View Full Version : AB1663, AB1664, Commiefornia
01-17-2016, 01:54 PM
UPDATE: Here are the bills.
I don't have the text in front of me but check it out. We're gonna' be MAJOR screwed in Commiefornia if (read that as when) these bills pass. I guess my IP M1 Carbine won't be seeing the light of day until Commiefornia is just a vision in my rear view mirror. I WAS toying with the idea of getting my first AR15 a few months ago. Looks like those plans are on indefinite hold for now. I can't wait to GTFOH.
Prince Humperdink
01-17-2016, 02:15 PM
Just think of how safe this will make it's quivering citizens? LOL!!!!!
01-17-2016, 02:48 PM
You all do know that democrat's don't want to take your guns right?
01-17-2016, 04:25 PM
Funny (as in ironic) thing is, a MAGAZINE is an integral, non-removable part of the receiver. The CLIP is the removable part that holds the ammo and inserts into the magazine. It's simple semantics. I wonder if the courts would view it that way?
Funny (as in ironic) thing is, a MAGAZINE is an integral, non-removable part of the receiver. The CLIP is the removable part that holds the ammo and inserts into the magazine. It's simple semantics. I wonder if the courts would view it that way?
liberals don't let facts get in the way of their anti-gun agenda.
01-18-2016, 08:49 AM
Logic has nothing to do with the Dems reasoning. Bottom line, you can't have a Socialist country (city or state) with armed citizens. What's so difficult to understand about that, History is replete with examples.
01-24-2016, 08:43 PM
Youve been talking about leaving the land of fruits and nuts for years. When are you actually going to leave and move? I used to want to live in San Diego, but that was many decades ago, like around 86/86/88 when I was a junior/senior in high school and the first year out of high school. Thought it was a cool place to be BACK THEN. Not now. I would not move there if someone paid me a couple million.
That state Ive written off. I'd never live there. Couple other states I would not live in: Hawaii, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Illanoy, Washington (Washington it rains too much and they have a high suicide rate because of the gloomy weather), plus the gun laws suck now. Plus they have Bigfoot.
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