personal aide and be my legal counsel in specific, personal legal issues pertaining to the Second Amendment. I just dont expect that, its going beyond realistic expectations.
What the NRA does is lobby. In Washington DC and in the state capitals. And on the Internet. The NRA does get involved directly in high profile, Second Amendment lawsuits, but not in all or even in most lawsuits. What they are focused on mostly is a case that probably is in federal court or a State appellate court.
Again, I feel for ya on your particular scenario and you sound as if you believe you were left out there to hang, when you believed the NRA would help you out. I built a private, two hundred yard, one lane private rifle range on my property. Its just for me, its not a club, its not commercial. If someone tried to come in and say, "you cant have that on your property," I would not call the NRA of which Im a member. Nor would I call the GOA, of which Im a member. What I'd do is have a local attorney have them torn up and diced up legally and when I was done with them, they'd be living under a bridge. Or as close as I could get them to that as legally possible. I'd also try to make it so stressful for whomever did that to me, they'd probably be so nerve wracked by the time it was over, they'd have to check into a psych ward to get calmed down after I was done with them.
But thats just me and its just how I do things and its my psychology. I believe in taking no prisoners, sometimes and Im that kind of guy, sometimes. And if I go down with the ship during the takedown, so be it. We all gotta die sometime.
So, dont blame the NRA. Blame yourself. Yeah, you should have gone out and taken responsibility for yourself and hired a private, local attorney who specialized in range defense issues.
Sent money to the NRA for years. Got the hat, got the magazine, and played along, religiously. Didn't mind the calls, didn't mind the mass amounts of mailings.
Our range was 100% legal, had a million dollar insurance policy, and was set up in about the safest spot a range can be, a gravel pit surrounded on three sides by 50 feet of decomposed granite. At the moment of truth, when we were being threatened with lawsuits by the low-crawling, nutless, we-moved-here-from-out-of-state, now-do-what-we-do-or-else "neighbors", who just farted off state law (knowing full well we couldn't financially do anything in defense) and trying to keep it going past the 50 years it had already been going, we tried to get help.
Made a call to the NRA, in pure desperation, trying to keep it going. No other option at the time.
You know what their response was, in the proverbial nutshell? "LOL! You want us to do WHAT? Figure it out for yourselves".
There is no range now, and probably won't be again.
Again, at the moment of truth, in our hour of need, thinking they (NRA's Civil Rights Defense Fund) would help defend us, or at least attempt to help, and prove to the anti-freedom knobs surrounding us that they were WRONG, they laughed and walked away. Call me a "rockhead" if you must, but I still resent it, and they won't get another damn dime out of me again.
We didn't expect or demand anything out of them. We just hoped beyond hope that they would at least say "yeah, we'll see what we can do! Thanks for letting us know!" Not even that much.....
09-01-2015, 11:38 PM
I can relate to what you are complaining about directly. Some people are trying to do that where I live at and Im in the styx. There are developers who want my land. Ive been fighting them for the past nine years and so far, successful. The key to it is you have to be super aggressive and tenacious and quite frankly, obnoxious. Ive pushed things with them right up to the edge of physical violence in the past. My family is on my side and just as tenacious about it as I am. In fact my Mother recently spoke at a local city council meeting, telling them they were idiots, basically. Being a nice guy never got me anywhere, Ive found when Im nice to people, I tend to get run over. There are not many people in this country anymore who grew up in the rural areas or on a farm and because of the way I was raised, I have a different perspective on things that I believe gives me an edge over these sorts that you are describing.
For example, Ive told some of them to their faces they have the "entitlement" mentality regarding their belief they can just move here and build a city. When they dont even own much of the land. And my family does own a lot of the land. Ive jokingly told some of them, "they never learned how to work for what they have and I mean really, work." Like, farmwork or logging work like I used to do. Ive told some of them, "ya know, Ive got 26 acres down here and I need the trees re-cleared. Ive thought about offering a "learn to work" program where you could show up at my place and I'd put you up in one of my old, defunct tobacco barns for a month, give you a free food and all the well water you can drink, give you a shovel, axe and other tools and put your progressive democrat ass to work on my property. And I'd be glad to pay you 25 cents an hour, because afterall, you dont know how to work and you are being TAUGHT HOW TO WORK and 25 cents an hour is all your worth at this stage."
Pisses them off, scares them a little at the same time because it sounds like a Southern overseer mentality that they are not used to. And they tend to shut up, although it makes me no friends and makes me enemies. But thats OK with me.
Unfortunately, M1, that is what is happening in a lot of places as the Liberals move out of the crime ridden big Cities. They sucked all the money they can out of their Government jobs, have discovered how "trendy" it is to move to the "country" and want to leave it all behind them. Except they bring it all with them. Since 9-11-01, they have moved out of New York City and New Jersey to Upstate New York, some of the Coastal Southern States and Texas. They have enough numbers now to be elected into the local Governments and start their Liberal changes. There are literally dozens of things in my area, once common-place, that you can no longer do. This used to be a good small game hunting area until the developers, with the help of their friends in local Government, cut down the trees to build houses for all the transplants. Those transplants freak out if they see someone carrying a rifle, call the police and have the schools locked down. We can't have fire pits or wood furnaces in our backyards because they don't like the smoke. One woman actually asked the Town Board to pass a law banning poison ivy because she thought her neighbors were growing it and her daughter got a rash from it. They are stupid and clueless.
09-01-2015, 11:51 PM
What you did was also a cool use of your M1 Garand, btw. Integrating it into your fitness routine and all. So you just wanted to find out "if you could still do that sort of thing?" anymore. Not only do I understand, Ive done the same myself.
Ive also done pull ups with my M1 Garand strapped to my back with the sling. The M1 adds a small amount of weight. Ive got common sense and would not do that sort of thing in a public park or something where there are children around, especially in this day and time. But Ive done it. Also tried doing push ups with my M1 slung on my back. Only thing I have not done is swim a 50 meter sidestroke holding my M1 Garand out of the water, using the M1 instead of a ten pound diving brick.
If people dont like it, screw'em. Keep doing what you described, its cool.
I know it all too well, KnickKnack, unfortunately. One of the last times I took my M1 out, was on a hike. Just wanted to see if I could carry it, two gallons of water, and 100 rounds or so of ammo, a few hours. Nearly at the end of the 8-mile round trip, I see a couple walking up. The first thing out of the woman's mouth was "why are you carrying a rifle? Is it hunting season? If not, don't you think you should keep it at home, if you need one at all?"
Caught me off guard, big time. I laughed a bit, and said "Lady, welcome to the mountains of Montana. Did you and your wife have a nice trip up from L.A.?"
"I have a husband! You didn't answer me why you're packing a rifle around. Does that make you man?"
"Well, your husband is hiding behind YOU! Shouldn't I be the one asking the questions about gender? LOL!!"
The ride back home in the CJ3A, M1 stuffed in the scabbard, was most enjoyable.:)
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