View Full Version : Cruz is our best option
Rick B
03-06-2016, 05:32 PM
Trump is a Tyrant and Egomaniac. His threats recently to the Republican party are sickening and is an easy ticket for an assassination from those in charge I think.
Here is the real Ted Cruz. Rick B
03-06-2016, 06:10 PM
I don't know about anything except that Cruz is a Constitutional Hero! trump? trump doesn't know the Constitution from a common piece of toilet paper.
03-06-2016, 09:13 PM
The only thing I'm positive about is that some of the Republican "Establishment" are playing a big game with the only objective being is to maintain the status quo in Washington along with other like minded Democrats. What the heck do they care as long as they are raking in the bucks. have the best security and transport money can by, and when their kids grow up they can have a piece of the action also. Trump I'm sure will fall behind and tire of the presidential run as he's enjoyed himself and out of pocket for him is still probably less then a new helicopter. Rubio-----for cripes sake who backed this jack ass to go up against Clinton? And Cruz...and sorry about this Tim, he's got some kind of weirdness going on. Yeah I know his reputation about his Constitutional expertise...but really, and this is a crying shame, but most voters would give up most any amendment to receive free goodies from Uncle Sam-Aunt Hillary and Uncle Bernie. What a freak'in mess this is.
03-06-2016, 09:18 PM
I know most voters would give up most any freedom for goodies. I get it, I do. 3 or 4 Supreme court justices can really put a damper on that.
03-06-2016, 09:58 PM
I know most voters would give up most any freedom for goodies. I get it, I do. 3 or 4 Supreme court justices can really put a damper on that.
The SC appointments are the only reason I'm sticking with voting for just about whoever the Republican nominee is, the fact which of course the Republican party will exploit. Even then we'll have to worry about a sell-out and a knife twisted in our backs.
03-06-2016, 10:12 PM
The SC appointments are the only reason I'm sticking with voting for just about whoever the Republican nominee is, the fact which of course the Republican party will exploit. Even then we'll have to worry about a sell-out and a knife twisted in our backs.
You damn well will have to worry.
Trump is a Tyrant and Egomaniac.
obamy and the hildabeast are both tyrants and egomaniacs, except they are smooth talking
so it's not as apparent.
Prince Humperdink
03-07-2016, 02:00 PM
I'll probably vote for Gary Johnson because I don't think they'll nominate Cruz :(
Punch The Clown
03-08-2016, 09:55 AM
I am voting for whoever gets the nomination. I will not shoot myself in the foot to make a point
03-08-2016, 09:30 PM
I am voting for whoever gets the nomination. I will not shoot myself in the foot to make a point
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Im with HIM!!!! Peace toolman
03-08-2016, 09:41 PM
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Im with HIM!!!! Peace toolman
Get trump to say it will repeal oboombya care and NOT replace it. Get trump to say he'll kick out the illegal aliens and not let them back in. Get it to say that and I will call it "Trump" and vote for "him". I'd do that despite my belief that when the next sandy hook happens, and it will, trump will call for gun control to protect the 2nd Amendment.
03-08-2016, 10:14 PM
trumps "new" stance on the 2nd Amendment. Stay tuned for the next version.
03-08-2016, 10:48 PM
At this point it seems whoever the Republican party backs gets stomped by the voters. Jeb Bush considering all the money spent and the endorsements was an epic fail. Then the party gets behind Rubio and he's facing horrid defeat. Who ever is left after today will probably hightail it away at any suggestion of Party support.
At this point it seems whoever the Republican party backs gets stomped by the voters. Jeb Bush considering all the money spent and the endorsements was an epic fail. Then the party gets behind Rubio and he's facing horrid defeat. Who ever is left after today will probably hightail it away at any suggestion of Party support.
The republican national committee pushed mccain and romney on us and they lost. jeb bush was the rnc's "poster child" this year and the voters dumped him
The rnc doesn't care about winning elections or what you want. They just care about themselves and staying in power. The rnc doesn't like either Trump or Cruz, so that may be a good reason why those two are popular.
03-09-2016, 06:05 AM
The republican national committee pushed mccain and romney on us and they lost. jeb bush was the rnc's "poster child" this year and the voters dumped him
The rnc doesn't care about winning elections or what you want. They just care about themselves and staying in power. The rnc doesn't like either Trump or Cruz, so that may be a good reason why those two are popular.
You forgot bush.
03-09-2016, 06:32 AM
If you were pissed that the democrats passed oboombya care, pissed that you have to pay for all those that have no insurance, pissed that the US Constitution was violated, why wouldn't you be pissed with trump care? May are voting for trump because they are pissed and didn't get rid of oboombya care. trump itself is going to make oboombya care STRONGER! If this is a key issue in your "anger", does the "R" next to trump's name make it all okay?
From trump's own site, item 3 sentence 3;
As we allow the free market to provide insurance coverage opportunities to companies and individuals, we must also make sure that no one slips through the cracks simply because they cannot afford insurance. We must review basic options for Medicaid and work with states to ensure that those who want healthcare coverage can have it.
03-09-2016, 10:21 AM
Well you can be pissed all you want but some form of gov't mandated/supplied/paid for health care is here, and it ain't going away. Toooooooooooo many people already accept/receive some form of health care either totally free or subsidized. I really don't know the total percentage of Americans who receive "free" or subsidized health care but it really must be approaching 40-50%. It's "free" right?----try and get elected by taking "free" stuff away. No going to happen.
Edit--Added And, maybe if for the last 20 years or more we would have paid attention to immigration and considered how it would impact things in this country healthcare amongst many things would not be the issues they are today.
Prince Humperdink
03-09-2016, 12:49 PM
It doesn't matter anyway,the presidency was already bought and paid is it's turn. I will vote,but it won't matter.
03-10-2016, 10:46 PM
Well 45 minutes into the debate, think the ghost of Ron Reagan might be holding things together....the boys are behaving. So far. Cruz is sounding good.
03-10-2016, 11:27 PM
I'm no Rubio fan but DAMN he's on his game tonight.
03-10-2016, 11:46 PM
I'm no Rubio fan but DAMN he's on his game tonight.
Yeah, But it's tough to shake "Rubio the cabana boy" image he seems to have exhibited in the past. Cruz is stating his case quite well and to me is the best of the lot. Trump is quite restrained, BUT, is playing on the edge of going of the rails. As in the post Trump's number don't add up. Maybe the PARTY put something in the water tonight to calm all four of them down.
03-11-2016, 12:26 AM
Well it's over. BORING. Miss the old crazy Trump! At this point I'll probably just say I'll support whoever the nominee is.
Punch The Clown
03-11-2016, 08:54 AM
I watched The Vikings. Then the debate. Vikings was exc.
03-11-2016, 09:24 AM
Well it's over. BORING. Miss the old crazy Trump! At this point I'll probably just say I'll support whoever the nominee is.
A Constitutional superhero is running for President. This has happened exactly 0 times in the last 100 years. Where's the excitement? Is the Hero flawed? Everyone is flawed and nobody will titillate every sense in your body. Come on though guys a giant mountain of regulation, taxation and meddling government needs to be lifted to save the Republic.
Sometimes I really believe that if George Washington himself rose from the grave to run as President, we'd passively dismiss him as a radical. We'd say what a funny hairdo he had, make fun of his accent, and vote for someone else with a funny combover and flashy Chinese made suits.
Prince Humperdink
03-11-2016, 12:30 PM
I watched The Vikings. Then the debate. Vikings was exc.
I think the Viking women are hot,especially Lagertha.I also think the English princess,and the French princess's are delicious as well.
03-11-2016, 09:17 PM
Looks like a near riot in Chicago....Trump rally cancelled
03-11-2016, 09:45 PM
Looks like a near riot in Chicago....Trump rally cancelled
Yah been watching it for a while. I'm not real happy trump cancelled its rally though. These savages will now stalk trump at every rally if they can be shut down. I will say that this will probably appeal to many people who just hate the left so much that they'll vote for anyone that the left could hate this much. I wouldn't be honest if I didn't admit that it makes trump more appealing to even me.
03-11-2016, 10:30 PM
Yeah, now doubt this will validate some of Trump's views to many people. Lucky this is not a hot summer night in Chicago.
Jimbo Slice
03-12-2016, 07:26 AM
The freeshitters and white guiltists believe in free speech... Unless the disagree and/or it violates their "safe space".
Cruz is our best option... and that idea is scary as hell, because he's a sniveling, unlikeable twat in my opinion.
Perhaps it's time to just burn it down and start over.
03-12-2016, 08:47 AM
The freeshitters and white guiltists believe in free speech... Unless the disagree and/or it violates their "safe space".
Cruz is our best option... and that idea is scary as hell, because he's a sniveling, unlikeable twat in my opinion.
Perhaps it's time to just burn it down and start over.
A sniveling whining twat? I haven't found that.
Jimbo Slice
03-12-2016, 09:17 AM
Not whining, but unlikeable.
If he gets the nod I will vote for him, but I speculate that he will end up being no different than the career politicians that currently broker the power in DC.
Of course, a complicit media has already determined that the wicked witch shall be crowned as queen.
Jimbo Slice
03-12-2016, 09:21 AM
And another thing...
Whether one likes Trump or not, his right to free speech was violated last night in a big way.
So what does Cruz do? He basically condones the protest by saying that Trump brought this on himself.
I guess the Constitution only matters to him when it fits the agenda.
03-12-2016, 09:35 AM
Not whining, but unlikeable.
If he gets the nod I will vote for him, but I speculate that he will end up being no different than the career politicians that currently broker the power in DC.
Of course, a complicit media has already determined that the wicked witch shall be crowned as queen.
I have great love for anyone that loves the Constitution. Cruz loves it a bunch.
03-12-2016, 09:37 AM
And another thing...
Whether one likes Trump or not, his right to free speech was violated last night in a big way.
So what does Cruz do? He basically condones the protest by saying that Trump brought this on himself.
I guess the Constitution only matters to him when it fits the agenda.
Simple politics and trump uses missteps in the very same fashion. The goal of politics is to wreck your opponent. There is no friendly foreplay in politics.
Jimbo Slice
03-12-2016, 09:52 AM
Cruz had an opportunity to make a strong constitutionalist statement. Instead he decided to play the politics game and blame his opponent for the protest. It just leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
This whole election cycle is a clown show. I mean, is this the best we can do?
Bernie "Col. Free Chicken For All" Sanders
Hillary "He Killed Himself With Two Shots To The Head" Clinton
Ted "I Support The Constitution When It's Convenient" Cruz
Donald "Dwayne Cadillac Hector Camacho Mountain Dew" Trump
What a mess.
03-12-2016, 10:34 AM
Here's what Cruz said
Cruz said that a campaign is responsible for the culture it creates. Is this not what trump and Carson said in Iowa when they were pissed about Carson fans being told by Cruz people that Carson had quit? A campaign is responsible for its culture and trump has created a culture of thuggery. Trump encourages violence in his rally's. This doesn't excuse shutting down free speech but trumps the pussy who cancelled the rally.
Jimbo Slice
03-12-2016, 10:42 AM
Whoah, whoah, whoah... hold the phone for a minute.
You don't see the difference between blatantly lying about another candidate's situation in order to garner votes and simply saying things that hurt liberal's feelings?
Personally, I think Trump is an egomaniacal crackhead, but nobody has the right to shut him down because they don't like what he says.
And who knows... maybe an egomaniacal crackhead is just what the Republican party needs to purge it of the crooks that have bastardized what it means through their pandering and spineless behavior.
03-12-2016, 10:59 AM
Whoah, whoah, whoah... hold the phone for a minute.
You don't see the difference between blatantly lying about another candidate's situation in order to garner votes and simply saying things that hurt liberal's feelings?
Personally, I think Trump is an egomaniacal crackhead, but nobody has the right to shut him down because they don't like what he says.
And who knows... maybe an egomaniacal crackhead is just what the Republican party needs to purge it of the crooks that have bastardized what it means through their pandering and spineless behavior.
I don't see the blatant lie. CNN reported the situation and it flat out made sense. Cruz had a person who ran with it and Cruz himself got blamed.
In trumps situation, trump itself has been doing the ENCOURAGEMENT of knocking the heads in of protestors. You reap what you sow. Then Mr. tough guy trump finally has the chance to show what a tough guy he is, at the first show of trouble trump folds like a napkin and pussy's out. When times are tough, there will be protests, I don't want a pussy running the show when the wall is built, I want a savage Constitutionalist. Cruz didn't speak out against the 1st Amendment at all, Cruz simply pointed out that trump is a giant douche for making himself a target with his constant mouthing off to rough up protestors. The chickens came home and trump ran off like a spoiled rich kid who finally got called out for being a bully.
Jimbo Slice
03-12-2016, 11:11 AM
You would have preferred Kristalnacht?
Maybe these last eight years have just left me bitter at the whole process, maybe Cruz is the knight in shining armor that will save the Republic... maybe.
I'll have to look and see how he feels about amnesty, political parties using the EPA as a weapon to kill industry, and the freeshitter virus.
Citing the Constitution is well and good, but when the country burns down around it the victory is phyrric at best.
03-12-2016, 11:18 AM
I would add this Jimbo Slice. Your mind can't be changed on a silly forum BUT who is your favorite President in the last 100 years?
Compare Cruz against that President and how does Cruz stack up?
There is no perfect person, we all have our warts. If you ran, what would we find out? If I ran what would you find out? We have to take the best package we can get.
Cruz vs. oboombya
vs. bush
vs. clinton
vs. bush
vs. Reagan
vs. carter
vs. ford
vs. nixon
vs. johnson
vs. kennedy
vs. eisenhower
vs. truman
vs. fdr
vs. hoover
vs. Coolidge
vs. harding
vs. wilson
vs. taft
vs. teddy roosevelt
Jimbo Slice
03-12-2016, 11:23 AM
The title of this thread is appropriate, he probaly is our best option at the moment.
It doesn't mean I have to like it.
I've got to get out of here and do the brakes on the Wife's car. You guys have a great weekend.
03-12-2016, 11:32 AM
You would have preferred Kristalnacht?
Maybe these last eight years have just left me bitter at the whole process, maybe Cruz is the knight in shining armor that will save the Republic... maybe.
I'll have to look and see how he feels about amnesty, political parties using the EPA as a weapon to kill industry, and the freeshitter virus.
Citing the Constitution is well and good, but when the country burns down around it the victory is phyrric at best.
Did I say I would prefer Kristallnacht? I think that would be a straw man at best. What I would prefer is for someone to be able to take the heat of their convictions. Free speech is only shut down if you refuse to speak. Letting some savages dictate the terms of when and where you speak is cowardice. trump knew the venue it chose, a liberal college campus, and when what happens on liberal college campuses happened, trump folded and RAN.
Do we think there will be protestors at the wall construction site? I would argue that there will be THOUSANDS of libtards at the construction site laying in the progress of that wall, what will trump do? I mean we don't want anyone to get hurt right?
trump wants a wall, great! The problem is that if you build it, throw everyone out who's violating the law, and the let them back in, what good did that do? trump has said multiple time, he will "let the good one's back in".
Cruz has said he'll build the wall, throw out the violators and NEVER let them back in. The reason why? Because if you came here illegally you are not eligible to come back under our laws. It doesn't matter how "good" you are. I want the damn law followed.
On the epa, I believe that trump wants it diminished and Cruz wants it GONE. There has been much angling by both of them to make it at least confusing to me.
Cruz doesn't just cite the Constitution, he has spent his entire life defending it and, like any man, he has done it imperfectly. Cruz's worst effort is better than any current candidates BEST effort.
If the Constitution is followed, and the country burns down, so be it! If any of us believes that switching the paradigm in this country where the 49.5% live off the wealth of the 50.5% will be painless, we are mistaken. Freeloaders won't give up their goodies easily or without a fight. I am fully prepared to have that fight and regain the use of my land, my money, and my freedom.
03-12-2016, 11:33 AM
The title of this thread is appropriate, he probaly is our best option at the moment.
It doesn't mean I have to like it.
I've got to get out of here and do the brakes on the Wife's car. You guys have a great weekend.
I think you said it ALL!
As a Texan, I have been a supporter of Ted Cruz for several years. He is the ONLY candidate with a proven Conservative record.
Unfortunately, he's become the target of cyber-assassination by fake news sites supported by Soros and/or Drumpf. There is an epic disinformation campaign going on, the likes of which I haven't seen outside of a tin cup banana republic in my lifetime. America, I'm afraid, is doomed - with or without Cruz and a cooperative Congress to save it.
Jimbo Slice
05-03-2016, 08:46 PM
Cruz has suspended his campaign.
05-03-2016, 10:34 PM
Yeah that means I'm writing myself in now. I just don't trust Trump as far as I can throw him. I've seen first hand what politicians from NY can do.
Yeah that means I'm writing myself in now. I just don't trust Trump as far as I can throw him. I've seen first hand what politicians from NY can do.
Don't do that! You can still vote for Cruz!
I doubt Trump will be the R candidate, but if he is I'll vote straight-party D.
05-04-2016, 04:47 AM
I'm supposed to vote for some chump who's own family couldn't vote for it in the primary because they are registered democrats! trump is a new york valued, no good, yellow, libtard, sissy, east coast living, non Constitution reading baby.
I'm voting for hitlery if DJT is the R nominee...
05-04-2016, 11:38 AM
Well the Republicans really blew it. Either that or when the top Dems and Reps sat down some place it was decided the Reps would forfeit the election, because it sure looks like they threw the game.
Look at who the Republicans sent on to the stage to run. Be honest, of the 16 or 17 individuals who started out running for the Republican nomination who amongst those sixteen actually impressed you 100%? How stupid could any group be to even THINK Jeb Bush could win?....but yet a couple of hundred million dollars was spent on that jagoff. Kasish is still in the race...WTF? Cruz?--yeah I get it, he's an expert on the Constitution. But as the days and weeks wore on it had to be obvious that none of his peers liked him. Matter of fact it seems like most politicians despised him not because of his defense for the Constitution but simply because he was an a-hole. So came the payback from those who served alongside him in office. Myself, Cruz was just plain ass arrogant and weird.
The rest of the candidates were flawed in one way or another and it was hard for me to even watch at times. So Trump comes along and very simply does and says everything a candidate SHOULD NOT SAY. Now factor in most all taxpayers who are fed up and pissed at the elites who run this country. The ones who get voted in for a lifetime, feed us bullshit, and then never deliver. It's obvious, the establishment HATES Trump as he's feeding out of his wallet and not the usual donors who buy normal politicians on the cheap.
Is Trump any different than the others?---probably not. But many, including me are enjoying those who feel an entitlement to public office squirm. The Jeb Bush's and Paul Ryans, and yeah the Hillary Clinton's. So keeping in mind the Rep's and Dem's are all the same who cares at this point. For many of us it's all about 2nd Amendment rights. But even the establishment Rep's would sell us out if it meant a lifetime of political office with all the percs. I'm not saying who to vote for, but the Rep Party is done as far as I'm concerned, and since I'm not even close to seeing anything I want coming from the Dems, someone needs to come forward with some new ideas and people to represent me.
Prince Humperdink
05-04-2016, 11:56 AM
The path is now laid completely for their president who has already been bought and paid for.There is no way they weren't going to make the slimy demon hag the pres,it"s about as "in" with who truly runs the country as someone could be.I've said it all along,Trump is only there to get it in.
05-04-2016, 12:26 PM
The path is now laid completely for their president who has already been bought and paid for.There is no way they weren't going to make the slimy demon hag the pres,it"s about as "in" with who truly runs the country as someone could be.I've said it all along,Trump is only there to get it in.
Yeah, it is very possible Trump's play is to guarantee a Clinton win. If so, then it's still on the Republican Party.
Yeah, it is very possible Trump's play is to guarantee a Clinton win. If so, then it's still on the Republican Party.
You think?
05-04-2016, 12:41 PM
You think?
Love that pic! Sure to drive people nutz. Gotta love it---right up there with Carli falling off the stage...'now you see her-now you don't' Ted never even missed her.
Love that pic! Sure to drive people nutz.
1881 1882
1883 1884
05-04-2016, 03:20 PM
Cruz is weird, his social graces are not to the standard of trump who spends countless hours at new york get togethers bribing its fellow democrats. I'll take weird, I'll take a complete jack wagon if it follows that pesky Constitution.
05-04-2016, 03:46 PM
Cruz is weird, his social graces are not to the standard of trump who spends countless hours at new york get togethers bribing its fellow democrats. I'll take weird, I'll take a complete jack wagon if it follows that pesky Constitution.
Many of us probably agree with your stance. But, to get elected to a major office in this country, or anywhere for that matter, a person has to compromise and sell their soul to get the most votes and elected.
Obviously Cruz did not play the game with his counterparts and for that reason, even though Cruz possessed more conservative values then any other Republican his opponents decided to pay Cruz back for perceived transgressions from the good buddy system. Either your a "team player" or your not. Cruz basically was handed failure by his own team the Republicans.
It seems that the more Republicans attacked Trump the more the people voted for him. This even caught Trump by surprise I think as to how people responded to his act. The problem there is obvious, will those same voters be on Trumps side or Clintons side come the election. That's the big question and no matter what I don't think there will be much joy for many us whoever wins the Presidency.
Still believe the Republican party failed those of us who are conservatives. So what now? -is the question.
Punch The Clown
05-04-2016, 04:24 PM
Well Greg for me it's "Never Trump". And after I sign up with them I'm going to shoot my dog, remove my kidneys with a dull spoon, shove broken glass up my ass, and for the grand finale pour gasoline on my head and light myself up like a Buddhist monk. Every now and then you have to take the moral high ground.
05-06-2016, 09:36 AM
Well Greg for me it's "Never Trump". And after I sign up with them I'm going to shoot my dog, remove my kidneys with a dull spoon, shove broken glass up my ass, and for the grand finale pour gasolinon my head and light myself up like a Buddhist monk. Every now and then you have to take the moral high ground.
Hey Stu,
When do the tickets go on sale?
Punch The Clown
05-06-2016, 10:08 AM
Hey Stu,
When do the tickets go on sale?
Jon, it's a one performance show. I'll leave your tickets at the will-call desk.
05-15-2016, 06:33 PM
I have met Ted Cruz personally a couple times . 1st time he was running against a good ole Texas Boy worth over 200 million,Ted didn't have a chance in hell to beat the established good ole boy,but I liked what he had to say and I voted for him.He is a constitutional conservative and he has done everything he said he would do the 1st time I met him.
We met him again abou a year ago and when he speaks ,you can tell he is one of the most intelligent people in the room.
It is a shame he had to drop out,but it is hard to run against the establishment.
I still have my Cruz sign in the kitchen window.
His wife is nice ,but she looked like she had a bunch of "work" done on her face when we met her a few months back.
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